Sunday, April 02, 2006

Roncalli's gossip update

hey ya'll. well, here is a small update for all u ron rons. Kim Barns got fat, Kyle Lynn and Hiedi are dating (I know, he is dating a GIRL), Bobby has become a gay internet whore and a weekly pot head, Emily Thorpe gave birth... to anthony king's baby, get this... Patty is pregnut too! that baby is going to smell, i feel bad for any one who has pass thru those leg innvolunteerly, and the finally... Jake Cartwright and Sam Stevens... are getting married (yet they both still live with their parents). congrats and best of luck.


Derrick said...

high school gossip is fun.

BrianJames said...

i'm going to go drink now, and maybe jump onto the subway tracks.

Anonymous said...

can i come with you? i just threw up in my mouth a little. i hate.