Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Black Oscar

ok so i only have a few minutes to post. i have been so busy but my spring break is coming up quick, i am just hoping to make it through mid terms. Brian i am happy to know you are starting to get into the groove of things in D.C. (call me some time non drunk) and Derek glad to know you cry a lot. so this week i got to see Louis Black when he came into Omaha. He presented his material for his new upcoming HBO special and made fun of bush, surprisingly liberal crowd at the funny bone.
well i also was able to catch the end of the Oscars, same old same old. i know many of my friends were rooting for Broke' but i did really want Crash to win. i personally felt it was the more challenging movie and it wasn't an upset it was an underdog. it didnt have as many academy nods as Brokeback, it didnt win best director, the studios planned a mid release (after feeling like it would take any awards) not during the Oscar rush season, it didnt win nearly as many other awards that usually be predictors of the oscars. i am happy that Crash won and i think it deserved it, being the better project. looking at the logistics of the screen play/director style/ presentation and how complicated it is to intertwine 4 main families of characters (as screen plays go) this one got 9 character groups in. that's complicated, the over all message was never blurred and it stayed on focus but was able to bring up ample material and different controversies. Hopefully this Oscar will get people to see the movie and realize what a work of art it truly is. Although i do find Broke' to be a monumental movie and to be a film of the year, but not the only or best. all i know is that i will own both DVDs and be able to watch and enjoy them both numerous times.
"so the new super man is coming out, did here about what the are going to do"
Me: no what"
"they are going to release the scandal of the superman actor being gay for publicity, every one has heard about the scandle of him getting the part in the first place"
Me: oh that would be funny, hell they should make superman gay in the movie. second graders will love it"
"haha, yea make a Brokeback Superman"
Me: they did he's called Christopher Reeves"


Derrick said...

I'm done crying. And I miss you. You can't leave me hanging that long again you bastard!! Oh yeah, and when Brian comes back to the big O, we are all going to go have some fun!

Brooklyn said...

yea! are coming to town

Brooklyn said...

ps i dont know if i beive all that conspericy stuff, i doubt if the Academy would award 3 oscars to a film they dont see and give best director director in protest!? some might say the the acabemy board is filled with conservitive old men but more time then anything have they be 'very liberal.' what if, insted, for the first time they actually awarded best picture becuase it was. maybe this time they wont give awards away on for politic (which is what they do all to often). my personal opinion i was upset that heath ledger didnt win best actor, capote was annoying

BrianJames said...

wow, I don't think we've ever been this out of sync before...well, probably have. hoffman deserved the best actor oscar for sure. ledger was a close second in my opinion. but, brokeback was much more the challenging film. racism in L.A....yeah, ok, and??? Don't get me wrong I thought it was a fantastic movie, but when considering the story, the beauty and other considerations, in my mind Brokeback should have one by a mile. And, I am surprised about how many articles I have read from people stating that in outright, and somewhat colorful terms. And I would have no doubt taht there are a bunch of old Academy members who would refuse to watch Brokeback. Hollywood is not the bastion of liberalism it claims to be...at least with this topic...which is quite ironic.

Derrick said...

Wow, was it totally untimely to make a comment about Christopher Reeves or what? I mean, Dana Reeves just died. Now, you can remove your foot from your mouth.