Monday, December 11, 2006
quote of the -all most, kinda, if i had the time- week
"Yea its not shiny so i probably wont do it."
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Why Esch wont win. My hair. Work load.
hey you'll. not much to say. change my hair in Vegas, started with dying my hair a cherry choclate brown, cutting it into a pho-hawk and the bleeching the main mohawk. the i changed it to all bleech and finally i tipped it red for haloween.
Haloween was fun, i honestly was going to spend it alone but i just went down to the bar and hung out with people i have seen before.
I hung out at the Jim Esch party wich, from what i heard, the best party to go to. rumour has it jim will run again. saddly he wont win, i think he missed his chance. this was the elections that democrats won in part because they were democrats, even gaining support in NE! but in the next two years the public will see that nothing is getting done and the stigma of being republican wont nearly be as tainted. also Jim was off the radar, terry laughed at jim. but in this election Lee Terry had the scare of his political life (he never got this close to loosing before). he is a visous polition and wont ever let it get this close. he destroyed Nancy Thompson in 2004, and she was an impressive canidate who could have been his greatest threat. but poor Nancy couldnt get out there and respond to the attacks or get her name out like lee terrry. Saddly Jim wont have the public venues (as seen in this election "who would have thought he would do well"). the Herald and local news over looked him and will do it again., while terry rips apart his name.
Well, last night i went out to a ghetto lesbian bar, i walked in as the cops arrested a girl and i left as the cops came to because of a stabbing, oh dear, blood every where.
i have only gone out 3 time in the last three months but for good reasons.
but good news i got a job at a new Omaha news paper, look into it: The Messenger. i also got hired on to Union Pacific and might be managing a coffe shop soon. but school is kicking my ass like never before. my advisor told me i was crazy for taking so many senior level class. oh well i will fial my Poli Sci and bearly pass PR. eh
i hope all is well with you.
Haloween was fun, i honestly was going to spend it alone but i just went down to the bar and hung out with people i have seen before.
I hung out at the Jim Esch party wich, from what i heard, the best party to go to. rumour has it jim will run again. saddly he wont win, i think he missed his chance. this was the elections that democrats won in part because they were democrats, even gaining support in NE! but in the next two years the public will see that nothing is getting done and the stigma of being republican wont nearly be as tainted. also Jim was off the radar, terry laughed at jim. but in this election Lee Terry had the scare of his political life (he never got this close to loosing before). he is a visous polition and wont ever let it get this close. he destroyed Nancy Thompson in 2004, and she was an impressive canidate who could have been his greatest threat. but poor Nancy couldnt get out there and respond to the attacks or get her name out like lee terrry. Saddly Jim wont have the public venues (as seen in this election "who would have thought he would do well"). the Herald and local news over looked him and will do it again., while terry rips apart his name.
Well, last night i went out to a ghetto lesbian bar, i walked in as the cops arrested a girl and i left as the cops came to because of a stabbing, oh dear, blood every where.
i have only gone out 3 time in the last three months but for good reasons.
but good news i got a job at a new Omaha news paper, look into it: The Messenger. i also got hired on to Union Pacific and might be managing a coffe shop soon. but school is kicking my ass like never before. my advisor told me i was crazy for taking so many senior level class. oh well i will fial my Poli Sci and bearly pass PR. eh
i hope all is well with you.
Quote of the Week:
Look the backbone of our relationship is Honesty, or at least that's the lie i tell myself to keep this going.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
i work at a sandwich shop now *crying*
Hey, nothing much exciting, really this is a more downer blog. I saw black eyed peas again. Not any where close to the first concert. Go see the last kiss. It was soo good, better than garden state. It’s kind of like Closer. School is pilling up. I need decontamination from relationships. I need some relax time, and if that means taking a break from jeff I will. I am taking out a major loan (which will hopefully boost my credit rating before I leave college), I will start up work at a sandwich shop in the noon and look for another evening job. I am just looking around and hoping I am making good future decisions. Good news I was able to take a break last night. I got off of work early, cleared my night schedule to hang with jeff who was a no show and my internet was down so I couldnt do homework. I watch 2 hrs of south park ate Chinese food and went to sleep early… awesome!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
up to speed of light
It seems every one is on hiatus for school. So here’s my up date: I have a full course work load, looking for another crappy low paying job, I found that I will graduate this summer, me and jeff are still going good, Sam is with child (I know but its working), Omaha sucks, there was a revolution in Taiwan yesterday night and my favorite season is upon us. Happy Fall!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Missed My Opportunity
awkward and misplaced here in this city.
I should have left to a different place or different university in Wisconsin or Seattle. i am a college student with no friends that are true college students, a young adult with no young adult experiences, a unique person in a bland stifling environment (UNO and Omaha are for middle aged mid life crisis family values this is not for a college kid). i want to be young, naive and invincible. all i want is to leave this suburban city-town. in doing so i rushed from high school to career, i love college, the vibe the ideals and the struggles. college fits me and my crazy courious personality. really my college comes in between my jobs. but i never went to true college nor will i continue to go. after i graduate that will be the end until i go back as an adult if i choose. i look at my life and get worried because soon i will be working the 9 to 5. where was my kegger, my poetry reading, my dorm room memory, where was my life experimentation? i have to go to coffee shops by my self or to concerts alone. i dont hear that underground band. i don't hang out with college students i hang out with 40 year old white women or strippers, trust funds and 25 yr olds gay men that act 13. i guess i am unsatisfied but more so, disappointed because my life will always lack giving it the good old college try.
I should have left to a different place or different university in Wisconsin or Seattle. i am a college student with no friends that are true college students, a young adult with no young adult experiences, a unique person in a bland stifling environment (UNO and Omaha are for middle aged mid life crisis family values this is not for a college kid). i want to be young, naive and invincible. all i want is to leave this suburban city-town. in doing so i rushed from high school to career, i love college, the vibe the ideals and the struggles. college fits me and my crazy courious personality. really my college comes in between my jobs. but i never went to true college nor will i continue to go. after i graduate that will be the end until i go back as an adult if i choose. i look at my life and get worried because soon i will be working the 9 to 5. where was my kegger, my poetry reading, my dorm room memory, where was my life experimentation? i have to go to coffee shops by my self or to concerts alone. i dont hear that underground band. i don't hang out with college students i hang out with 40 year old white women or strippers, trust funds and 25 yr olds gay men that act 13. i guess i am unsatisfied but more so, disappointed because my life will always lack giving it the good old college try.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Breeders create there on demise
White trash wedding
So my friend Sam is married. I am actually pretty upset about how this is allowed. I feel like she is a child now with the ability to make adult decisions.
Back to the beginning: they met about three months ago, never dated, basically fuck buddies, didn’t talk to each other for a month (half of the time they knew each other, they hated each other). They have sex with other people continuously, and no one minded. She even slept with his best friend a few weeks before the proposal and caused another rift. The FiancĂ© continuously battled any sort of relationship status and commitment phobic (had a longer on going affair with his neighbor and pissed sam off).
This leads to the proposal: Angered by Samantha fucking his friends and realized that his phobia had pushed any of his previous flings he freaks out. Wants sam to stop fucking around and is scared of dying in the war… oh hold up, wait, repeat! Oh that is right the on the fore front of fucked and failure of a relationship is: our man just joined the army. Suddenly he’ll die before he could get married, so he grabs the closest thing and there stands my friend, stupid and willing to find any replacement for her daddy who left years ago. Suddenly she has purpose and a reason for having lived. Its a legal document PROVING that some person loved her… she has the ring to prove it. Yet a signature does not mean he loves her and a ring doesn’t mean that either of them know what love actually is. This also leads to the most important reasons for the wedding: money. Now sammy receives a stiffen from the government. The purpose of the law is to reimburse wives of soldier who have their primary bread winners shipped off. (My neighbor Emilia also had a proposal before her ex left to Iraq. He said that he would split the monthly stiffen with her. She said no). the problem is that they have not discussed these detail in the week long engagement period, she has no idea that she will be responsible for paying his car payments, ect. She thinks its hers for fun and he’ll never see it. While he doesn’t know he just acquired 3 years of debt that sam is still living in.
The Ceremony: She thoroughly believes that she will marry once. The only thing that sam wanted from childhood was a pretty white wedding with the church, dress and bride’s maids to boot.
Sam got married in the court house, in a dress from doctor johns (a local porn shop), with a taco bell stain. She gave her self to him in a dress that she has had sex with many other men for her wedding. Her best friends from highschool and college are absent (including myself) but his best friend was there. They have announced that though they are married they will continue to have an open relationship. THEY DON’T KNOW EACH OTHER, THEY HAVENT DATED, THEY SLEEP WITH AND DATE OTHER PEOPLE, THIS ISNT EVEN AN OPEN RELATIONSIP BECASE ITS NOT A RELATIONSHIP!
If you know me I have done what I can, but reason has no place here.
So my friend Sam is married. I am actually pretty upset about how this is allowed. I feel like she is a child now with the ability to make adult decisions.
Back to the beginning: they met about three months ago, never dated, basically fuck buddies, didn’t talk to each other for a month (half of the time they knew each other, they hated each other). They have sex with other people continuously, and no one minded. She even slept with his best friend a few weeks before the proposal and caused another rift. The FiancĂ© continuously battled any sort of relationship status and commitment phobic (had a longer on going affair with his neighbor and pissed sam off).
This leads to the proposal: Angered by Samantha fucking his friends and realized that his phobia had pushed any of his previous flings he freaks out. Wants sam to stop fucking around and is scared of dying in the war… oh hold up, wait, repeat! Oh that is right the on the fore front of fucked and failure of a relationship is: our man just joined the army. Suddenly he’ll die before he could get married, so he grabs the closest thing and there stands my friend, stupid and willing to find any replacement for her daddy who left years ago. Suddenly she has purpose and a reason for having lived. Its a legal document PROVING that some person loved her… she has the ring to prove it. Yet a signature does not mean he loves her and a ring doesn’t mean that either of them know what love actually is. This also leads to the most important reasons for the wedding: money. Now sammy receives a stiffen from the government. The purpose of the law is to reimburse wives of soldier who have their primary bread winners shipped off. (My neighbor Emilia also had a proposal before her ex left to Iraq. He said that he would split the monthly stiffen with her. She said no). the problem is that they have not discussed these detail in the week long engagement period, she has no idea that she will be responsible for paying his car payments, ect. She thinks its hers for fun and he’ll never see it. While he doesn’t know he just acquired 3 years of debt that sam is still living in.
The Ceremony: She thoroughly believes that she will marry once. The only thing that sam wanted from childhood was a pretty white wedding with the church, dress and bride’s maids to boot.
Sam got married in the court house, in a dress from doctor johns (a local porn shop), with a taco bell stain. She gave her self to him in a dress that she has had sex with many other men for her wedding. Her best friends from highschool and college are absent (including myself) but his best friend was there. They have announced that though they are married they will continue to have an open relationship. THEY DON’T KNOW EACH OTHER, THEY HAVENT DATED, THEY SLEEP WITH AND DATE OTHER PEOPLE, THIS ISNT EVEN AN OPEN RELATIONSIP BECASE ITS NOT A RELATIONSHIP!
If you know me I have done what I can, but reason has no place here.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Nebraskan in the Ocean
i for the first time swam in the ocean. cancun is fun and i can st speak a little mexican. hope all is going good back home. mucho luv ~brooklyn
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Big Bother then, now Big Business
here is some slang i kept hearing in London, '2014.' Like Goerge Orwells's 1984 it gives a what if sinerio to the media giants. everything personalized nothing of substance. it is a direct result of ipods and wikipedia (user written) attitude. tell me what you think...
Monday, June 12, 2006
Pride is like Christmas for gays
I have partied all year round in preparation for this weekend. The weekend started off with the circuit party which I had never gone to before. It was entertaining to see all the family out that you haven’t seen all year. Me, my roommate and his bf went down to party it up. Congrats to Kee Ju and Jeff for getting picked to dance on stage with Thea Austin and promote ur dancing, (sadly I missed her, but heard she was phenomenal, you’ll have heard of her, just look her up). And kinda congrats to muscle brains Ross and Scott for showing those imported gogo boys how to really dance. The night was a bit of a blur and was fun, the only problem is when every one comes to see the Omaha pride you get the bad along with the good, as we left the concert jeff, kee ju and I were sandwiched between JC directly in front and Shamina directly behind (oh she is such a train wreck). On a side note it was funny to see how empty our neighborhood was at night.
The next day our neighbor’s big red house was all a buzz… in the morning, first time every one was up! Me and my roomie went down and met up with Tarrel Brian Kee Ju and Jeff to see Emilia march in the parade. After that Sam and Queen B came down and called off work for the celebration. It was fun to see the booths games and shows. Mrs. Morgan’s performance was AWSOME. Great job back up dancers, who was that cute asian dancing ;-) the other awesome show was, as always the n’joy girls. I missed getting my groove on with sammy, thanx for the dance girl. So sad for all of those who didn’t stay or never came down, at 5 the put on Rent the Musical.
And for dinner a group of us went down to Zio’s where we watched a young gay guy get confused about a napkin or how to use a knife… but its ok, he just bought a pair of glasses at sears that looked like Nicole Richie’s. needless to say that offered hours of jokes for me.
By the time the night came around Amber took the Stage and gave a great performance and she will me pictured on her myspace. My sis also came down and had a blast with me and sam. I stayed at the Flixx and socialized. Then went to an after party at the Tip Top (it is so cliché).
The next day almost rainbowed out it went up to the Q for the closing party and saw a pretty awesome show.
Hope ya’ll had a happy pride.
Reliving pride:
Thea Austin
The Q
I have partied all year round in preparation for this weekend. The weekend started off with the circuit party which I had never gone to before. It was entertaining to see all the family out that you haven’t seen all year. Me, my roommate and his bf went down to party it up. Congrats to Kee Ju and Jeff for getting picked to dance on stage with Thea Austin and promote ur dancing, (sadly I missed her, but heard she was phenomenal, you’ll have heard of her, just look her up). And kinda congrats to muscle brains Ross and Scott for showing those imported gogo boys how to really dance. The night was a bit of a blur and was fun, the only problem is when every one comes to see the Omaha pride you get the bad along with the good, as we left the concert jeff, kee ju and I were sandwiched between JC directly in front and Shamina directly behind (oh she is such a train wreck). On a side note it was funny to see how empty our neighborhood was at night.
The next day our neighbor’s big red house was all a buzz… in the morning, first time every one was up! Me and my roomie went down and met up with Tarrel Brian Kee Ju and Jeff to see Emilia march in the parade. After that Sam and Queen B came down and called off work for the celebration. It was fun to see the booths games and shows. Mrs. Morgan’s performance was AWSOME. Great job back up dancers, who was that cute asian dancing ;-) the other awesome show was, as always the n’joy girls. I missed getting my groove on with sammy, thanx for the dance girl. So sad for all of those who didn’t stay or never came down, at 5 the put on Rent the Musical.
And for dinner a group of us went down to Zio’s where we watched a young gay guy get confused about a napkin or how to use a knife… but its ok, he just bought a pair of glasses at sears that looked like Nicole Richie’s. needless to say that offered hours of jokes for me.
By the time the night came around Amber took the Stage and gave a great performance and she will me pictured on her myspace. My sis also came down and had a blast with me and sam. I stayed at the Flixx and socialized. Then went to an after party at the Tip Top (it is so cliché).
The next day almost rainbowed out it went up to the Q for the closing party and saw a pretty awesome show.
Hope ya’ll had a happy pride.
Reliving pride:
Thea Austin
The Q
Friday, June 09, 2006
The President and 666
the anti-christ cometh and foreseen for thousands of years. now were any of us surprised that 'W' came to
for further explanation of
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Been Busy
Hi you guys, sorry I have not posted, it felt too much like school work. Well my London trip rocked, however, it was far more educational than recreational (except one spontaneous weekend I flew to Ireland and crashed in two girls hotel room). But I learned some impressive stuff, I walked around the news high-tech floor of Reuters (Euro’s AP) spoke with executives to large world wide PR and Ad firms, got business cars/advice, most importantly I was given the chance to pitch the group ideas. These things that I will have to work for my entire career to get opportunities like that again. by the last few weeks I was hanging with another group of students so I got out and about, had fun the last night I met up with 2 awesome Australians (I was to hunt them down). All in all, my trip was cool and as always I miss England here. But when I arrived I got to see my friends that I so desperately missed and now I have been swimming and going to baseball games and enjoyin little Omaha stuff.
This weekend was Lincoln’s pride, so I went up and supported. it was by far a lesbian fest, so I LOVED it. In fact the night before me and jeff went down to the lesbo bar here and enjoyed our selves fully. I also hung out with my sister and she brought her 1 year old which lesbians loved! I also took my sis to her first drag show and she had fun but got pissed b/c she couldn’t wear half that shit, then danced till 1 in the morning.
But BIG new for me… a new stangers with candy movie is come out next month, AWSOME!
This weekend was Lincoln’s pride, so I went up and supported. it was by far a lesbian fest, so I LOVED it. In fact the night before me and jeff went down to the lesbo bar here and enjoyed our selves fully. I also hung out with my sister and she brought her 1 year old which lesbians loved! I also took my sis to her first drag show and she had fun but got pissed b/c she couldn’t wear half that shit, then danced till 1 in the morning.
But BIG new for me… a new stangers with candy movie is come out next month, AWSOME!
Friday, May 12, 2006
ok, problems with london... it runs on like nebraska time, shops close at 6, most resturants close btwn 7-9 and pubs close at 10 while most clubs close at 1 or 2, ever thong is doubled in the £ (bad exchange rate) the busses try to run you over and the people i am going with are the worste clubbers out there! i have gone to 1 club in 1 night n I am thru. stupid striaght people (i dont know why so many gay men pretend to be, seriously it sux to be straight the only good thing ya'll have on ur side is the catholic church and even then u cant fuck) yea i want my friends here to GO TO A MUSEUM OR PALACE(i know its crazy here in Eng.) literally tonites entertainment is: drinking £2.00 beer in ur hotel rooms, i am not joking at all. this isnt Idaho, people here arnt fun and i dont know how to meet the locals. But us NE people are just used to doing that and its there comfort zone. i am fucking it all and walking aroud tinght. hope all is cool with you am spending way to much $ and being offer extasy out side of breeder bars. ill talk to you later i miss u guys.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Its better than France
not a big surprise. things that i have learned. if it has flow in the beer title it is very bitter. number 2 (its a biggie) busses dont stop for people... they have the right away, this has caused my funny moments. uck fish and chips, really tho, people werent joking when they saud the English were bad cooks, they put peas in EVERYTHING (or at least a lot). if you dont beleive just check out the demond barber of fleet street (its was a little different than peas but still yuck!). i havent yet explored any historical areas : ( i am studying very modern stuff, the BBC is cool but i wouldnt mind walking into the tower of London. well all is good on the home feild suffering with the awful exchange rate (almost twice our dollar) but i get along with people and my roomies (they are all straight and collecting beer cans). Cheers Mate.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Howdy form a cloudy London
i have arrived!! and yet to piss any one off. well this cost me $ or £ so i have to be quick with many spelling errors. i visited Winsor castle and checked in to the royal national hotel. ill tell more leter Cherrio!
A Cloudy Hello from London
well i made it safely and wondered into an internet cafe. this cost per pounds so i have no time to proof read or link pics. after 10hrs in the air we landed and drove around the first song \i listen to is Hear You Me by jimmy eat world, down load it it was such a perfect song by luck. we ist pretty metropolitan here and i am starting to love it. i hope i get to know my class a little better than at the start of the semester. i visited winsor castle and walk around. good time. alright you guys ill catch up later, Cherrio!
ps u'll all be proud i have yet to piss off the english... but i have yet to go to the pub
ps u'll all be proud i have yet to piss off the english... but i have yet to go to the pub
Friday, April 28, 2006
Summer Work
well i beat out 10 other canidates for an unpaid summer position with the omaha chanmber of commerce. further forcing my stay here in the O City.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
coming out of my hole to say "hi...
"Nothing like the smell of balls sweat and duct tape to ward off the anxious feelin of looming finals." the night after i went up to Linc to a drag show. pretty good and cheap entertainment. now back to my social exile. hope all is well
Sunday, April 23, 2006
i put the mmmm in S and M
I dont know if i should put this on my blog. So this weekend i went to a 'special party' and got flogged. there is this group called Spank Candy in Omaha. it is an S and M (and kinky) sex performance group, i have seen them before at the Rox and Erotic Art shows that i have gone to [i have told you about that right? anyway,] i was invited to a party hosted by the corky bunch at some big Layer's house in west O, it was actually a little more south of my parents house, 196th and something. Well i went Paris's house who had two draws of nothing but leather and harnesses to get ready with my boyfriend. Jeff slipped in to a revealing skin tight Fantastic Foreplay movie costume (which was delightfully out of character for him) and i got latched up and binded into a confusing leather harness, oh and a pair of killer boots and Paris donned so leather gladiator garb. so all wrapped up and alcohol in hand we track of regency to westward praying to god we didnt get pulled over. i was excited for free alcohol and whipping lessons [i just laughed out loud in the middle of the library right now]. with in a few minutes of arriving i was chained to a wooden X. i dont even remeber getting up there, but any ways i didnt really care. i posed for the camera with a zoolander face while Jeff and Paris pretended to hit me hard. to be honest i plain forgot that some of these people are really really into this. the owner of spank candy showed jeff how to hold the whip correctly and improved his swing. she took a few fake shot while i had Paris pour me some alcohol.... p.s. i hadnt even drank yet this is just me. well Paris tried the whip me, the girl tried the whip, but my demand was only jeff could truly hit me because i could tell him how. i was too demanding and talkative... i was actually carrying on a conversation about how the different whips where like types of cheese [you know some are more sharp, some are more smooth]... well after a while the whipping got more accurate and harder, and then i saw jeff standing in the corner. -ok, this was the fourth person up after like ten minutes! umm no. i just watched the movie Hostel the night before.
ok, here is the BIG problem... there was no safety word given! WHAT THE HELL!. so i was chained up and my friends didnt really know what to do (but i do make friends with stupid people). so i had to think- they like the submissive and whining would only made it worse... and if there is one thing i have learned about crazy people the only way to win is be more crazy. so i leaned into the whip and ran my mouth, please who is going to win a war of the words me or some 60 year old balding man with a pony tale in leather, thank god i know how to run my mouth. he stopped but it went on for two industrial Goth songs before it ended! well after that i watched a Paris's bf get electrocuted in the nipple and grabbed like a dog by females and really wanted to leave. the whipping guy got creepy and kept touching me and fallowing me. so, in short i found out i am neither submissive of dominating i just cant take it seriously... even when i was tied up with the weirdo guy flogging me i kept laughing and posing for the cameras, i am too light hearted about dark shit. not to mention it really didnt turn me on. i just like to have a great pair of shoes on. S and M, ehhh, i am over it. it ended before it began. i might post some pics.
ok, here is the BIG problem... there was no safety word given! WHAT THE HELL!. so i was chained up and my friends didnt really know what to do (but i do make friends with stupid people). so i had to think- they like the submissive and whining would only made it worse... and if there is one thing i have learned about crazy people the only way to win is be more crazy. so i leaned into the whip and ran my mouth, please who is going to win a war of the words me or some 60 year old balding man with a pony tale in leather, thank god i know how to run my mouth. he stopped but it went on for two industrial Goth songs before it ended! well after that i watched a Paris's bf get electrocuted in the nipple and grabbed like a dog by females and really wanted to leave. the whipping guy got creepy and kept touching me and fallowing me. so, in short i found out i am neither submissive of dominating i just cant take it seriously... even when i was tied up with the weirdo guy flogging me i kept laughing and posing for the cameras, i am too light hearted about dark shit. not to mention it really didnt turn me on. i just like to have a great pair of shoes on. S and M, ehhh, i am over it. it ended before it began. i might post some pics.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Bigotry is a Slippery Slope
it seems intolerance is a slippery slope. our friends are back on campus. last year they condemned, in protest, fags and lesbians ('fags will burn in hell'). it was around this time last year that they were handing out these brochures. well they are back and this time with more bigotry. Apparently Jesus rejects... homos, lesbos, baby killers, unsubmissive wives, rebellious children, fornicators, adulterers, Buddhists, Muslims, Mormons, Roman Catholics, money lover, thieves, liars, drunkards, lazy Christians ... oh, racists and about 20 or other so groups that are going to hell. People have got to stop this intolerance. Let god judge in peace or you'll miss his verdict. they are obviously confusing their your own truths. i dont know why or how it gets so bad, these people are getting crazy, but damn many were pissed. on another note the day of silence it coming up.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
To My Dearest Friend
Well, here is a series of promises that really speaks to true friendship: 1. When you are sad - I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad. 2. When you are blue - I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you. 3. When you smile - I will know you finally got laid. 4. When you are scared - I will rag on you about it every chance I get. 5. When you are worried - I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be and to quit whining. 6. When you are confused - I will use little words. 7. When you are sick - Stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have. 8. When you fall - I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass. This is my oath...I pledge it till the end, because you are my friend. Remember: A good friend will help you move. A REALLY good friend will help you move a BODY. Let me know if I ever need to bring a shovel
Sunday, April 02, 2006
The Four Noble Truths
1) The Truth of Suffering -Dukahh: There is suffering and impermanence in life for all beings
2) The Truth of the Cause of Suffering - Samudaya: There is a cause for Dukkha, which is attachment and desire (Tanha) and ignorance.
3) The Truth of the End of Suffering - Nirodha: to end suffering completely, one must remove desire, ill will and ignorance.
4) The Truth of the Path leading to the End of Suffering -Magga: There is a path that leads out of Dukkha. known as the Noble Eightfold Path. It is summarized into three important categories: wisdom (pañña), virtue (sila), and concentration (samadhi).
2) The Truth of the Cause of Suffering - Samudaya: There is a cause for Dukkha, which is attachment and desire (Tanha) and ignorance.
3) The Truth of the End of Suffering - Nirodha: to end suffering completely, one must remove desire, ill will and ignorance.
4) The Truth of the Path leading to the End of Suffering -Magga: There is a path that leads out of Dukkha. known as the Noble Eightfold Path. It is summarized into three important categories: wisdom (pañña), virtue (sila), and concentration (samadhi).
Roncalli's gossip update
hey ya'll. well, here is a small update for all u ron rons. Kim Barns got fat, Kyle Lynn and Hiedi are dating (I know, he is dating a GIRL), Bobby has become a gay internet whore and a weekly pot head, Emily Thorpe gave birth... to anthony king's baby, get this... Patty is pregnut too! that baby is going to smell, i feel bad for any one who has pass thru those leg innvolunteerly, and the finally... Jake Cartwright and Sam Stevens... are getting married (yet they both still live with their parents). congrats and best of luck.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta, good movie, I liked it. “the art of using lies to tell the truth” is a common thread of this movie. It originally seems like an allegory for the current American administration and media status (Bill O’Riley as the voice of London and everything). But it was published a decade ago between 1982 and 1985 as a graphic novel based on WWII. Maybe history repeats its self. But it’s a great social awakening. An extreme fascist single party state has arisen, called Norsefire, that maintains control of the country through food shortages (arising during the nuclear winter), government-controlled media, secret police, a planned economy, and concetration capms racial, political, and sexual minorities.
Oh and that annoying mask, it didn’t hit me until they said it in the movie, it’s a guy fawks mask. The man in 1905 tried to blow up parliaments and King James the first in the gun powder plot. The movie was good with one scene that was disappointing.
Ill give it*****
Oh and that annoying mask, it didn’t hit me until they said it in the movie, it’s a guy fawks mask. The man in 1905 tried to blow up parliaments and King James the first in the gun powder plot. The movie was good with one scene that was disappointing.
Ill give it*****
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Oh my god its my blogger-versary
"Oh My God"... That was my first statment made for my first blog. wow i have opperated this thing for a year. that is crazy, it makes me feel old. well i think ill have a party.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
my break: drag, mud, broke, smoking car
how are all of you. sorry, i have been busy. i tyr to keep up but dare i say it... i just dont have time for the blog i fear! but i will try and make it worth it. well lest start, i began my spring break waking up to ice sickles hangin from my window, fun. Nothing says spring break like getting up a 6 am because of hail against my window. Fuck you Nebraska weather… the strangest thing happened, it rained mud. It did, I originally thought my friend was high but it was. There was a dust storm in Oklahoma and got caught in a thunder head here. I was alright and safe I was in a gay bar with drag queens. For Reach and Kee ju the show was fun wish you could have come, we should all do coffee again.
21st birthdays seem to be big now so that is what I have been doing.. my pure dear prude friend tony turned 21. not only had he never been to a bar but he had never drank before that night… fun. Its alright I said I would take car of him.
So he said ‘matt, I don’t want to drink a lot’
my reply ‘oh don’t worry, here ill got the bar to serve you only the drinks in tiny glasses’
‘you can do that! Thanks matt’
So after like seven shots he was say that he was feeling dizzy and didn’t want any more tiny glasses, so to make him feel better I got him an ice tea (of the long island variety)
The poor dear. well now my car is smoking, which i am pretty sure is not good. and i am pretty sure i am too broke to fix it. :-(
well I will be back with more stories to tell, good night and good luck.
21st birthdays seem to be big now so that is what I have been doing.. my pure dear prude friend tony turned 21. not only had he never been to a bar but he had never drank before that night… fun. Its alright I said I would take car of him.
So he said ‘matt, I don’t want to drink a lot’
my reply ‘oh don’t worry, here ill got the bar to serve you only the drinks in tiny glasses’
‘you can do that! Thanks matt’
So after like seven shots he was say that he was feeling dizzy and didn’t want any more tiny glasses, so to make him feel better I got him an ice tea (of the long island variety)
The poor dear. well now my car is smoking, which i am pretty sure is not good. and i am pretty sure i am too broke to fix it. :-(
well I will be back with more stories to tell, good night and good luck.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Black Oscar
ok so i only have a few minutes to post. i have been so busy but my spring break is coming up quick, i am just hoping to make it through mid terms. Brian i am happy to know you are starting to get into the groove of things in D.C. (call me some time non drunk) and Derek glad to know you cry a lot. so this week i got to see Louis Black when he came into Omaha. He presented his material for his new upcoming HBO special and made fun of bush, surprisingly liberal crowd at the funny bone.
well i also was able to catch the end of the Oscars, same old same old. i know many of my friends were rooting for Broke' but i did really want Crash to win. i personally felt it was the more challenging movie and it wasn't an upset it was an underdog. it didnt have as many academy nods as Brokeback, it didnt win best director, the studios planned a mid release (after feeling like it would take any awards) not during the Oscar rush season, it didnt win nearly as many other awards that usually be predictors of the oscars. i am happy that Crash won and i think it deserved it, being the better project. looking at the logistics of the screen play/director style/ presentation and how complicated it is to intertwine 4 main families of characters (as screen plays go) this one got 9 character groups in. that's complicated, the over all message was never blurred and it stayed on focus but was able to bring up ample material and different controversies. Hopefully this Oscar will get people to see the movie and realize what a work of art it truly is. Although i do find Broke' to be a monumental movie and to be a film of the year, but not the only or best. all i know is that i will own both DVDs and be able to watch and enjoy them both numerous times.
"so the new super man is coming out, did here about what the are going to do"
Me: no what"
"they are going to release the scandal of the superman actor being gay for publicity, every one has heard about the scandle of him getting the part in the first place"
Me: oh that would be funny, hell they should make superman gay in the movie. second graders will love it"
"haha, yea make a Brokeback Superman"
Me: they did he's called Christopher Reeves"
well i also was able to catch the end of the Oscars, same old same old. i know many of my friends were rooting for Broke' but i did really want Crash to win. i personally felt it was the more challenging movie and it wasn't an upset it was an underdog. it didnt have as many academy nods as Brokeback, it didnt win best director, the studios planned a mid release (after feeling like it would take any awards) not during the Oscar rush season, it didnt win nearly as many other awards that usually be predictors of the oscars. i am happy that Crash won and i think it deserved it, being the better project. looking at the logistics of the screen play/director style/ presentation and how complicated it is to intertwine 4 main families of characters (as screen plays go) this one got 9 character groups in. that's complicated, the over all message was never blurred and it stayed on focus but was able to bring up ample material and different controversies. Hopefully this Oscar will get people to see the movie and realize what a work of art it truly is. Although i do find Broke' to be a monumental movie and to be a film of the year, but not the only or best. all i know is that i will own both DVDs and be able to watch and enjoy them both numerous times.
"so the new super man is coming out, did here about what the are going to do"
Me: no what"
"they are going to release the scandal of the superman actor being gay for publicity, every one has heard about the scandle of him getting the part in the first place"
Me: oh that would be funny, hell they should make superman gay in the movie. second graders will love it"
"haha, yea make a Brokeback Superman"
Me: they did he's called Christopher Reeves"
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Valentines day is like Communism.
well i all hope you had fun celebrating when you were SAD, i celebrated my first VD! OK, so personally I think (and therefore you all should agree) that Valentines Day could quite possibly be the worst holiday concepts. i mean it looks nice and respectful on paper but when you focus any thing on the crazy bi-polar emotions of humans (especially love) it really never works in real life. You know, its a nice thought until you put it in practice, kinda like Communism (its better left a romantic idea). Of course, single people hate it, that goes without saying. i mean its bad enough they have been rejected up to this point do the really need to be rejected by a day. mean you literally got dumped by a date. However, i have found that couples have it even worse. yes, yes they most certainly do. it becomes a desperate attempt to all fit in to an ideal mode categorized by society... FUCK DINNER RESERVATIONS! It is this really weird social pressure... no: social obedience-- like communism again.
there's no pressure (no one pressures any one- its just assumed) they all just drudgingly comply. when all is said and done with your empty wallet, your missed reservation b/c there was no parking, you friends' dunk or suicidal calls, the two or three hours getting ready and acting like your egger about a gift, the utmost disappointment in the day as a whole and the deep depression that, like sex, it was not what you thought it would be. here is the problem you cant live up to the hype of Vals, you come out sadder than going in, and after all the arguments, hell, you would be better off single anyway.
here's is the the top secrete point of Valentines: to blow out of proportion how dysfunctional your relationship is b/c u'll never be perfect and focus on how individualistically unsatisfied you are, while single people, unknowingly, wish to fall in to the trap and feel miserable. VD just takes everyone out.
i would much rather not have VD. we must stop this out break. i thought it would be fun but after VD hit i felt sick.
well here is and interesting fact for the Day After Valentines Day: did you know that the most common STD case in the Douglas County area (here) is... gonorrhea of the eye ;-0
Here's my all time favorite Vals song: Queen 'Somebody to Love' download, it rocks.
ps i am alive and well, just busy. i will finish off my answers tomorrow
there's no pressure (no one pressures any one- its just assumed) they all just drudgingly comply. when all is said and done with your empty wallet, your missed reservation b/c there was no parking, you friends' dunk or suicidal calls, the two or three hours getting ready and acting like your egger about a gift, the utmost disappointment in the day as a whole and the deep depression that, like sex, it was not what you thought it would be. here is the problem you cant live up to the hype of Vals, you come out sadder than going in, and after all the arguments, hell, you would be better off single anyway.
here's is the the top secrete point of Valentines: to blow out of proportion how dysfunctional your relationship is b/c u'll never be perfect and focus on how individualistically unsatisfied you are, while single people, unknowingly, wish to fall in to the trap and feel miserable. VD just takes everyone out.
i would much rather not have VD. we must stop this out break. i thought it would be fun but after VD hit i felt sick.
well here is and interesting fact for the Day After Valentines Day: did you know that the most common STD case in the Douglas County area (here) is... gonorrhea of the eye ;-0
Here's my all time favorite Vals song: Queen 'Somebody to Love' download, it rocks.
ps i am alive and well, just busy. i will finish off my answers tomorrow
Sunday, February 05, 2006
An interesting proposition
I am bored with my life and blog so here goes something new, I am allowing everyone the equal right to ask any question, from casual readers to close friends.
Ask something and will try to be honest and answer. Over anything, if I had a drag queen name what would it be, my most embarrassing moment, they middle name of my dog, how quick is the devastation of the rain forest. I will call it how I see it. Make it odd, boring, hypothetical, fun, serious, curious, sick or the first thing that pops into your mind, “what is the highest geographical point you have climbed.”
Maybe ill get the chance to ask you back. Give it a whirl...
Ask something and will try to be honest and answer. Over anything, if I had a drag queen name what would it be, my most embarrassing moment, they middle name of my dog, how quick is the devastation of the rain forest. I will call it how I see it. Make it odd, boring, hypothetical, fun, serious, curious, sick or the first thing that pops into your mind, “what is the highest geographical point you have climbed.”
Maybe ill get the chance to ask you back. Give it a whirl...
Monday, January 30, 2006
With Much Love and Envy
"Come up to meet you, tell you I’m sorry You don’t know how lovely you areI had to find you, tell you I need you Tell you I set you apart Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions Oh lets go back to the start Running in circles, coming up tailsHeads on a silence apart Nobody said it was easy Oh it’s such a shame for us to part Nobody said it was easy No one ever said that it would be this hard Oh take me back to the start..."
So, here's to you going away and not being driven away by me. From fatefully finding a familar reoccuring freshamn face to sit by in 7th period study hall to plans of Washington DC and international travel. See you in June with stories to tell!
So, here's to you going away and not being driven away by me. From fatefully finding a familar reoccuring freshamn face to sit by in 7th period study hall to plans of Washington DC and international travel. See you in June with stories to tell!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
A Popular Holiday I Never Heard Of...
so, i guess on Tuesday, the 24th of January it was "Nasty Thug Day" i am sure one of our more Distinguished holidays, like Memorial Day or MLK. Well I so ignorantly was not made aware of such a day, as I had gone to my parent’s house for the evening and lost signal. So as I drove back into city limits and my signal returned I was greeted with a bombardment of text messages and voicemails that reads (*in my slow English accent aloud*): “2day is national thug nasty day! So if there is a nasty thug dat u no, send a shout out… Thug Nasty, Nasty Thug… Nasty.”
Ha… ha…. ha, yes it was sooo funny I turned my phone off. Ok so I like my men ghetto, what biatches! But in celebration of this day I will list some lessons I have learned. (in progress).
Ha… ha…. ha, yes it was sooo funny I turned my phone off. Ok so I like my men ghetto, what biatches! But in celebration of this day I will list some lessons I have learned. (in progress).
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Monday, January 16, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Quote of the week
"I dont know why republicans are so against gay marriage when they seem to be so fond of gay whores" ~Margaret Cho (you should see her new DVD)
saddly i dont have the time to write my review of brokeback mountain (but you all seemed to caover that any way). i was very good, it was not ment to be sexual, exciting or over the top. insted it is so painfully down to earth it hurts. it was awsome, the greatest part was actually movie but the heavey lasting impact after. i loved it and it is be a must see (unless you enjoy flims like 'Glitter' or 'Army Studs III') i liked it and it haunted me. the acting was powerful and amazed me with beautiful scenic shots. Another weird apaect is that there 3 sex scence 2 of which are straigt, and the only true nudity is breasts. i feel this film might be greatly misunderstood. see it, it gets a full ****
you know what annoys me, this fucked up gay web that exists in Omaha/Lincoln. i hate the fact that every gay guy seems to 'know' every other gay guy. its really sever, and only recently have i been aware of this problem it its total extent. it is truly amazing. people can play 6 degrees of separation, with in the community it's usually 1 degree, no sarcasm. i hate hearing who fucked who, or who fucked over who the second i drop one name or bring a gay friend to meet another. i am through it seems impossible to lower myself to others. PEOPLE STOP BEING SUCH STUPID FUCKING UGLY WHORES. get some respect then you can talk to me.
saddly i dont have the time to write my review of brokeback mountain (but you all seemed to caover that any way). i was very good, it was not ment to be sexual, exciting or over the top. insted it is so painfully down to earth it hurts. it was awsome, the greatest part was actually movie but the heavey lasting impact after. i loved it and it is be a must see (unless you enjoy flims like 'Glitter' or 'Army Studs III') i liked it and it haunted me. the acting was powerful and amazed me with beautiful scenic shots. Another weird apaect is that there 3 sex scence 2 of which are straigt, and the only true nudity is breasts. i feel this film might be greatly misunderstood. see it, it gets a full ****
you know what annoys me, this fucked up gay web that exists in Omaha/Lincoln. i hate the fact that every gay guy seems to 'know' every other gay guy. its really sever, and only recently have i been aware of this problem it its total extent. it is truly amazing. people can play 6 degrees of separation, with in the community it's usually 1 degree, no sarcasm. i hate hearing who fucked who, or who fucked over who the second i drop one name or bring a gay friend to meet another. i am through it seems impossible to lower myself to others. PEOPLE STOP BEING SUCH STUPID FUCKING UGLY WHORES. get some respect then you can talk to me.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
A Good Song
i have been holding on to this song all year, i heard it last year after New Years but i didnt tell anyone (no blog and not worth call people) but down load it. And if you dont know who death cab for cutie is YOU NEED TO LOOK INTO IT. This song is call 'The New Year' and is done by death cabe for cutie, downlaod it now. Infact this was the song that first introduced me to the band and what made me a fan.
The New Year
So this is the new year.And i don't feel any different.
The clanking of crystal
Explosions off in the distance (in the distance).
So this is the new yearAnd I have no resolutionsFor selfl assigned penance
For problems with easy solutions
So everybody put your best suit or dress on
Let's make believe that we are wealthy for just this once
Lighting firecrackers off on the front lawn
As thirty dialogues bleed into one
I wish the world was flat like the old days
Then i could travel just by folding a map
No more airplanes, or speedtrains, or freeways
There'd be no distance that can hold us back
There'd be no distance that could hold us back
So this is the new year...
Monday, January 02, 2006
Dont Mess With My Man and a Happy New Year
well this year has ended and its about time, I regret to inform you that I do not have internet access (*anger*) at this time. But will find ways to periodically drop in to say hi.
Well I survived my trip to the middle of
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