Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Delema: i am sorry its long, but still read for my sanity

I had been eyeing UNL since around fresh or sophomore year. It, like most colleges, represented a much needed break from my comfortable living situation. Here my friends had become dull and lacking. UNO is a small ‘commuter’ college; there is no campus life here. It is a college, people commute here and leave after 3 or 4 hours of classes, so we consequently have little student evolvement, fully functioning organizations, dorms or parties. My dad works at UNO and my pathetic little brother will be attending there (and old sad friends worth avoiding). Needless to say, I needed out and after my sis's baby and my break-up I gained a new want to leave immediately. I began to make arrangements but found that UNL had canceled its public relations department, I over looked that and decided to still go. I needed an excuse to not have to be with my family every day (which is awful as a young gy man), to leave my work which I was real bad at, and find new friends/life. So first thing I had to do was quit my job (finally) then make plans to visit UNL. Along the way I met people and made connections faster(and finding a social life might difficult as a working junior), then I met with an advisor and found out that I would have to take 4 more foreign languages and 2 more math classes, which as you know could devastate a GPA. This is when I began my doubts, but I moved on. UNL was more well known, it had a much better student paper for me and it had internships around the country, DC, New York, Chicago (which UNO doesn’t give)… but I don’t know how much time I would have because the extra classes during the summer to catch up. My chances of getting a career might be more likely coming from Lincoln especially with more experience around the country (if I can keep my GPA up). During this I was trying to find a roommate but couldn’t so it ended up me moving in alone for now which appears to be insanely expensive, I don’t like and I might have to give up my car. Though I did find a job, its $9 an hour and helps nonprofit org. (cool) but its telemarketing (eh). UNL is such a pretty campus, its so big and so active. I would love to go there on appeal and the ability to gain amazing experience but my class schedule is crippling, I live alone, some of these people I met are sing me off and I don’t want to deal with and I am getting a degree that I didn’t intend. I know where things are at in UNO and I could get a roommate/job here, keep taking the class ill need after 2 yrs and focus in the PR side that is only offered here (but is still a lot like the Advertising at UNL). I have noticed the colleges are very similar and didn’t offer the differences that I assumed. UNL, I loved walking around campus and for the first time experiencing college, and see better opportunities. However I have come to appreciate UNO and have tailored myself around it and my wants (like PR) and see better options. I am afraid that after 1 semester @ UNL I could transfer back. I try to pay attention to the little things now but not allowing them to be blown out of proportion but what happens when they all add up? –on both sides, the institutions are very similar. God I so want to leave here! But if I stay I could leave the Midwest sooner (if I get a good job). They are the same with little differences whose to say I wont get a good job from uno, how amazing would it be to intern, is it worth transferring from one place to a similar (but very different in the little things)?


Brooklyn said...

i had a break down and didnt want to go to UNL, but i really dont want to go to UNO. as for education UNO has a better advertising departent education, but UNL is more recognized (mostly due to its awsome news and editorials) therefore has a more popular department and one that is known, and therefore better

Derrick said...

okay... I will just say that moving of any sort (even over to Lincoln) is expensive. So, make sure you consider that. Although a nice campus has lots of appeal, don't be sold on just that. You should be more concerned with the program of study. I used to give campus tours of my university and trust me, they show you what will "sell" their university. It's all marketing. UNO probably doesn't do this as it isn't as aesthetically pretty. As for meeting new people, it's definitely a plus. However, I keep in touch with only like 2 or 3 people. And this is very sporatic. So, my vote, since it sounds like they have the program you want, is to stay at UNO.

BrianJames said...

I would say UNO as well. I hate to break it down to just 'it's easier to stay here', but it is. PLus, like derrick said at one point a degree is a degree. ANd really, reading your post whether consiously (sp?) or unconsiously, you seemed to favor staying at UNO, almost trying to rationalize it, which is fine. I think it makes more sense in the broadest sense to stay here. Yet, I honest to God, do sympathize with your strong desire to leave family or leave the state. Personally, I can't wait for May '07 and to graduate and leave the whole fucking region. But, in the end life is just shitty sometimes, and we have to do what we have to do. It's cliche', but it is just the simple albeit cold reality. UNL might be more recognized, but they're all part of the University of Nebraska system, so that's something to consider.