Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Don't Mess With Texas ... Get Rid Of It

This is a brilliant analysis of why the "likely to be the violently xenophobic Republic of Texas" should be able to secede, (along with other 3 fiscally draining states). You think they could take FoxNews with them too?

By David Faris, NPR.org, April 28, 2009 · During the campaign, President Obama talked a good game about bipartisanship. Now he has the perfect opportunity to achieve something that people on both sides of the aisle desperately want: kicking Texas out of the union.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry recently implied that Texas might need to leave the United States if the mean old federal government doesn't stop doing things like sending stimulus money and slightly raising the top marginal tax rates. These things being obvious markers of impending fascism (unlike, say, unsympathetically institutionalizing a global torture regime), Perry thinks it's time to go. Unsurprisingly, a majority of Texas Republicans approved of these remarks.

Texas asking Blue America for a divorce is like a woman asking her boyfriend if he'd like to sit around all day drinking Miller and watching football, or like the Patriots offering Tom Brady to the Redskins for a 19th-round draft pick. Befuddled liberals can only shake their heads in gratified amazement while they pop the cap on their first beer, settle into the sofa and watch Brady pilot the 'Skins to the Super Bowl.

The transition should be peaceful — no need for 600,000 Americans to die like the last time a state tried to leave the union. These kinds of things are best handled with negotiations — just ask the Czechs and the Slovaks, who dissolved Czechoslovakia like an old married couple who remain great friends but just don't want to sleep together anymore.

  • First, Texas should be given the option of taking neighboring Oklahoma, Alabama and Louisiana with them. These states are reliably deep red, and are also three of the biggest tax drains in the country, raking in federal dollars while kvetching about Obama's tyranny. In return, the U.S. gets to keep the liberal oasis of Austin, like the little swath of Azerbaijan surrounded by Armenia and Iran.
  • Second, Texas Rangers outfielder Josh Hamilton should immediately be seized by the Washington Nationals as part of the deal. The Washington Wizards should also demand star San Antonio point guard Tony Parker, who is French and therefore probably unwelcome in what is likely to be the violently xenophobic Republic of Texas. The U.S. would, of course, have to cough up some native Texans, like Houston Astros meatballer Brandon Backe.
  • Finally, the Republic of Texas should arrange a population transfer with the United States, like how Turkey and Greece exchanged all their misplaced Turks and Greeks after the first World War — only this time without the forced marches and famine. Basically, we get all the New Yorker-reading lefties, and Texas can have all the crazies — millenarians with basement stockpiles of semiautomatics, true believers who blockade abortion clinics, paranoiacs who think The Gays are coming to get them, and anyone who believes that evolution is "just a theory."

Getting rid of Texas is a once-a-century opportunity for America's new leader. Texas Republicans have spoken. The only question is, "Are you listening President Obama?"

David Faris recently completed the 27th grade at the University of Pennsylvania, where he studies Middle East politics. He looks forward to adding another rogue state to his passport when he visits the Republic of Texas.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Some random Lifetime clip

I know, life time is cheesy. But if you look past that i am sure you can find similarities that most people have gone through. Personally, my mom wouldn't be the antagonist (as far as the gay thing goes i would discriber her as: convientently judgemental, religous, stanchly republican, appropiately concered yet hasnt really put much thought into the "gay thing" and generally isn't in her plane of thought). Though if i had a Lifetime movie i would totally put Sigourney Weaver in her roll.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trial and Tribulations of being just Pretty

Here is the best of MISS USA PAGEANT: I was inspired by Miss California 2009 to put together a little countdown after her incoherent answer, which stumbled and fell to a conclusion after a painful logical crawl and yet, she was still remarkably high ranked. I cant believe pageants are still around to be honest, to me it seems obvious its more about the sparkles you can load onto a dress and less about inner beauty, intellect or poise.

Miss Americas Fall from Grace

California- "Ummmm, opposite marriage" 
(Please Gay men and women, have dignity and take yourselves out out this field, or at least away from Miss California.)

Sum it up What-the-Buck

All time favorite: "like such as"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Equal Marriage for NY

AP: NEW YORK – Gov. David Paterson announced plans Thursday to legalize same-sex marriage in New York, making a political gamble that he can ride the momentum of other states that have recently allowed the practice.

The governor's approval ratings have plunged to below 20 percent, and it's still unclear how the legislation will play in the state. Paterson says gay marriage is a crucial issue of equal rights in America that cannot be ignored.

Paterson, who is black, framed the issue in sweeping terms, invoking Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe and drawing a parallel between the fight to eliminate slavery in the 1800s to the current effort to allow gay marriage.

"I'm introducing a bill to bring marriage equality to the state of New York," Paterson said to applause, surrounded by leaders including Mayor Michael Bloomberg and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

The proposal is the same bill the Democrat-controlled state Assembly passed in 2007 before it died in the Senate, where the Republican majority kept it from going to a vote. Democrats now control the Senate, but opponents are vowing to make sure this one fails, as well.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Popular. You gonna be Popular

Centuries of obsession: It takes looks, personality, and ... well, thats it. Jee golly, if only i had brains i could probably think of other influences, what could it be hmm.

Picture Show: Scott Strazzante & Robert Adams

Both of these photographers were published in NPR this week. The first i loved because it took me back to the family farm in Texas and later into my ivory suburban childhood. Its called Common Ground:

On July 2, 2002, Jean and Harlow Cagwin watched as their home — the last remnant of their 118-acre cattle farm in Lockport, Illinois — was torn down clearing the way for a new housing development. Several years later, Ed and Amanda Grabenhofer and their four children moved into, what is now, the new Willow Walk subdivision. This is the work of photographer, Scott Strazzante, for almost over a decade.


The second is a beautiful and poignant representation of the Midwest personal sprawl and tranquil terrain. I always found the beauty of Nebraska (and its pictures) not in the subject, but the void around it. Photographer, Robert Adams, who recently won the Hasselblad Award, does a great job translating that peaceful emptiness and bland encasing into character.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

American Idol's Adam Lambert Ruins Historic Piece of Music

I am sorry, did we already forget how stunning, lingering and evocative Mad World truly is and how it lost ALL meaning.

Can I just say something about this- That song is one of the most brilliant songs written and way before its time and later made infamous by a beautiful, deep, haunting vocals from Gary Jules. Adam blew it he was absolutely undeniable awful and --everyone loved it? I cant believe he got away with such a grisly murder.

Originally written by tears for fears in 1982, the early 80s were incapable sustaining its true musical capacity (performed in an early pop-80’s ‘Tiffany’ sort of way) and it wasn’t truly realized until later versions were released after the grudge era. It is now an Iconic song gracefully looming throughout so many forms of our culture, from Gears of War to Donnie Darko:

The Adam Lambert rendition was a step back for music, why does it sound like he is getting kicked in the balls. It was unnaturally self indulgent, void of meaning and emotion… wow, I mean, that song has power.

I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard it; I was offended as a fan of the song (just check my MySpace page)

That song is beautiful, that song is enduring, that song delivers chills in the first few chords… and that song is not Adam.

Mad Word, Tears for Fears (early conceptual allegro)

Donnie Darko (famous low tempo)

Fuck Face’s (retarded version)

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Vermont Overrides a Vetoed Gay Marriage Bill! DC Recognizes Out of State Marriage

BREAKING NEWS: Moments ago, the Vermont House voted 100-49 to override the marriage bill veto!

Moments ago, the Vermont House voted 100-49 to override the marriage bill veto! The House vote, which followed the Senate voting 23-5 this morning to override Gov. Douglas’s veto, means that Vermont becomes the first state to OK marriage equality through the legislative process.

Today Vermont joins Massachusetts, Connecticut and Iowa in allowing gay and lesbian couples to legally marry.

Statement by Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin regarding the passage of S. 115 “An Act Relating to Civil Marriage”:

Today Vermont legislators did the right thing by overriding Governor Douglas’ veto and granting equal rights to all Vermonters. The struggle for equal rights is never easy. I was proud to be President of the Senate nine years ago when Vermont led the country by creating civil unions. Today is another historic day for Vermont and I have never felt more proud as we become the first state in the country to enact marriage equality not as the result of a court order, but because it is the right thing to do.”

Many thanks to all the Vermonters who participated in this debate, Vermont Freedom to Marry, MassEquality, the Human Rights Campaign, and everyone who helped make today’s victory possible.


THIS JUST IN: DC Council votes to recognize out-of-state same-sex marriage

The D.C. Council has voted to recognize gay marriages performed in other states on the same day that Vermont became the fourth state to legalize same-sex unions.

Domestic partnerships already are legal in the nation’s capital, and gay couples married in other states are recognized as domestic partners when they move the city. But today’s legislation, billed as an important milestone in gay rights, explicitly recognizes them as married couples.

Obama's Weekend Speech

"We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, Jewish nation or a Muslim nation, but a nation of citizens." -Barrack Obama

"give to Cesar what is Cesar's, give to God what is God's" -Jesus ... Christians need to study more

Friday, April 03, 2009

Equal Marriage Passes in Iowa: Midwest Paving the Way

I woke to an ecstatic text messages this morning and saw the flurry of Facebook activity. Here is the Washington Post and NY Times stories at 9:00am this morning! :-) :-) :-) :-)

Washington Post: DES MOINES, Iowa -- Iowa's Supreme Court legalized gay marriage Friday in a unanimous and emphatic decision that makes Iowa the third state _ and first in the nation's heartland _ to allow same-sex couples to wed.

In its decision, the high court upheld a lower court's ruling that found a state law restricting marriage to between a man and woman only violated Iowa's constitution.

"It's a big win because, coming from Iowa, it represents the mainstreaming of gay marriage. And it shows that despite attempts stop gay marriage through right-wing ballot initiatives, like in California, the courts will continue to support the case for equal rights for gays,"


New York Times: DES MOINES — Iowa became the first state in the Midwest to approve same-sex marriage on Friday, after the Iowa Supreme Court unanimously decided that a 1998 law limiting marriage to a man and a woman was unconstitutional.

The decision was the culmination of a four-year legal battle that began in the lower courts. The Supreme Court said same-sex marriages could begin in Iowa in as soon as 21 days.

“I’d like to introduce you to my fiancee,” said Kate Varnum, 34, reaching over to Trish Varnum. “Today I am proud to be a lifelong Iowan.”“We are blessed to live in Iowa,” she added.

The case here was being closely followed by advocates on both sides of the issue. While the same-sex marriage debate has played out on both coasts, the Midwest — where no states had permitted same-sex marriage — was seen as entirely different. In the past, at least six states in the Midwest were among those around the country that adopted amendments to their state constitutions banning same-sex marriage.

“The decision made by the Iowa Supreme Court today to allow gay marriage in Iowa is disappointing on many levels," State Senator Paul McKinley, the Republican leader, said in a statement on The Des Moines Register’s Web site. "I believe marriage should only be between one man and one woman and I am confident the majority of Iowans want traditional marriage to be legally recognized in this state."