St Bacchus and St Sergius - our the catholic patron saints for our comunity and... a couple.
Bacchus, a myrter, was made to dress like a women, scorned, died, and thrown to the streets where it is said that his body ws protected and preserved by voltures.
After this Sergius, wavered in his religous beliefe until Bacchus appeared to him and said "I am still with you in the bond of our union." he too was later tourtured and decapitaded. his tomb became a shrine because of many miracles.
These two had a powerful bond and love, like many saints certain stories can be questioned and others are unlikely, but they did have a strong relationship with God and were both Myrterd because of there belifes, they both spread the word which is why there are many towns and villages named after Sergius due to his extrodinary popularity, and they are a recognized couple, most drawlings are done of them both, there are few images and references that sperate the two, who stayed in love and bond even after .
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