Friday, July 15, 2005


Hillary Duff is coming to Omaha.


Derrick said...

oh, God... lock your doors and don't come out until it's all clear!! :)

BrianJames said...

you know, why is it that anyone can just fucking become famous for absolutely nothing. Don't tell me she's a singer or an actress, cause she ain't neither.

Derrick said...

And don't tell me you have correct grammar... cuz you don't! :)

Brooklyn said...

worste of all her tickets are close to 50 bucks (easly 60 to 70 with other charges) which i twice what i would pay for a concert ticket, and all to see a person not sing!?

Derrick said...

she's human?!?!?!?!?

Brooklyn said...

lol, brovo