It was an interesting night a few weeks ago. Went to a house warming party of a friend that I met through Jeff. But I came with a boy. Mike and I were kinda friends and hung out over the year but never really looked at him. I was dating and so was he. But we both broke up with our boyfriends at the same time and understood each others pain. He invited me out previously to hang at the bar with his friends. On this night he asked if he could pick me up go to a dinner and then to the house warming (therefore, I was not driving). When we showed up at the party Jeff’s friends, sitting on the balcony hooted and whistled at Mike but as I emerged from behind him there was an awkward silent stare. I had no attraction to Mike really but it was nice to talk to a person who doesn’t hoot and holla’. I was respectful and anticipated Jeff being there... but he bowed out. That night, not driving and it being a long semester, I was able to drink and gladly did so. Soon mike and I sheared a drink back and forth and talked. Mike is a wrestler maybe an inch shorter than me and never finished college but has big heart. By 12:00 I was toasted and ready to leave (one of my friends ended up being belligerent). We ended up at his apartment on the floor watching (but not really) a movie and drinking wine. I inched towards him and eventually he leaned in and we met with our lips. Maybe I was recover from the rejection of a relationship, maybe it was missing the touch of a person for months, maybe it was wanting to feel accepted by a friend after falling out of favor with so many, maybe it was wanting to fall into favor with a special person or maybe it was just the red wine. we kissed for hours and wound up in his bed room i dont know what time i went to sleep. I started to like him. It was sadly awkward the next morning. Though no sex, we seemed to avoid conversation. With loosing what seems to be a lot of friends and a boyfriend of almost a year and a half in the same month I just don’t know if I can take this rejection or maybe I'll get over it like everyone else.
um... don't leave me hangin here! What's the meaning of this blog entry -- are you getting together with your boy?
after that night i really didnt feel like calling jeff everyday, we have relly began to seperate our selves. Mike has called me since but never invited me out agian maybe he got what he wanted. -- i wanted to say i love the pic its actually a pic of him (no head) and me tinted red for the wine glass, messing with photos is kinda like a emotional release
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