Well, I made it and with a few stories under my belt now… like when an ambulance rolled me out of a Walgreen’s at 2:00 am in Iowa.
lets start from the beginning shall we. With everything going down like it has been, I had plenty of reason to drink. Most of my 21 and over friends had canceled (what nice friends) maybe it was for the best I got to hang out with all my good friends all at once. It was a different experience, my college friends met my high school friends and my high school friends got to meet my grade school friends. It was a fun experience I was worried that not everyone would get along or every ones social anxiety would kick in at once. But they all intermingled together nicely. So we went restaurant hopping in the down town, Old Chicago, Michaels, Ms Pub and I downed whatever drink I could. Later my two sisters (and a husband) and one friend took me up to the bar and I said my last good byes to my underaged friends. At the bar I was given a few to many shots and made stupid comments, “I am not drunkted”. And another friend showed up. The bar closed and I was left puking in an alley. At this point in time I am drunk but still responsive and functioning, just stupid. I had set up a ride to a friends house before hand and she would come and take care of me. But I think sam kinda forgot or fell asleep. My sisters wanted me to come home with them but I was not going to let m
my parents see me in this condition and I would receive better attention at sams (maybe).
so my friend was going to drive me to sams, maybe not the best idea but I didn’t really know what was going on. This is when it starts to become a blur, some time along the way my friends decided to go to Iowa instead of taking me to bed. (NOT GOOD I am puking and tired). I guess she takes me to a walgreens and lets me puke there. So she is being a little tipsy and dramatic and calls 911. then, I really have no idea what is going on because I remember them coming and putting me on a stretcher and apparently I thought they were cops. I get to the hospital and the do test with my "its my birthday, do u wanna me?" button and my blood alcohol level is still good and am still aware. So eventually my dad comes to get me and I walk back out to the car i dont know who i am going to pay for the ablulance tho. So, they did not need to pump my stomach or anything and I was happy cause I could FINALLY sleep (I tried that on the street and rest room). so we get home I throw up and go down stairs to the basement to sleep on my back, with no one else on the floor, and I just got done puking. I wasn’t checked up on until later that morning, which scared me a little bit. and o start off the dinner the next night my tells stories of things he did in the waiting room waiting for his hollow son who got drunk for some reason and then I got a long talk from my mother. So my birthday was embarrassing to say the least and not for any of the good normal reasons. I guess I felt disappointed in everyone’s judgment, I tried my hardest to be responsible, set everything up because this would be the one day I just let go. good thing i was still reponsible and remebered most of it, i would have hated to think where i'd be if i passed out or somthing.

Shout out: thanks to, Tony, Jimmy, Gooch, Mandy, Callie, Zach, Carry, Dan, Amy, Sara, Dave and Brian (you bought me a three wise men). ps all my pictures were deleted except for this one.
So when I relied on others they canceled, forgot, paniced, or left me alone. Karma doesn’t exist because the amount of times I have painfully been the DD or soaked up vomit or threw someone over my shoulder to get them to the bath room has not been a lot. The only thing I am thankful for is I limited my self more than others on this day so I still remember what had happened and I could still tell others when something was wrong. Well I am a survivor and hard to kill, even when I am not in thee best of mind. “Even on my 21st I would d to be carefree, but then no one would have taken care of me properly.”
although i did have fun espesially in the beging, its just the after math that hard to take
I had fun, and now you have a lovely story to tell others. Not a bad 21st. Plenty of drama that's for sure.
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