Saturday, October 15, 2005

oh god what have i done

why am i at this job, i dont like it and it does not pay me well. i worked from 10:30 am to 11:00 pm. i had to deal with a screaming child (who would run people from my section) and the worst thing ever... a table full of modles. one got up and started running around the resturant and threw a fit, i am not talking about the kid i am talking about the modle. not to mention the sheer amount of alcohol running through their systems was horrifying. oh, and then soon after i spilt hot chicken liguine and it poured down the front of me, so i had to food run (again) for the next 2 hours with crap and stains all over my self which went from looking like vomit to jiz to blader problems it was incredible. only to be topped off by getting written up twice in one day... oh this job is soo through. well midterm week is over but i work so much i wouldnt know that i have a day off because i work over 70 hrs a week. i dont know when i will write my 3 different papers. the only thing getting me through this week is that i saw Brian Vamousi (my high school crush) and he waved me down and ran, with those strong muscular legs, to say "hi" and ask how it was going, i unfortunaly lost control of my verbal skills and forgot even my major when he asked. ok, it has been a really long and bad week. God Give Me a Break... or at the very least kill me.


Derrick said...

okay, so getting written up shouldn't bother you. especially since you are going to quit and this is not an occupation you see yourself for the rest of your life. Just quit, and move on with your life.

BrianJames said...

it will get better....probably.