Thursday, April 14, 2005

No Post on April 4th

There was no posting on April, 4 because of the day of silence. Hope you all were able to participate. I have not heard how the events on Lincoln's, Creightons', or Karney's campus went. There was no major event held at Omaha, other than individual scilence by students. Though there was a surprise backlash of sorts, especially for such a minor day.
There were two ‘catholics’ ( for lack of a better term) that brought billboards and pamphlets to yell out simple, harsh, restricted ideals and gibberish. He stood on a stool and proclaimed ‘fags are going to hell’ and criticized the yesterdays silent movement all while giving out brochures on how homosexuality leads to crime, suicide, destruction of government, so forth and so on. Though to my surprise the reaction was less then welcoming, many instantaneously gave back his pamphlets; others gathered holding a sign that said ‘God Loves Everyone.’ One guy erased the board and rearranged letters. Two other stood on his table and preformed mock affections i a funny, funny way that only two striaght guys could. Many questioned his grounds on the pavement, while others directly spoke beliefs from the balconies of the neighboring buildings. The man became quickly distraught and, no longer able to defend his beliefs amongst the massive onslaught of valid questions and some provoking remarks, began to yell his clear hypocritical clichéd slogans, which were quickly drowned out by a DJ’s starting his drum rap music played out in the plaza over load speakers (just in time). With out a flashy sign, a strong enough voice, and a hand full of rejected pamphlets the man retreated, though soon to back again i am sure; like that pesky mosquito that you swat at, but just can’t kill. Kudos to the college kids who stood up for your friends and family, I know many of students didn’t have to speak up for those who couldnt speak out and could have simply felt unaffected, but were called to a higher level of reasoning and involvement. And like that ‘catholic’ (oh, how he shames the term), I will be back again! same bat time same bat place.

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