and alive and well... almost. it was a good time had by all, i am sure sometime i will write all the stories up here. i just need to collect my thoughts so here is a review, monday: land land there, meet his Feisty grandma and bitch-tastic sis (loved them both) saw the Blue man group, went to thanksgiving dinner and talk about dead bodies, christians and how the morgue has been called twice for John’s father after his blood analysis showed 7x the limit of oxycoton, went to a vip club, met the trust fund of Oriental Trading Co. but was too drunk to shake his hand because I had an empty bottle of Crystal in one and a quarter empty one in the other. Second day saw the strip, saw Zumanity, went to a gay club invited the strippers I thought were cute up to our private bungalow (gross/no personalities) took care of john, made it back all while I had Bercardi O in one hand and Sky Vodka in the other. Next day went to a fashon show and ‘high end retail,’saw Ka, went to gay club with our private booth, was asked TO strip, got carried to my room. Slept in until 4:00, went over priced shopping again, Out let Mall, The Forum, Bilaggio (I had my finances screwed up, “$356 for jeans it’s a deal,” saw O, went to sleep early. Got up, did last minute shopping, left for the airport. Oh the stories!
“I would love to see your point of view but I cant stick my head that far up my ass” (loved the grandma)
Famous Quotes:
“You were having too much fun in that pile of Toilette paper”
“Eww, I can still taste the stripper”
“Did you just backhand the old Chinese man... now we are cursed!”
“hey do you wanna come to the school library... your where?”
(To a homeless man) “well do you have change for a $100?"
Monday, November 28, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Ill Cover You
Open your door I'll be your tenant
Don't got much baggage To lay at your feet
But sweet kisses I've got to spare
I'll be there - I'll cover you
I think they meant it When they said you can't buy love
Now I know you can rent it A new lease you are, my love,
On life - be my life
Just slip me on I'll be your tenant
Wherever - whatever - I'll be your coat
You'll be my king And I'll be your castle
I think they meant it When they said you can't buy love
Now I know you can rent it A new lease you are, my love,
On life - all my life
I've longed to discover Something as true as this is
So with a thousand sweet kisses If you're cold
I'll cover you And you're lonely With a thousand sweet kisses
I'll cover you You've got one nickel only
With a thousand sweet kisses I'll cover you
When you're worn out and tired With a thousand sweet kisses I'll cover you
When your heart has expired
i cant wait until i see Rent again. i am going tonight and i am very excited, the play brings up so many memories from so many different people. and after the late night at the movies ill be up earliy the next morning to got to Las Vagas. i dont know how much i will post about it (what happens in Vagas stays in Vagas) but i am sure to have some photos. well i hope every one's Thanks giving is full of joy and good luck with the shopping afterward. with a thousand sweet kisses, bye.
Don't got much baggage To lay at your feet
But sweet kisses I've got to spare
I'll be there - I'll cover you
I think they meant it When they said you can't buy love
Now I know you can rent it A new lease you are, my love,
On life - be my life
Just slip me on I'll be your tenant
Wherever - whatever - I'll be your coat
You'll be my king And I'll be your castle
I think they meant it When they said you can't buy love
Now I know you can rent it A new lease you are, my love,
On life - all my life
I've longed to discover Something as true as this is
So with a thousand sweet kisses If you're cold
I'll cover you And you're lonely With a thousand sweet kisses
I'll cover you You've got one nickel only
With a thousand sweet kisses I'll cover you
When you're worn out and tired With a thousand sweet kisses I'll cover you
When your heart has expired
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Quote of the Week
worst pick up line: "hi, my name is Jason... i dont know if i should tell you this (he says with out hesitation) but my last name is Deffenbaugh, as in the trash service" *threw up a little in the back of my mouth*
eh, i hate insipid spoiled trust fund brats, stop hitting on me. just because you lay down twenty that they didnt earn and a last name that you didnt make, am i supposed to drool? get a better pick up line than "my daddy's name is..." i don't care, anyone who knows me realizes that its going to take a little more than a wade of crash to make conversation. i am bored with money and the lack of personality it brings.
Over the weekend i went to a seedy straight bar on karaoke night as a safe place for me. However, some tall skinny queeny guy comes up stuffs his number in my pocket and talks about his house near by that his father bought him. he invited me over before he even knew my name. i dont know i try and be freindly, but do i really care about another trust fund. i feel bad because i faked a phone call and just left bar. it was rude but i dont think he was understanding that his advances weren't going to get him any where. should i even allow him to get an offer of friendship or an appology? and yes i know his name is "posted every 5 feet in this city," but its on a dumpster.
eh, i hate insipid spoiled trust fund brats, stop hitting on me. just because you lay down twenty that they didnt earn and a last name that you didnt make, am i supposed to drool? get a better pick up line than "my daddy's name is..." i don't care, anyone who knows me realizes that its going to take a little more than a wade of crash to make conversation. i am bored with money and the lack of personality it brings.
Over the weekend i went to a seedy straight bar on karaoke night as a safe place for me. However, some tall skinny queeny guy comes up stuffs his number in my pocket and talks about his house near by that his father bought him. he invited me over before he even knew my name. i dont know i try and be freindly, but do i really care about another trust fund. i feel bad because i faked a phone call and just left bar. it was rude but i dont think he was understanding that his advances weren't going to get him any where. should i even allow him to get an offer of friendship or an appology? and yes i know his name is "posted every 5 feet in this city," but its on a dumpster.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Oh Crap!
well i saw harry potter yesterday at like 12:00 so i didnt get back to my apartment until 4:00 a.m. so what time did i wake up today.. 5:30 p.m.! i nver saw the sun. well i am going to have do my paper tonight because i guess i have become nocternal. but the movie was good, it's Harry Potter so usually its pretty good quality. i would see it in the theater, but i wouldn't wait in line for three hours. i would give it *****
Friday, November 18, 2005
i am still here, not dead (although there is a part of me that wishes i was). i am regaining my voice after i lost it, i also start my first day off of training for my new job. i am not really looking forward to it but it lets me schedual my own hours and its not too difficult. i am also packing for my unusual thanksgiving. there is still a part of me that wants to go to Gothenburg, a little west nebraska town, and see some of my really hick, morman cousins and eat the most delicious food you have ever smelled or tasted. if i would be there i would be really bored and sit trying to make conversation with my old grandpa (i love him but he is cranky). i dont know if he will be around for very long hopefully ill see him over christmas. i am totally excited to go to LV but i will still miss my turkey and my grandma. well this is a once in a lifetime experience.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Monday, November 07, 2005
Jet and Jar
On Saturday I went to go see blue October as many of you know. I went with Gooch and his girlie friend, Melissa, Charles and Sharon who all loaded into the Sokol Underground. I was running late so I walked in as the opening band, Seffrajet, was finishing up their set and I went into the beer line, $4 per bottle. After that, Blue October took the stage and fucking rocked! I had known their music and many of my friends had CDs but I never officially bought one. But even no knowing the lyrics or the songs I still had an awesome time and became a major fan. God, I love good live music. After the concert I hung out back stage with the bands and was invited to their after party VIP room (FULL OF FREE FOOD!) in an Iowa bar. This happened because my friend Sharon wanted to buy a poster, so I stat at the end of the merchant table while she waited in line. Then a lady asked if would help her carry a box and I was like 'sure' (didn’t want to be rude). So, I picked up the box and fallowed and she lead me back stage. While I was doing the I looked down and saw it was a bunch of poster for the opening band in the box, then I quickly realized that the girl I was helping was the lead singer for the band. after I dropped off the box in the dressing room, she gets out 2 poster and passes them around then offers my free drinks (fuck yea!). Then she gives me the two posters one signed by Seffrajet and the other signed by Blue October and asked if I wanted to come to the bar. uh, duh, so my adventure continued and at 12:30 Sharon and I were off to Iowa! and then we got horribly, sadly, pitifully Lost. But I gave up and decided to just drive straight, and to my surprise it worked. we just ended up at the bar (no thanks to the 3 completely wrong directions from people). We fought to get some drinks and eventually found the band, the lead singer a little wasted got my number and tried to kiss me on my check, but missed… and made out with my right eye. so we left at like 2:15 went back to the dorms where I got to see a wasted Sharon smear lipstick over her face, and saw Fernando's new game of jumping on furniture to Spanish pop music and talked to Omar over the phone (there was not a sober soul in a 10 mile radius of me). but I made home before 3 so it was all good.
Look into It: Seffrajet and Blue October
the next day after locking myself away in the library to get a head on my work, I got out and went to dinner with John and Adam. ok, filets are way too small, I was about to order two but that would have been impolite. I also had some really good ice cream with chocolate and vanilla liquore (it was good, but even the ice cream was alcohol with these guys). Then went to Jarhead, it was a good movie. Don’t expect one of those over the top hero epics, but a more realistic image of shit which is what made it so good. It was great, I would defiantly suggest it, a little slow in some part but and incredible character development, it is so gradual and realistic the you don’t even notice the man's change until you look back at the film. However, I have my suspicions that the movie was just propaganda for Jake's ass. Loved the field fuck scene, seriously see it. I would give it *****
Look into It: Seffrajet and Blue October
the next day after locking myself away in the library to get a head on my work, I got out and went to dinner with John and Adam. ok, filets are way too small, I was about to order two but that would have been impolite. I also had some really good ice cream with chocolate and vanilla liquore (it was good, but even the ice cream was alcohol with these guys). Then went to Jarhead, it was a good movie. Don’t expect one of those over the top hero epics, but a more realistic image of shit which is what made it so good. It was great, I would defiantly suggest it, a little slow in some part but and incredible character development, it is so gradual and realistic the you don’t even notice the man's change until you look back at the film. However, I have my suspicions that the movie was just propaganda for Jake's ass. Loved the field fuck scene, seriously see it. I would give it *****
Sunday, November 06, 2005
First Halloween Pic!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
a weeks rest
*disclaimer- let me brag for a little, really dont even read* for the first time in the last two weeks i stayed home and sat around, did nothing productive nor did i go out. yes, it was a good day. through out the week i did several things: i saw house of wax and yes paris hilton was as bad as you get when it comes to acting. but to my surprise it wasnt that bad of a movie (once again ignore the awful acting). i wouldnt waste the money to rent it but if its on watch it. John, a trustifarian ironically like paris hilton, was the one who collects movie memorabilia and lives in a condo in regency and converted his dining room into a blockbuster. his favorite thing to do is buy movies every tuesday. later we went to this bar called flixx, i have never heard of it before but i met some people and hung out with John and Adam again. then we all went out to eat. ok these guys ordered meals, 2 appetizers and shakes ect ect. there whole goal was "by the end of the night we will make kids in Semolina cry" and when i asked for a to go box… they all just looked at me like i was crazy. i think i actually insulted and embarrassed them! but f*ck that i want my left over food, i never waste that sh*t. after that John, Adam, I and my friend Dan (ill be nice to you and not say anything mean like “was there a single person there that you didnt ‘know’ oh yea, the lezbians”) went to the Q and watched armature strip night. just so you know the Q is in Lincoln so i had made huge arrangements to announce my coming and made sure everything was settled. there i met the upper crest of the community, ok let me brag... i met up with the guy from Dolce, an ultra exclusive hair salon that only goes on reservation, i thought it was an urban legend. but john got us in only a few months ahead of time, crazy huh! on the way home i sobered up, watched p*rn on the new video ipod and I, unlike other people that night *cough* had the decency to fo ol around in the back seat of my friends car... I AM JUST KIDING! I don’t really know what days these all took place and am sure there were black outs, school seemed to be just the nap in between. I know this sounds worse then it actually is. Don’t worry I am still the same judging, prude, pretentious bast*rd that you have all come to love. so, here's to finaly not coming home drunk or with a black eye or a bloody crow bar.. well i am finally off to sleep and tomarrow i get to go to the Blue October show and Sokol i love that place. peace out
Friday, November 04, 2005
W00t W00t, i got to hold Wolverine's actual blades from the new X-men movie... it was so awsome i was like "hugh jackman was using these! get them away i might brake them."
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Happy Halloween
Ok, so i love Halloween and i dont know why, maybe its the time of year, maybe its the dark fun underlining message, maybe its the candy and parties, maybe its the themes and being mischievious, maybe it my chance to be some one else or maybe its an excuse to let lose and do something totally absuerd. i used to HATE it as a kid but now jump in with all its glory, not to metion this is the first major holiday i didnt have to work through i had a week of fun that happened to land over a holiday. For my special celebration i went to the Max and got obliterated with my friend Carry. i had a good time, it started off slow but then i soon picked up. I met a trust fund baby who loaded me so full of free shots I lost count with in the first hour, a guy in the fantastic - out fit and licked alcohol off my abs, flirted with a bartender who gave me free jello shots, and some German dude who bought me drinks. Yea I was in trouble… although this time Carry didn’t leave me in a Walgreen’s bathroom (yea I didn’t think about that until it was too late, but she did good). Might I add that it was amazing how many guys wore their actual army uniforms there. But from what I can remember it was fun. First and last time i will party on a Monday (so missed my class today), now back to being a book worm sitting in the library for most the day, got to love that little change of pace though. How was everyone elses' Halloween.
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