Monday, March 26, 2007


So, Jeff prompted a what could be a really bad chain of nightmares. He thinks he wants me to meet his mom. I thought it was one of the good things about being gay, not dealing with meeting the in-laws or uncomfortable thanksgiving dinners. Remember, Southern Baptist, black woman, military made New Yorker. I would rater break up with him than deal, she has caused too much in this relationship as it is. It got me to also think he still doesn’t know how badly I want to end this sometimes and that I am trying to plan a better more cinvientent time to possibly break-up but cant get myself to do it but this cant last forever.
Anyway, I had a nightmare, really three parts different thoughts that all strung together juxtaposing random images and emotions that have been going through my head recently.
First, that I was avoiding Jeff, he had tricked me into saying yes to marrying him, I didn’t want nor would I ever. It was aguish the whole avoiding him and after the miserable ceremony only thing I could say was, “now its going to be sooo much harder to break up with Jeff.” Skip to a new dream, a woman is trapped in a house where a husband has murdered his wife. People there keeping getting visions of the gruesome murder and we need to leave, fearing that the murder will return to kill the witnesses of these visions. But we never leave, we cant leave for some unknown reason, trapped. I even mention: this is stupid to be here we need to go, but never leave. Finally the worst, a snowy day in Omaha, I am driving my little stick shift through the poorly scooped residential streets. Two guy, younger in black snow gear sitting in the road at a four way stop. I don’t think much of it other than: how dumb, stupid suburban teens because they are sitting on the other side of the street. I don’t really slow until I get to the stop sign where I hit a mound of snow and fish tale sideway. It happened so fast, I ran over the two boys see their legs disappear out of my view and under my car. The worst was the heart pounding, deafening THUD!* It was the unmistakable sound fallowed by that bump launched me shooting up and forward into the seat belt. It jolted myself out of sleep early morning and couldn’t get back to bed.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Why Hilary wont be President

It is no secret that Hilary Rodham Clinton will incur some difficulties traveling down the road to a presidential race. Eventually, on must ask themselves is it too much to be a liberal and a women facing a wartime presidency.

First, lets look at some basics-- women tend to be middle/liberal, men ten to be conservative, physiologically men might have problems voting for a women, particularly a liberal women, and lastly few will vote for a women during a wartime Presidency.

These are my views on Hilary: it is going to be difficult for any liberal women to get elected anywhere, anytime in the modern world. Yes many women have made powerful leaders around the world and I feel that Americans could easily accept a female as a leader. But here’s a theory-- only if she is conservative.

On that note, it is difficult for a woman to win over the public if she is liberal. If you look at other modern women leaders of the world today they tend to be conservative (excluding crazy Italy). The current Chancellor of Germany is a women and very conservative. Margaret Thatcher, England’s first and only female leader was a woman and exceptionally conservative (setting liberal issues like gay freedoms back decades) among other conservative female leaders like in Sri Lanka. If she is both a women and conservative she has a huge base, taking advantage of conservatives and bridging the gender gap to gain vote in the middle and even liberal women votes. But, if she is a woman and a liberal she has greatly limited her base. As a conservative and women it gives you the best of both worlds, you can get votes solely as women and you really would not lose votes because you are a women if you are the conservative leader. Though some god fearing folk might not originally like the idea of a women in a leadership position but when she is viscous and a pillar of conservative family values—they are willing make exception. It goes without saying she could get liberal votes from feminists and votes solely as the greatest potential of the Conservative Party.

Men tend to vote conservatives and women are likely to vote for a woman. This is another obvious advantage. If you a female and liberal, men are less likely to vote for a women and liberal, some women will vote because she is a woman but she wont sway the conservative like a conservative woman leader could sway liberals (feminists, women right movements ect.).

A liberal women is ‘too much’ and would loose all those middle ground votes where as a conservative would pick them up being both a women and a conservative, its like the best of both world as opposed to the worst of both worlds.

So here is Hillary’s problem she is not only a women but also a women during a wartime race. There will be problems for basics Americans seeing a left-winged women as the ‘Commander and Chief’ title. She will have to battle the stigma a ‘feminist liberal women running.’ So how do you combat these arguments of being womanly liberal, Hilary will have to become more centrist and this is what will ultimately loose the race. In an effort to regain some of the lost middle she will loose her base-- loose the liberal appeal (i.e. signing flag burning banning legislation and have an extended timetable for Iraq, military spending and other issues that go against liberal basics). Not only is she not winning over conservative she is now corrupting her own liberal base. Hillary stands a good chance to lose votes by playing up the middle and on the left. Really, this is why most female leaders in the past have been conservative.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Coming Soon

In Progress: A short exposition of the trails that Hilary Rodham Clinton will face in her exigent run for Commander and Chief.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

(Cliché) Gay Hell

So a few weekends ago I was in Kansas City shopping with a few friends and queens (I know, but it isn’t gay hell yet). We stumbled across this casual boutique-clothing store. Nice outfits but many were overpriced. In the center of this modern clothing store was a black iron fence that surrounding a small dark square opening in the floor. On the door hung a old paper sign, “Bargain Basement.” I elbowed my friend, Mike and we asked the old small Chinese women in all black at the register ‘is this was open’ (as if was going to stop if it wasn’t). The old lady smirked and tilted chin upward to say:

“oh, yes, yes, it open… go head”

So, Mike and I squeaked open the door to the black iron cage gaining the attention of a few of my other friends, and went down.

There stairs were old untreated wood enclosed by an open mortar and brick walls with no discernable light at the bottom. In the damp basement the ground was uneven and felt like dirt. Directly at the foot of the staircase was a large hole in the wall that look as if it was demolition created a doorway to a sealed room. This was covered in rope and nothing could be made out past a few feet of the imploded entrance other than a chilling breeze. To the right of the staircase was darkness and to the left was a patch wood doorway and in the room hung a single light bulb suspended by a swing cord. Though dull, it illuminated the store basement secret… shoes. That’s right pillars upon pillars of designer, limited edition bargain shopper shoes surrounded the room with piles of shoes up to my waist was in the center.

At the time we thought we hit gay heaven. One by one a gay came down and gave a *gasp*.

Shoes you cant even find in Nebraska and at a discount. Soon all six guys were down there rummaging and joking, though after a while the joking faded the talking ceased. One by one they realized there was no order to the stacks and stacks of shoes no sizes or matches. You couldn’t find the matching pair and if you did you couldn’t find the right size. Here they were, the sell that we had shopped for, and nothing to buy. One by one a person gave up and went back thoroughly frustrated, angry or dishearten. I stayed and searched for two hours, I found a shoe that I wanted, I eventually dug until I found a shoe that fit and then dug until I would find its matching shoe… When I found the matching size and model and in a furry of excitement tried them on only to find I had two left shoes. Bah!

We escaped this perpetual gay samsarah or a shoe shoping Sisyphus

Saturday, March 10, 2007

... and the Presidental Plot Thickens

So, Chuck Hagel will make an annoucment on Monday to retire from politics, an announce that he will not run for the president or confirm that he is running.
This is how it will go down, he is announcing for his presidency (why else would he go through the efforts to say he will not run or retire) but here is the twist…
He will be running as an independent. Why? He has not sided at all on Iraq war issue, personally I feel that he sides on enough of the other issues (well all other issues) with W.Bush that he could easily run on the republican Candidacy. For god sakes, look at Giuliani.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


On Tuesday, I was able to see the new movie 300—one word “man-scaping”. It is about the Spartan worriers fighting during the Roman Empire around the Persian invasion. The movie was done by one of the directors from Sin City, Zack Snyder. It pretty much follows the same visual aspects and art direction. It was not a bad movie just lacking plot and audience interest. It had a central theme but that was really the extent of the plot: defending Sparta. That’s it. I usually like this movie genre because they will go into a live action history and transport the audience into a different time period but the film did not deliver the interesting facts or the social climate. It breezed over the reasons for the war and other outside forces and focused solely on slow motion arrows. In fact the irritating rock opera music took the audience out of the film and made you realize you were sitting in a stuffy theater in Omaha, Nebraska. I was more excited going into the theater than leaving it. The movie is not a Sin City or a Gladiator.
However, the cinematography was amazing. It had a beautiful glow and scenic flowing motions. It is defiantly a visual film. It seemed each frame was a piece of art. But, I feel the filmmaker knew this and, in a form cinamasterbation, decided to slow ever freakin’ scene down. This also diminished the ‘mood’ of the film and again took the audience out of the string thin plot to check their watches. The special effects were beautiful and offered more than one delightful beheading (although after a while there were one too many). The characters and costumes were also well done giving this enchanting glossy look to a movie that made it seem epic. On the note of costumes, let me say this was the absolute hottest movie ever. It was astonishing how the bodies were worked out, shaved and greased for every scene. The cast line up looked like a gay porn! Every guy had an eight pack and cod piece, not to mention gratuitous male nudity. Oh my. See the movie for its beautiful tech-glossy scenes, well-crafted fight direction and every hairless rippling thigh muscle/ stretching abdomen/ tanned and greased pecks/ powerful biceps/ noticeable protruding bulges not for the deep plot.
I will give this movie

Needs to be seen on the big screen but waitfor the Dollar Theater.