For all those love birds out there, I have compiled a few of my favorite stories of love on this very special day. Here is my ode to Valentines Day, a collection of the top 5 stories from this week …
#1-- Man wakes from one-night stand to find lover’s name carved into his flesh
Mr. Robinson woke to find his body decorated with scars and cuts on his back and chest, and 'Dominique' written on his upper right arm with numerous slash marks on his left arm and shoulder.
Mr. Robinson said he panicked, “when I woke I was covered in blood. Dominique was snoring. I just had to get out of there… I'm scarred for life,” he told The Sun.He told police he had drunk vodka and taken Valium and was not awake during the incident.
“I can't believe she did this to me and I hate her.” Well, you want to know how to avoid this… DON’T FUCK RANDOM PEOPLE. Sucks that you are going to have to permanently carry around what was supposed to be a one night stand. Well, hope you learned a lesson Mr. Robinson –though there is a silver lining at least you weren’t chopped up in little pieces or given an STD so ferocious that you genitals rot off like some of the others on this list.
For more on this story:
#2-- Paying for Whores on Company Cards Covered Up.
Well, I am sure that many of the Wall street banker are pleased about the 700 Billion Tax cuts that passed today. This is bound to make the bankers’ Valentine’s day happy… and make New York hookers even happier! Watch the video:
#3— Vals Day to Die For
Those CEO aren't so bad in comparison: Today, a business man in India was handed the death penalty, a rarely enforced sentence reserved for only the most scandalous crimes. He was convicted after a large amount of dismember body parts from women and children were discovered, which ere perpetrated by an established banker and his slave. Not all serial killers get press, here is another link to remind one: careful who you couple with this Valentines Day:
#4 Happy VD
Recently, Black Syphilis has become a pseudo-legendary STD that causes the purification of ones genitals (men… you get to see your dick rot off). So horrific and pu
trid is this disease, that if you contract it you are quarantined in Thailand (or South-East Asia) and America will close its border to you. The malignant bacteria is said to manifest many of the same symptoms as standard syphilis, but does so with alarming speed and terminality. Unfortunately, there is no known treatment or cure for Black Syphilis. According to the fable, the tertiary phase of the disease results in the infected decay of one's genitals, and in men, will cause the pecker to eventually rot off.
Today the disease is rumored to exist primarily in Thailand. In the American military, should a person contract the dreaded disease abroad that they would be forbidden from reentering the US.
#5-- The next top Valentines day story needs no introduction -two names: Rihanna and Brown
(On another side note, I feel really bad for her. I was never really a fan of hers and never really
understood her popularity but I’m amazed how the shit has turned against her. There are so many false rumors like she gave him herpes, it was caused by Lieone Lewis and that even Carrie Underwood [what?] had a hand in it. This is ridiculous, a poor girl was beaten unconscious by a man and then left on the side of a road… and this is what she gets? Apparently, the abuse could have been going on for a while. Celebrities have not fared much better, did anyone see the TI interview. He talked about how cool Chris was, everyone is fine and Bronw “doin’ normal,” why wouldn't he, and really passive about everything. You know what TI, shut up and go to jail. Rihanna’s Myspace is filled with scorn while Chris’s is filled with support. WHAT! Is this the culture that hip-hop has created for women. Has it digressed that far? Strip ‘em or screw ‘em; beat ‘em and leave ‘em).
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It's a survival guide for the bitter or an out post for twisted love.
It's a survival guide for the bitter or an out post for twisted love.
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