Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Quote of the Week

"a Rottweiler is not a leader, but a hunter..."

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Church; The pope's natzi Past

today marks my official separation from the church.

In much anguish and now disgust the new pope has been named, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Known by such fearful names as "the Enforcer" and "God's Rottweiler"
the leader of 1 billion people and soon to be most powerful figure in the world and religion was once in the Nazi army for a period. He worked at as a Nazi for a BMW factory in the region of, and using detainees from, Dachau (one of the most well know concentrations camps in Germany). There has yet to be a recorded apology or form of remorse from the new pope, only close family members have quoted for him (basically speaking for or hear say- both invalid for presuming his position on the matter). though there is no reported deaths from his service, he has said he "never shot any one because an infected finger" but that still lack responsiblity, why he didn't reframe shooting out of disgust or higher spiritual ideas. There is no moral objection. he has also worked as an anti-aircraft gunman for the German flanks, making 'no shoot' statment unlikely. Other explanations (still lacking responsibility or remorse)"Resistance was truly impossible,” a weak Ratzinger said. “Before we were conscripted, one (only one?!) of our teachers said we should fight and become heroic Nazis and another told us not to worry as only one soldier in a thousand was killed” (so? 'few nazi solures were killed' is a good reason to inlist to kill others- better them than you attitude!?)when discused with others from his home town "It was possible to resist, and those people set an example for others," recalled Elizabeth Lohner, 84. he has yet to set that example, appears to be far to easily swaied with obvious moral deviousness. how can this individual be so strict on others, he he can not distiguish such evil. This man is supposed to be the shinning example of the upmost powerful church and should be the leading moral figure (which he was not.)
He upset many Jews with a statement in 1987 that Jewish history and scripture reach fulfillment only in Christ — a position denounced by critics as “theological anti-semitism”. He made more enemies among other religions in 2000, when he signed a document, Dominus Jesus.
he has elicited responses like “It fills me with horror” from theologians. His current policies are strongly against strengthening or furthering female position in the church, priest marriage, and Homosexuals, calling them a grave objective disorder. he seems to have a history with intolerance and now looks like a future with it.
Why such a drastic elector choice?
the Roman Catholics Church has been on the defense, with scandal, prosecution of disorderly conduct, an uprising in reformed ideals and acceptance, and battle front issues like marriage, or homosexuals. Cardinals no longer opted for a "care taker" pope like the have in the past. they were unable to act but had to reacted- radically if necessary. [so, now they have a Nazi.] He is very old, near 80(the oldest cardinal and oldest pope in many years), makeing him a good choice for a "Transitional Pope." He was also one of the most learned cardinals and is very aware of cannon laws, edicts and church bylaws (because of his characteristic strictness and job as magistrate). but this should beg the question, what good is vast intellect with out conscious. beware of power in the hands of the iniquitous, especially moral power.
My objections:
i have maintained my faith despite harsh criticisms and rulings, but i foresee that i can no longer continue. the future scares me. sadly and with much mourning, i must leave the church before the church leaves me. this causes me great pain and remorse. i can no longer take the hurt. he is an appalling successor, someone of such strict teaching and yet lack spiritual guidance with moral ambiguity. someone with such immense power should not have such immense flaws. he is the sigular example of our faith? the fear, intense and the ache, strong. i will pray for the church and the cardinals, and hope they will not lose their way, because the the entire catholic church, close to 1 billion people, is latched to a Rottweiler.,,2089-1572667,00.html

Saturday, April 16, 2005

How am i not dead yet?

Bordem sets in. Bright-Mid afternoon I was finished with school and in no mood to trek home yet so I drove over to the near by Memorial Park, where I convinced my friend to meet up with me and to my surprise she decided to walk the entire way (the whole campus, dodge street, and up the hill) to the memorial… in a mini black business skirt and heals. I am sure the five lanes of traffic during rush hour underneath must have gotten an eye-full as she crossed atop the overpass that windy day. At the top of the hill both her and I collapsed and watch the rugby team. After that we walk to my car, along the way we noticed a stolen Burger King drive-thru sign in the back seat a huge rugby player’s car. After a short and enlightening conversation “that’s cool,” “bet his car be unlocked” we decided to attain it. We found the only his front was unlocked so she tried to reach around to the back lock and tried crawling in, as luck would have it, rugby went on break heading towards the hill top, a cop car turned the corner, and a flock of soccer moms jogged by. We did how all my stories end, dropped and ran. She can sure pump those heals… well until she collapsed and I left her, got in my car reversed and scraped her up. And no one saw, or at least lived to tell.

Brochure: quotes from "The Truth"

"if citizens are not allowed to discriminate in any way with regard to out of closet homosexuals, then there is no basis for denying those involved in sexual perversions the right to adopt and teach children, marry, be policemen or medics, serve in armed forces, be elected officials and judges, work for you, or rent for you."
I am shocked that someone would base qualifications on who that person chooses to love. how would gender preference make a difference upon the intellect of a medic. Essentially it is gender discrimination, the idea that some one could eliminate opportunities for quarantined happiness and wellbeing not due to the fact that they love a particular gender, but rather, discriminated because own gender loves a particular gender. sex is (or should be, eliminating ideas that a person can sleep her/his way up the corporate ladder) a non sequator to job performance. because it is gender discrimination it is excessively different from pedophilia perversions (lust for younger children) or bestiality (rape of animals). and to compare the restrictions between the both example homosexuals and pedophiles, in many situations, the Army's regulation are seen in far more in quantity and restrictiveness towards Homosexual.
"certainly young people involved in commiting homosexual acts are at first troubled in their consciense; and when they are told by older "gay ativist" that they were born to commit those acts, they may well dispair and take thier own lifes because they have no way out. by contrast, the Cristian who shares the gospel with young people involved in sexual perversion gives them a way not olny to be freed... and adobted in to the family of God."
In programs like Exodus (group attempting cure homosexuals) the suicide rate is much higher, in reverse showing that homosexuals pushing homosexuals to suicide is not the case, rather organizations like Exodus and Church corporations pushing homosexuals to the self hatred, by to restricting them from the church community and God's love until they are cured from an affliction that has no known source or cure. this is more logically and statistically more likely to cause self hatred/denial and utter helplessness feeling needed for suicide is that results from the excommunication from a church family, and a despairing lost hope from failed change, rather than the suicide coming from an acceptance from a community. one should preach god's family to every one, never restrict it
"there is no constitutional right to comit homosexual acts, regardless of what any liberal court might claim. Homosexaul acts, such as sodmy, were always illegal under american common law and were rightfuly refered to as beastly and filthy."
there is no constitutional right for heterosexual sex, other than pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. many rule were established from the begin of our country but that does not mean change or elaborate, such as the amendments that can be found in the brochure. you could not educate Africans because of God's natural order or allow women to vote because they were unable to control their opinions and fallow the male, giving some an unfair advantage with many females. these allegations have proven to be false and i hope someday homosexual lore/legend will also ignored
"20% of natzi guards were homosexuals"

"Being a drug dealer or prostitute is not popular, healty, or safe but no one claims individuals have been born that way."
-writen by Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Wisconsin Christians United

Thursday, April 14, 2005

No Post on April 4th

There was no posting on April, 4 because of the day of silence. Hope you all were able to participate. I have not heard how the events on Lincoln's, Creightons', or Karney's campus went. There was no major event held at Omaha, other than individual scilence by students. Though there was a surprise backlash of sorts, especially for such a minor day.
There were two ‘catholics’ ( for lack of a better term) that brought billboards and pamphlets to yell out simple, harsh, restricted ideals and gibberish. He stood on a stool and proclaimed ‘fags are going to hell’ and criticized the yesterdays silent movement all while giving out brochures on how homosexuality leads to crime, suicide, destruction of government, so forth and so on. Though to my surprise the reaction was less then welcoming, many instantaneously gave back his pamphlets; others gathered holding a sign that said ‘God Loves Everyone.’ One guy erased the board and rearranged letters. Two other stood on his table and preformed mock affections i a funny, funny way that only two striaght guys could. Many questioned his grounds on the pavement, while others directly spoke beliefs from the balconies of the neighboring buildings. The man became quickly distraught and, no longer able to defend his beliefs amongst the massive onslaught of valid questions and some provoking remarks, began to yell his clear hypocritical clichéd slogans, which were quickly drowned out by a DJ’s starting his drum rap music played out in the plaza over load speakers (just in time). With out a flashy sign, a strong enough voice, and a hand full of rejected pamphlets the man retreated, though soon to back again i am sure; like that pesky mosquito that you swat at, but just can’t kill. Kudos to the college kids who stood up for your friends and family, I know many of students didn’t have to speak up for those who couldnt speak out and could have simply felt unaffected, but were called to a higher level of reasoning and involvement. And like that ‘catholic’ (oh, how he shames the term), I will be back again! same bat time same bat place.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Question (anyone may answer if they have the balls)

Freedom is the full comprehension of happiness

Think about it. Write back. Disagree? what is your ideal/concept about Freedom?

Quote of the Week

"Nice coat" -Marv SinCity


i hate my life.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Film Critic: SinCity

This week I had the luxury, after being sick with still and unknown throat virus, to see SinCity. Its a movie that is heavily influenced by film-noir story telling. It centers around three separate stories that over lap each other throughout the movie. Though a little thin, it was well plotted and thought through. It offered a creative view in creating a chapter-like film sequence and makes up for some lacking form and function. The acting and casting was superb with Bruce Willis as Hartigan, a cop with a bum ticker and a vow to protect the sweet 19-year-old Nancy (Jessica Alba); insanely perfectly casted Mickey Rourke as Marv, who is the outcast misanthrope on a mission to avenge the of his one true love, Goldie (Jaime King[from Omaha w00t w00t!]) while Elijia Wood makes a cannibalistic cameo, and Clive Owen as Dwight, the clandestine love of Shelley (Brittany Murphy), who spends his nights defending Gail (Rosario Dawson) and her Old Towne s (Devon Aoki and Alexis Bledel) from Jackie Boy (Benicio Del Toro), a dirty cop with a penchant for . More so, the visual was astonishing. This black and white dark, post pop art is a glorious owed to the original novel. Everything from the angle to simple color splashes adds an overwhelming interest and eludes to the movies darker presence. It's style is intense but deliberate, though it's perfect for completing the film. The fashion is beautiful and finalizes the entire illustration of a corrupt, crime infested hell-hole that is Basin City. The special effects were in region of their own, not seen before in such a way becaus visuals of the movie allowed for both the personal and at times, too up front, gore to involve you (difficult for a jaded generation). It allows for a sophistication (for lack of a better word) that shows the art and sad beauty of destruction/death. I enjoyed the movie once getting over the constant gore and the ideal that all men are ultra masochist, pshyco-delusional brutes who fall in love far too easy, and all women are dark, simple, sexual, untouchable, weapon welding prostitutes who are all in dire need of a man for leadership (and a little clothing if you ask me). Well, I guess s with bullets is hot. The movie is simple, dark, twisted, intense and sexually frustrated; the visuals, from beauty to gore, are mouth dropping/eye catching; the acting is amazing and perfectly cast. Most importantly this movie is art... in your face gritty art. It is a pure and polluted movie and never strays from it's path of pop art beauty, gore, sex, style, grime, and fashion.
Movie thoughts: see it in theaters/ NOT for everyone/ go with the right crowd/ prepare for boobs and blood.
SinCity: 4 out of 5 *****

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Quote of the Week

"-farewell my lonely one, nothing else that can be done,
(so hit the freeway)
I never wanna see you again.
-you didnt do me right, so long, good bye, good night,
(so hit the freeway)

maybe in some other life, I'll see you again."
~Tony Braxton Hit the Freeway

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A Thoery: How the Pope is Really Chosen

Ideas from Tom:
The pope is really chosen when the concave is essentially cloistered and have ‘the great sleep over.’ A traditional giant pillow fight then ensues. The committee will battle in the full papal attire and vestments to see who will be the next moral leader of 1 billion people. The last man how is both still standing and was able to retain the pope’s hat on his head will be the next pope, and the white smoke will be sent up. These fights can last for years.
-the brown kid
Disclaimer: The views of the people or organizations expressed here are not, nor in any way reflect the publishers of this site… its just really fucking funny.

Friday, April 01, 2005

outgrowing my shell

i need to leave, i must go. i have about leaving Nebraska, but i need a place to go... any ideas! no need for reasons, no need for security, no needs but to momentarily change my life experience anoth type of pain and joy so i may further develope