how are all of you. sorry, i have been busy. i tyr to keep up but dare i say it... i just dont have time for the blog i fear! but i will try and make it worth it. well lest start, i began my spring break waking up to ice sickles hangin from my window, fun. Nothing says spring break like getting up a 6 am because of hail against my window. Fuck you Nebraska weather… the strangest thing happened, it rained mud. It did, I originally thought my friend was high but it was. There was a dust storm in Oklahoma and got caught in a thunder head here. I was alright and safe I was in a gay bar with drag queens. For Reach and Kee ju the show was fun wish you could have come, we should all do coffee again.
21st birthdays seem to be big now so that is what I have been doing.. my pure dear prude friend tony turned 21. not only had he never been to a bar but he had never drank before that night… fun. Its alright I said I would take car of him.
So he said ‘matt, I don’t want to drink a lot’
my reply ‘oh don’t worry, here ill got the bar to serve you only the drinks in tiny glasses’
‘you can do that! Thanks matt’
So after like seven shots he was say that he was feeling dizzy and didn’t want any more tiny glasses, so to make him feel better I got him an ice tea (of the long island variety)
The poor dear. well now my car is smoking, which i am pretty sure is not good. and i am pretty sure i am too broke to fix it. :-(
well I will be back with more stories to tell, good night and good luck.