It is an outpost for the mentally insane, socially deformed, or the people inept individual
-American Petroleum Institute
This commercial scared me, because it starts to admit that the oil supplies will end shortly as demand increases, but then puts together a patchwork of slick phrases, PR spins, vapid solutions and weak facts. As the industry rakes in windfall revenues and a republican filibuster in the senate block taxes on the large oil profits, the American people are being spun to look the other way. The oil industry might have bought the government but won't blind the public with media saturation. Shame on the production team that was hired to put it together. But even as they desperately try to validate digging in natural reserves and private property with ad-nauseam, there are gaping holes and obvious contradictions.
According to the splashy advertisement we can be supplied gas "for 60 years"... wow enough to not last the average life span (according the the Census Bureau, the average US individual lives to approx. 75 years of age). Another 'fact' in the graphic-filled ad is supplying "6,000,000 cars and 100,00,000 houses," great! in a country of 301,139,947 (with a pension for hummers). So, we can abuse emanate domain and destroy our natural parks so that our children can say-they have seen the end of American drilled oil and North American wildlife while paying $20 a gallon in one life time. Remember, 'together we can secure Americas
The ad admited there is new drilling technology, in many instances the effort, danger and man hours it would take to merely test the oil buried in the earth's crust would be more costly than the oil its self -until now, now that we have become so desperate for such little oil (that is only speculated in certain areas). 'Oil and natural gas were used to power the past,' lets leave it there, in the past.
Where is the push for new transportation? did all the technology get dumped into that splashy ad? And speaking of past -all cars were initially purely electric and we have already had a futuristic electric car with NO gas needed just under a decade ago, called EV1. But it was taken back from all of the people who bought them. We have the technology (i.e. batteries for such vehicles created by a Canadian inventor) and WE ALREADY HAD THE CAR, THE ENGINES, SOLAR/WIND ENERGY, ARCHITECTUAL BUILDINGS THAT HEAT AND COOL THEMSELVES.
Things to look up:
American Petroleum Instituts: "API spent $4 million to lobby the federal government in 2007, according to lobbying disclosure forms. "The trade group lobbied on various appropriations bills, and on oil taxes and fees, chemical plant security, price gouging, international investment and more," reported Associated Press. "Besides Congress, the American Petroleum Institute lobbied the departments of Defense and State, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Internal Revenue Service."
Washington post: "Senate Republicans yesterday blocked a proposal to tax the windfall profits of the nation's biggest oil companies and eliminate some of the firms' tax breaks, rejecting Democratic claims that the measure would help assuage consumer anger over $4-a-gallon gasoline ($5 here in California).
The vote was largely partisan, with each party sticking to long-held positions while striving to connect with frustrated consumers in an election year. Gasoline prices rose another 2 cents yesterday to a nationwide average of $4.04 a gallon for regular, but there appeared to be little prospect of imminent action by Congress or the Bush administration."
NPR : "In 1996, a fleet of electric cars began to hit the road in the United States, leased to drivers for about $500 a month. But less than 10 years later, only a few were left. Guests look at the short-lived electric car, and the director of a new film talks about chronicling the vehicle's demise."
http://www.evworld.com/ "Transportation technologies, the energy that powers it and the people who are making it happen." Geo solar homes http://enertia.com/
Sex and the City: Finally a penis. Well I just got back for the Sex in the City movie. It was cute and nice to finally see an episode of ‘Sex’ that I haven’t seen yet. This much awaited fairy tale for middle aged women and young gay men serves up a fabulous concoction of in vogue high couture, high heels and high tension. I enjoyed the movie but enjoyed the show better (p.s. if you haven’t seen the show I wouldn’t really suggest seeing the movie). My favorite part of the movie was the opening scene which flashed clips of the show to keep the audience up to date on the characters.
“Where is he, I've been dating since I was fifteen! I'm exhausted! WHERE IS HE?"
Oh Charolette, truer words have never been spoken.
But the movie lacked in Carrie’s usual observant quips and neurotic voiceovers that gave the series heat and the viewers hope. It also lacked the vintage casual look replacing it with over the top fashion. So much of the show, in my opinion, bordered such reality my time spent with the four ladies easily rivals that of my own revelations and relationship. The shitty men, crappy apartments and computer problems gave it such a real quality the movie missed. Off the screen the well known cat fights between Sara and Kim creeped onto the big screen as the two rarely had scenes together. On different coasts and even in the movie’s climactic breakdown scene, Sam stayed as the other two rush to Carry’s side. From the photoshopped looking poster to the plot placing Kim, the ultimate NYC gal, in LA. I couldn’t help but ask, without Sam in the city is it still sex and the city?
The two things I loved in this movie were Carry’s ducked tape phone and the full frontal male nudity. Finally! We got what the girls were getting all along. But here is a question for Mrs. Bradshaw: what is better: Penis or Puns.
The movie picks up 4 or so years after season 8 "Big: "It took me a really long time to get here, but I'm here. Carrie, you're the one." - "An American Girl in Paris (Part Deux)" and we get to see Carry's wedding consuption, Charolette's new found gumption, Mirrand's family disfuntion and Sam's... well how about samantha's suction.
Well I did enjoy and it was a great time reuniting with friends but at the end of the day you all realized that all good things have to come to an end. Because it is a good time, a fun show but vapid and left me missing the old sex in the city, i will give it *****