Let me start with the author's choice word in the title. Within the bold, size 15 font in the actual title- “gropes” right next the Presidents picture. "Reality Check: President Gropes." That is an extreme word with strong sexual and violent connotations not usually attributed to our nations first black President, so I read on.
But wait! There is more than just synonms for rape, there's also "erogenous zones." Yes, it gets better, following the groping with this sentence: “touching every political erogenous zone he and his advisers can think of...” Hahaha, are you serious! "touching" ha! But there is more...
And then the writer follows that up with “inescapable that his 69-minute speech” …wait, what? Generally, with time measurement and in proper grammar once it reaches past 60 mins you attribute that to 1 hour. I mean no one would say: his 4,140 second speech. It should say 1:06 mins. But 69! So, I guess there is an exception when the number can be added up to equal a popular sex move. (And to be exact it was actually 1:09:44.)
There is more, the writer then took full advantage of the term “bang.” “talk then was of a presidential big bang.” And continues to loosely use bang for the rest of the article. "With the banging..."
And then winds down to his final thought... something about “revealed in real-time a president groping.”
Ha ha ha ha hahahaha. WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THIS. This is the top story! Let me remind you Yahoo! receives 477 million unique monthly visitors. The story is from Politco, a blog. Generally, I don’t mind bloggers having fun, or expressing opinion or breaking their “journalistic integrity” but that’s because Blogs stay in the realm of Blogs, all while The Associated Press and Reuters stay in the realm of information and newsfeeds.
What, the AP, Reuters, International Herald, NY Times, or Washington Post didn’t have a story on the President’s freakin’ State of the Union address! What a piece of crap journalism editing. I am not sure what is wrong with Yahoo!’s New Editorial Team, or if there is one, but I find it irresponsible and reprehensible to professionally report a blog (though fine it its own realm) as a main source for news information. Sure, this story was hilarious as shit, but wildly unprofessional and given as fact for millions of consumers. No integrity.
As for John F. Harris, he ended his piece with “In many ways his tone belittled the speech’s substance.” Your tone, sir, belittle your entire writing capability.
Check it out for yourself- http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20100128/pl_politico/32143
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