so, i was able to lie and leave work yesterday so that i could run up to Lincoln for a step competition with renee. a step is a dance normally associated with black fraternities and sororities in which they will cerograph stomps, grind and yell chants. there really cool to watch. i was able to get on campus parking for UNL and broke in to the coliseum for the show (i am not going to spend $3.00!). it was a total blast except for that one 'source awards moment' when a frat said "we dont need no alfas, no gammas, no kappas..." and almost started a bit of a riot but other than that i had soo much fun. not to mention i was able to get a groove on with 'gold digger.' and later on, one of the fraternities made outfit out of cheap canvas which would accidentally slowly rip and deteriorate in all the right places (its the classiest way to describe it). by the end everyone was just cheering for them to take it off... and i must say it was nice.
after that i went to a coffee house with skankslut to fill out paperwork for an apartment i probably wont get.
later around 11:00 pm renee had to go back to her work, at the Leid Preforming Center, to get a book she had left. she had access into the main entrance and then we proceeded to brake into the Theater and behind the Scene for a new Broadway show. we made acted secret agents (with awsome posses) as we ran around the costume rooms and massive back stage unlocked corridors. we ran into a janitor but renee knew him so everything was cool. we didnt want to get her fired or get me killed by falling sand bags or open trapped doors so we decided to leave and went back to her dorm, and what dorm building did she live in... Cather the same one as JC (I will publish what i want, who i want, when i want because it my blog). i was nervous at first and we went to the room quickly and i was going to make sure to avoid him. but i needed, NEEDED to tempt fate, its what i do. so we went up to the 12th floor (once again my blog!) to show renee his room. i quickly slipped into the stairs but i think he saw me and then met again in her room. i couldnt just leave it at that we had to do something rambunctious . so as me and renee discussed 3 other people on the floor began talking to us- and thus began the plot. one would call him down to help with a sewing problem while the other 2 and me would run up the stairs. when we got to the 12th floor entrance we would unpack... the tape, napkins, catch-up and tampons. back to the secret agent mode, while one would make the bloody tampons the other two posted them on the door and around his door knob. i of course put the finishing touches of smearing the red napkin down the front of the door and leaving the trash there. it was way too much fun, in hindsight i think he'll probably take offence to it but, oh well. the way i deal with situations is to either yell or make a joke out of it, i dont care any more so i joke and fuck around. i figure it was the better of the two. think of it as a bloody tampon-like olive branch of peace. all in all the night quenched my thirst for brake-ins and i purely enjoyed my self with total satisfaction, not to mention having enough eye candy for weeks.
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