In my previous blog- - I discussed why this biased, poorly researched, (and hugely unprofessional) news channel is detrimental for the Republican movement in this country. In this blog I would like to take a proactive focus on how this channel can be used to help Liberals, and how Democrats can effectively use Fox New's irrationality.
As proposed in the last blog, the news channel has a clear bias and right-friendly reporting, and it has arguably become a mouth of the Republican Party. This is the source where they can get there slogans, endorsements, and facts on which they build their platform. This is practically a selective conservative news feed… which can be controlled.
They are still a news service thus always need new stories and they can be directed to one story or another through ratings, advertiser tactics, clever agenda setting methods and misdirection.
Let’s just say for an upcoming 2016 election, a leader says how “democrats have failed in the agriculture issue” or create a scandal in Dept of Ag. That is setting the agenda. Fox News will jump on it faster than Hillary can jumps in a pantsuit. They will talk to the American people about the importance of our countries agriculture, run specials on Mid west farmers who demand a candidate understanding of agriculture, and promote the issue onto the forefront of viewers minds with repetitive catchy messages and buzz words.
My advice to Dem- Don’t view the News entity as an enemy and keep you distance… bate the mouse trap.
Create the perfect candidate: Before the 2016 post-Obama presidential election, an event surely marred with "liberal foreign policy" and "educated elitism of the world." Find a governor with speaking appeal like Brian Schweitzer, from Montana, opposes gun control, has that "all American leader" quality and has improved the job market in his state. Over the next 6 years promote him to serve as head to many agricultural committees to find employment committees for blue collar workers and have him take a hard stance against gun control. Make him appear to be expert in the field for national topics, not international.
You can take it one step further with a “Bate and Switch.” Find specific critiques Americans have, and create a solid strategy for it while you bait the Republicans to follow another issue. Much like financial woes and gas prices in the last election. Then set the agenda about Democrats inability to handle a completely different issue like airport security (one that isn’t really a make or brake issue to most voters). --Get the conservatives to focus in on this issue for the election year. They will be happy to point out the cracks in the party’s platform, get them to focus on those trivial facts... obsess on this issue... and let Fox News bombard republicans with that issue. Conservatives pick a team of security minded candidates and build their platform on this irrelevant issue. Liberals pick candidates on a more centrist platform with a financial understanding, and promises of gasoline tax breaks. This basic issues more appealing to general Americans concerns and America will respond.
This is similar to what happened in the 2008 elections. People were talking about war and people were talking about the first woman president. So the republicans got a veteran, and (to attempt to appease female voters) hastily included the ill-prepared Mrs. Palin. But soon the Economy went right into the limelight and McCain couldn’t have been more out of touch.
So remember, agenda setting—it’s important...
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