Haloween was fun, i honestly was going to spend it alone but i just went down to the bar and hung out with people i have seen before.
I hung out at the Jim Esch party wich, from what i heard, the best party to go to. rumour has it jim will run again. saddly he wont win, i think he missed his chance. this was the elections that democrats won in part because they were democrats, even gaining support in NE! but in the next two years the public will see that nothing is getting done and the stigma of being republican wont nearly be as tainted. also Jim was off the radar, terry laughed at jim. but in this election Lee Terry had the scare of his political life (he never got this close to loosing before). he is a visous polition and wont ever let it get this close. he destroyed Nancy Thompson in 2004, and she was an impressive canidate who could have been his greatest threat. but poor Nancy couldnt get out there and respond to the attacks or get her name out like lee terrry. Saddly Jim wont have the public venues (as seen in this election "who would have thought he would do well"). the Herald and local news over looked him and will do it again., while terry rips apart his name.
Well, last night i went out to a ghetto lesbian bar, i walked in as the cops arrested a girl and i left as the cops came to because of a stabbing, oh dear, blood every where.
i have only gone out 3 time in the last three months but for good reasons.
but good news i got a job at a new Omaha news paper, look into it: The Messenger. i also got hired on to Union Pacific and might be managing a coffe shop soon. but school is kicking my ass like never before. my advisor told me i was crazy for taking so many senior level class. oh well i will fial my Poli Sci and bearly pass PR. eh
i hope all is well with you.
Quote of the Week:
Look the backbone of our relationship is Honesty, or at least that's the lie i tell myself to keep this going.
I love your quote, it fits with the crappy relationship i have going on right now, O.M
Busy boy...
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