Monday, October 31, 2005

I saw saw

well on sunday i planned to do my work catch up, i stayed at the library form 12 to 6 and got it all finished up. after that i ran home and got dressed quickly (not remembering it was daylight savings and wondering if i was going to make the movie on time) and forgot my belt which was lovely cause as i walked down the movie isle i had popcorn, wallet and keys in one hand and slushy, cell phone and jacket in the other and my pants started to fall down. thanks Brian for pulling them back up when i asked... i always knew you had my back.
Anyways, i was not very impressed by the movie, it wasn't that scary, twisted or creative like the last one. there was no intensity and the gore wasn't even as good there was like only one sick scene in the beginning... GOD EYE THINGS CREEP ME OUT, but mostly people just kinda fainted and died, worthless. the acting sucked too but that was a given. next time a horror movie decides to put 7 beautiful people in a house together for Halloween there better be
rating: *****
Quote of the week, after the final destination preview: "those who made it out of the ice-cream truck in time survived!"

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Out of League

*Disclaimer: Read my blog at face value. i unfortunately do not have the spare time to meticulously reread my blog especially if i am invited to a movie and only have 15 mins to finish my thoughts (i cant just drop a story) and run... you should be thankful i had complete sentences.*
so, on friday i went out again, but this time as an army guy. i just went to a little party (when i showed up i doubled the amount of people there, jk but it was still small). i hung out there for a little and did not do much. After that i left and picked a friend of mine to go to the Midnight showing of Nightmare Before Christmas. it was fun, i hadnt seen the whole movie until that night. i met up with a few people and we made comments or sang along. also, i got very excited because for the first time... i saw the previews for 'Rent' on the big screen, i can not wait. all in all it was a good relaxing evening that allowed me to get to sleep at 2:00, awesome.
the next day i woke up called about the roaches in my apart (no one came down), called customer support to figure out why my internet doesnt work (couldnt get through it was a fax number) and returned a call to a women i accidentally rear ended and broke a tail light in the morning (found out the estimate was $800). after that i went to go pillage at my parents house. it was cool because my grandparents are in town baby sitting for my parents while they're in Spain. so i got food and had a little extra money in my pocket. later, i left and ended up at a party with all my nerdy UNO friends, all dressed as pirates, Dorthy, Zelda and shit.
i also had some hypnotic and it was sooo good. soon i left and went to the big S.A.E. frat house Halloween party and hang with my slutty UNO friends. it was fun i got to see old grade school people drunk whoring themselves out. it was a pretty good time, i hung with a lot of people from my old drama class and got a little drunk. i was also introduced to a guy, one of those your gay... he's gay, they're perfect together. yea not so much.

Friday, October 28, 2005

The Drama Transfer

*Disclaimer: if you dont really want to know what i have been up to then dont read, i am tired of editing my names situations and walking on egg shells, so if you dont like it tough shit*

for Halloween i have been goin as a cub scout ;-) what has everyone else gone as?

well i have been hanging out with JC's friends lately and apparently it pisses him off. he must find it some sort of betrayal, so when they all came up Wednesday, LOL, i got invited to the Q. i was even offered a ride. LOL, me showing up with all of JC's dear pals to the club that he is at would be too funny and i do need to depend fate. i couldn't help but think about me further tightening my social choke hold. In fact as others found out about it they made plans to go and see it all unfold. But i also saw the fear in the eyes of some of his most closest friends, you know the look that screams Gay Drama! So i bowed out gracefully because i didn't want them to have to experience JC's pissy wrath. GOD DAMN DRAMA!
Instead my friends here in Omaha, seeing my plan of doom, decided to keep me here. So we went the Roxbury instead and i had a total blast. This club is of the ghetto/rap variety, so i loved it. We all got in constume and i was the only guy of six girls, so i had my hands full. Basically my duty was that if a guy was grinding on them or hitting on them i just go over put my arm around them and dance (so the guys just walk away). There were also a bunch of buff guys dressed as Chip and Dales dancer so it was hard to keep my hands in check. i also met up with some people from the dorm and made plans to hang out with them afterwards.
on our way Home we took pictures with real cops, reverse backward across three lanes of traffic while Kristin (Driver) screams "I WANNA SUCK COCK" out the window.
i left those crazy, horny bitches and wound up at the dorms with Sharon, Fernando (or as Kristin calls him Francisco/Frachesco/Fresca) and some more people. we went dorm hopping and Fernando took his pants off to go hug the straight but in his defense it was part of his costume (by the way, what it with gay Mexicans and gogo dancing anyway). i was envious of his track runner legs tho, by the end of the night after wandering around campus at 4 am wrapped in quilts (i have to get the security feed of that) we ended up at Fernando's dorm where we went into his room and turned off the lights and where he presented the wrapper and began to tare it open. i took it from him to look at it and saw that it was not a condom wrapper but individually wrapped tylonol PM. Moment over. Made fun of his game for the rest of the night, as if we would have done anything any way, pshh, please. well i finally woke up next to someone and made it to class on time but we'll see what drama come from me sleeping with Fernando. good grief.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

no idea what i am doin

had a huge weekend, lots to say but dont really feel like it. thanks to josh, ben, mike and callie (and sam kinda) for helping me move into my new apartment, i have given my invitation to come over when you please. as for callie i will probably just give u a key to the place so you can come over when you want because you were superwoman, mi casa su casa chica. as for those who "couldn't help" i am sure you might see my new digs eventually, maybe. if i can talk to you and get around to asking you to come over sometime down the road (i dont plan on being there very often for some reasons). Once again THANK YOU its you'all who make my life easier (even if you only had to carry a house plant)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

new record

the following day i got written up again... three times in two days, i have really out done myself. then again, in all consideration, i worked hour for hour an entire buisness week in one weekend but still 3 write ups in 5 shifts, thats a lot. well i guesss if i really dont like my job i cant help but show it.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

oh god what have i done

why am i at this job, i dont like it and it does not pay me well. i worked from 10:30 am to 11:00 pm. i had to deal with a screaming child (who would run people from my section) and the worst thing ever... a table full of modles. one got up and started running around the resturant and threw a fit, i am not talking about the kid i am talking about the modle. not to mention the sheer amount of alcohol running through their systems was horrifying. oh, and then soon after i spilt hot chicken liguine and it poured down the front of me, so i had to food run (again) for the next 2 hours with crap and stains all over my self which went from looking like vomit to jiz to blader problems it was incredible. only to be topped off by getting written up twice in one day... oh this job is soo through. well midterm week is over but i work so much i wouldnt know that i have a day off because i work over 70 hrs a week. i dont know when i will write my 3 different papers. the only thing getting me through this week is that i saw Brian Vamousi (my high school crush) and he waved me down and ran, with those strong muscular legs, to say "hi" and ask how it was going, i unfortunaly lost control of my verbal skills and forgot even my major when he asked. ok, it has been a really long and bad week. God Give Me a Break... or at the very least kill me.

Friday, October 14, 2005

This week's sum up

grrrrrrr!!!!! fuck bitch whore dick slut cunt bastard asshole cock sucking skank peice of shit crapfaced ugly SOB dumb ass fucktarded fat ho'bag... and no one even knows yet what i will am shouting about either
(*brian i will call you later*)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


"Don't let war destroy the world of children" -fallows the recent UNICEF ad.

thanks to me, i have being keeping up international ads for my major and here is an interesting one. it fundraises for children of war. the 'smurf ad' is being ran in Belgium and starts with into music to the smurfs as the camera fallows through the woods to the smurf's village (with the usual singing and dancing)thne the camera shoots up to plains flying over that drop s. screaming and crying fallows while reshowing the building in the previos scene burning. soon the screaming dies out and all that is left is the echoing cries of baby smurf while a blue hand lies in the rubble and smurfett lying near by. i thought it would be funny but it was acutally hard to see icons of inoccencent childhood burned and left for . i wonder if it will be well recieved or not?

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Haha, Texas Tech beat UNL... the Big Red can sock on the BIG One and it was an awsome game. those who know me know how unlikely it is for me to find watching footall very entertaining.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Are You A Bitch

i found these in the recent cosmo, and anyone who knows me knows why it's kinda funny...
"-you believe in the survival of the fittest.
-okay, maybe you shouldnt have spread the word around school that the Fraternity President has sex with goats, but whatever.
-during your annual preformace review, your manager frequently uses words like aggressive, one-track, and merciless.
-in an effer to be a better friend, you tell your gall pal that her new guy- you know, the one she's madly in love with- is, well, ugly.
-your last boyfriend broke up with you complaining of metal abuse. when you see him at a bar, he hide and sheilds his face, the wimp! (okay mine run)
-you call the shots in your social crew because they mess everything up, which you tell them- regularly. "

-p 184

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Quote of the week

"It is if you act as weird as you are acting, you nutcase."

me in the midst of riots, broadway, and graffiti

so, i was able to lie and leave work yesterday so that i could run up to Lincoln for a step competition with renee. a step is a dance normally associated with black fraternities and sororities in which they will cerograph stomps, grind and yell chants. there really cool to watch. i was able to get on campus parking for UNL and broke in to the coliseum for the show (i am not going to spend $3.00!). it was a total blast except for that one 'source awards moment' when a frat said "we dont need no alfas, no gammas, no kappas..." and almost started a bit of a riot but other than that i had soo much fun. not to mention i was able to get a groove on with 'gold digger.' and later on, one of the fraternities made outfit out of cheap canvas which would accidentally slowly rip and deteriorate in all the right places (its the classiest way to describe it). by the end everyone was just cheering for them to take it off... and i must say it was nice.
after that i went to a coffee house with skankslut to fill out paperwork for an apartment i probably wont get.
later around 11:00 pm renee had to go back to her work, at the Leid Preforming Center, to get a book she had left. she had access into the main entrance and then we proceeded to brake into the Theater and behind the Scene for a new Broadway show. we made acted secret agents (with awsome posses) as we ran around the costume rooms and massive back stage unlocked corridors. we ran into a janitor but renee knew him so everything was cool. we didnt want to get her fired or get me killed by falling sand bags or open trapped doors so we decided to leave and went back to her dorm, and what dorm building did she live in... Cather the same one as JC (I will publish what i want, who i want, when i want because it my blog). i was nervous at first and we went to the room quickly and i was going to make sure to avoid him. but i needed, NEEDED to tempt fate, its what i do. so we went up to the 12th floor (once again my blog!) to show renee his room. i quickly slipped into the stairs but i think he saw me and then met again in her room. i couldnt just leave it at that we had to do something rambunctious . so as me and renee discussed 3 other people on the floor began talking to us- and thus began the plot. one would call him down to help with a sewing problem while the other 2 and me would run up the stairs. when we got to the 12th floor entrance we would unpack... the tape, napkins, catch-up and tampons. back to the secret agent mode, while one would make the bloody tampons the other two posted them on the door and around his door knob. i of course put the finishing touches of smearing the red napkin down the front of the door and leaving the trash there. it was way too much fun, in hindsight i think he'll probably take offence to it but, oh well. the way i deal with situations is to either yell or make a joke out of it, i dont care any more so i joke and fuck around. i figure it was the better of the two. think of it as a bloody tampon-like olive branch of peace. all in all the night quenched my thirst for brake-ins and i purely enjoyed my self with total satisfaction, not to mention having enough eye candy for weeks.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

my life in fast foward...

Howdy y’all, sorry I have been out for way too long, dealing with houses, school, advisors, jobs, customers, men, women, friends and lover… really in general people and stuff. First up, I hate my job. My bosses are now treating my like , and I work 8 shifts (6-8 hrs) in only one week (only seven days), I work double shifts. And because I have a day off to day that means, ill work 5 shifts (a normal business week) in on weekend- fri, sat and sun. not only are they literally working me to they also keep me for serving, they make me train, a week after I have finished training, the make clean the restaurant, even the table bases, and the make me food fun, even though I already had 2 tables which means I left and got no tip. This whole minimum wage thing is not working out.
As for the love life well that’s both a long and short story. Guys meet me or approach me and I run in a tragic fury to never loose my sanity again. With in the being of the school year I have been approached by at least 3 guys, all of whom are attractive some what well minded (well two of them are normal) but I just can’t get my self to care or like them back. I know they are nice and pretty but I just don’t like them or the idea of dating.
I have also been searching for apartments which have been driving me insane. I can not take it. All relaters are asinine! There is a reason they have resorted to apartment sales, its just a sad group of life failures that are a few seconds away from realizing it and about brake. It really is only luck that they have survived this long and been able to make a mild profit or that they are to afraid to kill themselves due to further failure of that too. One didn’t even know where his own building was! Well I have stories of each don’t really know if ill expand on any of them, unless u feel it necessary to know the full story then by all means I will spill my guts.
Oh and absolutely thrilling news I might go to London over the summer for class internships on international relations, wahoo! But that is a big if, I won’t know until the semester end, I had done everything that I could its up to fate, or God, or Buddha or whatever.