The best example (based off of my real life personal experiences). Imagine you have a job interview in each area-
Upper East- You’re lost and visibly confused, New Yorker: “get out of my way, what you cant understand a simple map or something. I can read people really well and you’re lost. Here, I’ll take the map… where you headed, I don’t have all day. Go down Broadway to lower Manhattan, take a right on 5th walk five blocks… are you fucking listening to me, right? Walk five blocks to Hampton Street, take a left. I wouldn’t move here to New York if I were you, this place is already too crowed, too many *insert random racial slur or stereotype*. You’ll get there in 20mins if you start walkin and get out of my way.” Perfect directions, you make it there in exactly 20 mins.
Attitude: Meanly nice.
Culture: High strung, blunt, doing not asking, short tempered
Money: rent…
If they were a flavor of ice-cream: rocky road
Central Midwest: If you look lost, nobody will help you, you will need to ask, keep an exaggerated personal bubble of space. When you ask, they will give you basic directions and general friendly demeanor (not so much if you are 'unique'). “yup… lets see… the best way to get there… well…. I would… keep takin’ the 80 North until the 6 turn at the large brick building. Good luck with the interview sir, you have a nice day now.” Tip the hat and slowly walk away, no further conversation unless you make it. The person will leave with a ‘good day’ smile on their face. No extra directions (like right or left or info), you have what you will need, find it yourself (if not you can always ask again). They are very individualistic in the sense that they think of the 'individual' as made of your family and friends and that who you look out for.
Attitude: Indifferent nice
Culture: plain
Money: sufficient
Ice cream: vanilla
Attitude: Nicely mean.
Culture: pretentious, self-centered, careless, passive and disingenuous
Money: its all debt- cells, sunglasses, glossy cars
The most delicious ice cream dessert filled with broken glass… glass that blames you for how uncomfortable digestion is.
This has been something that I have noticed a lot; West coast peeps can really screw someone over AND THEN get pissed at them. The west coast mentality operates something like this: you throw your red drink on to somebody’s white dress and then come back later and ask nicely for that person to reimburse for your drink.
Look, I will take someone being meanly nice over somebody stabbing me with an over-bleached smile any day.
1 comment:
A 'friend' trapped me in my parking space, they parked illegally right behind my personal apartment space with no room to get out. 10 inches of wiggle and trying to make my vehicle go sideways to get into the empty spot next to me (!? Yes empty!) so I literally reverse parallel parked my way out and 30 mins later I finally fucking get out (sooo late for work). I didn’t tow or write a note or nothing. The person later comes back angry at me because there was a scratch on there door… on the side not facing the street, thus I couldn’t have done it… and if I did you deserved it. REALLY… You fucked over my whole day, and you trapped me–no wonder somebody scratched your car.
My roommate decides, after thinking for 15 minutes, that he was going to kick me out of the apartment and not let me finish the lease. For no other reasoning than he wants to room with the previous guy who left him and couldn’t cut it in Vegas so is back now. Yea, I am immeasurably infuriated, where am to go (the couch?) how will I move my stuff, I am resourceful but damn! This really screwed me over big time. Well, now he is pissed at me because he and his trick broke up and now I am not going to fawn over his broken feelings (being plenty busy with other more pressing matters)… and he is mad at me because I am not returning his phone calls. Excuse me, I am busy at apartment viewings. The absurd list goes on. The car guy was all nice and sweet when telling me that I was going to pay for a new paint job and the rommie was laid back and passive when deciding upon my living existence and complain about me moving my stuff. I mean, people here just leave there friends (they drove!) at clubs. That shit just don’t fly! And in NY you could get shot. To total up they are passive but inconsiderate of anyone else. What is wrong with these people? Their brains must be slowly decaying from their expensive cell phone’s radiation.
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