Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stewart vs Cramer: The Complete Guide

The Interview

How did this idea that John Stewart in attacking Crammer for being a 'non-supporter of Obama’s views'? John Stewart- yes, he is a comedian, yes, he is to the left/Dem., yes, his show is not on CNN or FoxNews but on an MTV subsidiary. Yet he has more sense, intellect, research, and value than most other TV Journalists out there. This is not to defend Stewart, the comedian, but condemn the rest of the “ TV journalists.” If anyone was watching before hand, and knew the SLIGHTEST information on this topic, then you would undoubtedly understand where the feud spawned from... and where it did not. I have tracked down ALL the media i could find, make up your own mind.

The Episode that started it all. You try and figure out why John is mad, hmmm?!

What an odd story this was, such drama! It was unique because for the first time I was totally plugged into all facets and saw the whole thing unfold like some bystander watch a ten car media pile up. What has made me so angry is the utter misinformation being supplied by the greater media.

Why i disagree with the assumption that this was a TV assassination attempt aimed at the Republicans
A. He didn't attack Cramer he attacked the whole financial show market
B. Pull up many of Stewart's past criticisms of Obama and his cabinet choices ( far more than Cramer's -if Cramer even has any)
John Stewart criticizes Obama

C. Watch the episode –it clearly explained WHY he is going after him with such ferocity (video at top)
D. The interview obviously pertained to the idea the Cramer's stock choices not his ideologies
E.Look at the facts: (why isn’t that enough-- to ask some serious questions)

-----It was during the March 17, 2008, segment, titled "Broken Arrow: Crisis in the Chartland," Stewart criticized Cramer after airing a clip of CNBC's Mad Money, during which Cramer said:

"Bear Stearns is fine. Do not take your money out.
This is -- look, if there's one takeaway other than a plus 400 [inaudible] --
Bear Stearns is not in trouble. I mean, if anything, they are more likely to be
taken over. Don't move your money from Bear. That's just being silly. Don't be
silly." -----

The only thing that is silly here is it took a comedian to point this out seriously. But it was spun into Stewart (angry, at the obvious, because “this guy is screwing people’s hard earn money over” [and I personally still think he was a little angry over the cancelation]) into a puppet for the liberal elite.

But where did this spin come from? The O’Reilly Factor. (video below)

O’Reilly’s fun house mirror take on the situation

(This is the back story) This is how i cam to accidentally watch the whole thing unfold. In a debate with my parents, I told them I would watch an O’Reilly episode with a pen and paper and make notes of each error covered by the show. Last week, O’Reilly aired a segment (obviously with out having done any type of research before hand) on the Stewart/Crammer story. There he accused Stewart of attacking Cramer for his views on Obama. Ok, A) I can't really find ant decenting remarks made about Obama were in 2008/2009 B) Crammer shies any form partisan topics on his show about finance.
The last criticism of the Obama administration for Stewart: last week. With the debacle of electing a person to head up the IRS with a history of not paying taxes. The reason Stewart was PISSED was because of a finance guy telling people to buy AIG and Bear Sterns the same week it closed. After the last minute cancellation: Comedian + an axe to grind + open air time= legendary comedy.
Bill O’Wrongly, got it wrong… Again. It was wrong to accuse Crammer of partisanship and it was wrong to report conjecture as fact.
My dad and I, my dad being the University Chair of the Finance Dpt. And Republican, had been exchanging emails on this Cramer topic right after the first Stewart episode aired. Both thinking it was funny and my dad was relieved by Stewart’s take on “those finance shows for cads.” Then by chance seeing the O’Reilly Factor –seeing this as my golden opportunity to show my parent’s of how wrong O’Reilly is… and now I get to show how much of a Fox lap-dog Tucker is (BONUS POINTS!) [video above]. Lets be honest here, at least John Stewart admits to being left, its obvious his show leans left.. no ands ifs and buts about it. But tucker can’t even man up and admit he is Right leaning?! Obviously, not the most truthful reporter.

Watch the episode, and see for yourself: is John going after crammer for being Republican or is it for wrongly advising people. Tucker should

This just shows once again how wrong the media is now a days. It hit two no three birds with one stone a) shaming them by doing a better job than the other news personalities b) lack of research, which might be cause the first c) THE STOCK MARKET IS IMPLODING and you report on a TV feud… what is wrong with you guys!
Be your own judge.

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