It is no secret that Hilary Rodham Clinton will incur some difficulties traveling down the road to a presidential race. Eventually, on must ask themselves is it too much to be a liberal and a women facing a wartime presidency.
First, lets look at some basics-- women tend to be middle/liberal, men ten to be conservative, physiologically men might have problems voting for a women, particularly a liberal women, and lastly few will vote for a women during a wartime Presidency.
These are my views on Hilary: it is going to be difficult for any liberal women to get elected anywhere, anytime in the modern world. Yes many women have made powerful leaders around the world and I feel that Americans could easily accept a female as a leader. But here’s a theory-- only if she is conservative.
On that note, it is difficult for a woman to win over the public if she is liberal. If you look at other modern women leaders of the world today they tend to be conservative (excluding crazy
Men tend to vote conservatives and women are likely to vote for a woman. This is another obvious advantage. If you a female and liberal, men are less likely to vote for a women and liberal, some women will vote because she is a woman but she wont sway the conservative like a conservative woman leader could sway liberals (feminists, women right movements ect.).
A liberal women is ‘too much’ and would loose all those middle ground votes where as a conservative would pick them up being both a women and a conservative, its like the best of both world as opposed to the worst of both worlds.
So here is Hillary’s problem she is not only a women but also a women during a wartime race. There will be problems for basics Americans seeing a left-winged women as the ‘Commander and Chief’ title. She will have to battle the stigma a ‘feminist liberal women running.’ So how do you combat these arguments of being womanly liberal, Hilary will have to become more centrist and this is what will ultimately loose the race. In an effort to regain some of the lost middle she will loose her base-- loose the liberal appeal (i.e. signing flag burning banning legislation and have an extended timetable for Iraq, military spending and other issues that go against liberal basics). Not only is she not winning over conservative she is now corrupting her own liberal base. Hillary stands a good chance to lose votes by playing up the middle and on the left. Really, this is why most female leaders in the past have been conservative.
I'd vote for Gore/Clinton. I would like her to run as a vp candidate and not the main thing.
oh, hillary. well, hillary, ever the strategic politician has been since she set foot in the Senate, been trying to position herself as a DLC-centrist Democrat...the kind that irritates me. she voted for the flag-burning amendment, and after, for instsnce, General Pace called homosexuality immoral, she said that that was something for others to decide...two weeks after she addressed the Human Rights Campaign and pledged solidarity with gays. Further, she cannot form an opinion of her own to save her own damn life. your basic premise is fairly adequate though, probably explaining her moves to the middle. But, people have hated hillary for about 15 years now, so she started out with a big disadvantage. I haven't picked a cnadidate yet to support, it's far too early at this stage, but the Democrats in general are in a good position to win in 2008, so maybe it actually is HIllary's best shot.
how exactly are you defining liberal? if anything, madame clinton is centerist-right and a far cry from being liberal. she could only be considered a liberal if the frame of reference used is similar to that of fox news. if that is the case, then any democrat would be considered a liberal, even zell miller.
i am caller her a liberal in a "very loose sense." She is running on a Dem Ticket in a liberal state of NY and has beliefs like pro-choice. Just because you are liberal doesnt mean you are for equal marrage (many Dems are not)none the less she is NOT really liberal. i guess i would not consider her a true or actual liberal but one of convienece (she want to be an NY senitor and married to Bill Cliton). but that is just the main problem not only do Reps not like her Dems wouldnt even consider voting for her
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