So the President gave his last State of the Union address. It is as if he must now plea with Democrats begging for 'bipartisanship.' But instead of watching, having seen a speech transcript ahead of time, i watched United93. If you haven't seen this movie yet you really should. It is a major recommendation. *****
This also reminds me of a must see documentary: No End In Sight, it was hugely informative. i watched it twice in one day. *****
But it also got me thinking about where this country has gone and how easily the public and press were distracted, the crisis at home and our international fall from grace. Looking back in the recent months of just Scooter Libby, the president’s inability to speak, Chaney's destruction of tapes, Mr. Gonzales, the CIA's rendition program, the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program, international stock markets and Blackwater. Our slow and steady sinking in a middle east quagmire amidst accusations of Imperialism, the admin.'s failure to stabilize Iraq and failure or to listen to military generals (the 'misunderestimated' number of troops in the surge, VA hospital here and reconstruction), violation of international treaties, and STILL NOT catching Osama BinLaden- but don't worry we got Saddam.
And still failing to fortify any oil ally (even through he just got back last week kissing Saudi ass). Which sparks my memory to the crooks and numerous Halliburton scandals, a company ran by Chaney(lack of fair biding in Iraq, 27.4 million which had grossly overcharged for the meals it supplies to the US military in Iraq, the overcharging of $6.3 million for fuel delivered to bases in Iraq and Kuwait, moving of its headquarters from US to Middle east Dubai, ect.), failure to adequately equip soldiers or fill troop positions and loosing vast allies over seas (France, Germany ect.), torture crimes, international crimes against humanity, United nations. but what about home issues like the 'Patriot Act' (my feelings are best summed up by Ben Franklin "Those who sacrifice freedom for safety deserve neither") and the plummeting economy, housing crisis and debt issues, FEMA and the debacle in regards to the destruction of a major US metropolitan area, New Orleans. There are only a handful of examples of major disasters striking US soil and this admin dropped the ball and continues to do so.
The failure to fill high-ranking positions has always been a sign of a lame duck presidency, like in the State Dept. or Justice's Dept., the firing or US attorneys and the heavy criticism of the No Child Left Behind (or no child left a dime). What about the shame the administration brought upon (not just the U.S., the public, the world arena) but also their own party? From the Republican stronghold and souring approval ratings to seeing the loss from the house and senate and even Bush being bullied by other high ranking R-congressmen to the lowest approval ratings in history. I can only remember a few years back or so I am looking for a complete list of Bush screw ups (there of course was the lying about his military service, avoiding the draft, debate on if actually won initially, Weapons of mass destruction ect. years ago). It's going to be a pet project of mine, watch out Buchanan and Harding.
A world view of Bush has taken the 'monkey likeness' to a new inhuman low in the UK paper The Gaurdian
"I'll let history be the judge" -Mr. Gorge W. Bush
*Remember these are just the general topics (the Reconstruction, tubes found in Iraq for "WMDs" given by faulty sources, toxic FEMA tailors and Halliburton all had numerous examples of scandal and violation the constitution and human rights) there was not enough room to go beyond the general topic.*
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