Here are some fun things, the video is of an ape that walks upright (remarkably well). I thought it was a bit of a coincidence because yesterday I found a story about a fish that had grown webbed legs (posted further below). In the video, zoo care takers feel the ape is brain damaged-- could that mean that our bipedal evolutionary heritage could have spawned from emulating other retarded chimps?! Wouldn't surprise me. I am no zoologist so my "feelings" don't have much pull, but the ape looks to be socializing quit normally, and responds the to the same stimuli in the same time frame as the other apes. She also appears to have normal movements and motives (other than the obvious upright walking).
Then from A worker of the Malaysian Fisheries Development Board (LKIM) in Batu Maung, Penang, made this unusual find when she was given the 1.7kg fish by a fisherman at the jetty recently.
When contacted, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Muka Head marine research station head Prof Dr Zulfigar Yasin said this is the first time he had heard of fish with legs found in the Malaysian waters. Similar discoveries have been found in South Africa.
Maybe evolution is starting to kick in full force! Perhaps triggered by enviromental changes or global warming or *insert random useless Buzz word here*.
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