MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Good luck gays with all your family issues and may you be merry with crappy gifts, its the season to give not to recieve.
Long time no talk, let me give you some stories. well this is what I have been up to over my break…
Saturday, December 24, 2005
happy holidays
Sara Jake and Sam
Yea! Bob’s 21st. We went out and had fun, I never knew there were some awesome bars by my house. I ran into Jake, Sara, and Sam, and I had a really good conversation with them, they also complained how Brain never wants to hang out or talk. Hmm.
One of the bars was modeled after authentic German bar. There we played a game in which you drink from a 2 letter glass boot. Rules: after every drink you have to ding the boot with your finger or you sip again, you cant spill or you drink again, you cant set the boot down or you buy the next boot. Easy right, wrong. The reason it’s a boot is the air will get caught in the front until it is forced up to the toe, and because of the sudden air bubble it just goes every where forcing you to put the boot down or hand it away. LOVED IT. Then we walked over to another bar where I spilt a flaming drink everywhere. Seriously those are not a good idea. Then my other friends and Ross (read down) picked me up and I went and had more to drink at thier house where Ross immediately strip down for some reason, seriously I left the room and then I came back and there is full Ross, sitting talking to the 4 of us, but in his deffens he was in boxers and the clothes that he barrowed did look too tight and uncomfortable (and honestly if I had a body like that I prolly wouldn’t wear clothes either.) I slept on there couch until morning then went to sleep finally in my own bed that afternoon.
Can brain cells grow back?
Sunday night Brian came over, thank god, I need a little sanity. We sat watched British Comedy and talked until 3 in the morning. Damn! Still didn’t get a nights sleep. i wonder if my brain had enough time that night to grow back some brain cells, and if it didnt then at least i saved a few. Thanks buddy; I needed a little brain stimulation. It was good to see you again, how are your plans going? My offer still stands just give me a call and we will get some coffee or you can come over.
Fag Stag
I went to a little bar in North O, which was located in an old and questionable Chinese food restaurant’s basement. The place was dark, unventilated, with décor from a 1970’s Asian porn set. It was the greatest place ever. I have never had drinks so smooth and sweet and so perfect mixed, the rum tasted like water. You cant find another place like because they make most of their alcohol, that’s right the perfect moonshine ever created. After getting amazingly drunk in an amazingly quick time, I began to talk to the bar tender. So it turns out that he is distribution expert of the Omaha Newspapers. While our lovely server was the advertising head, and the ID checker was the Chief Editor, I shit you not. Apparently this was their fun job that they use to chill out. I got some business cards, sent a priest a shot, lit my drink on fire and left. After that it was a bit of a blur, I was on my way home and wound up at some Mexican wedding and ate some delicious cake. Then I wound up at a gay bar were I called my DD to come and get me. My straight friend bob came over to get me, walk in sat down and before he said anything he had a drink sent to him. It ended up I drove my DD home and bob crashed on my couch. aww
am i the only onw who thinks vadka is tasty?
Next was a 21st birthday party of an old high school buddy, Kyle Lynn. Naturally by the time I arrived he was pretty wasted and I was allergic to the dog. So I won a bet of two dollars by drinking the rest of a vodka bottle. I mainly led Kyle to the bathroom to sleep (a great 21st tradition) and went home.
I cant wait until i am 40!
The start of the week and the end of the semester I wound up at a bar and decided to kill off all of my brain cells that I have earned and I did good. I also met a guy who was young (19), good looking, smart, kind, nicely built, the wrestling coach at UNO and a full ride to Crighton, with a nice ass, and who is (greatest point) open -but isn’t fem or a whore, named Ross. He just likes 40 year old guys: damn! My friend recommended him to me because he was looking to move out and I had and lets just say i now have room open. I can only image the problems this would cause. I know better and the dramas of the situation… but I don’t know how to say keep your muscular, well toned body out of my apartment. *sigh*
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The Adrenalin Final
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Advice of the Day: when constantly vomiting one must be sure to not become dehydrated, the easiest liquid to hold daown: apple juice. it also make the throwing up better because it taste the same going up as going down.
Monday, November 28, 2005
The Bitch is Back
“I would love to see your point of view but I cant stick my head that far up my ass” (loved the grandma)
Famous Quotes:
“You were having too much fun in that pile of Toilette paper”
“Eww, I can still taste the stripper”
“Did you just backhand the old Chinese man... now we are cursed!”
“hey do you wanna come to the school library... your where?”
(To a homeless man) “well do you have change for a $100?"
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Ill Cover You
Don't got much baggage To lay at your feet
But sweet kisses I've got to spare
I'll be there - I'll cover you
I think they meant it When they said you can't buy love
Now I know you can rent it A new lease you are, my love,
On life - be my life
Just slip me on I'll be your tenant
Wherever - whatever - I'll be your coat
You'll be my king And I'll be your castle
I think they meant it When they said you can't buy love
Now I know you can rent it A new lease you are, my love,
On life - all my life
I've longed to discover Something as true as this is
So with a thousand sweet kisses If you're cold
I'll cover you And you're lonely With a thousand sweet kisses
I'll cover you You've got one nickel only
With a thousand sweet kisses I'll cover you
When you're worn out and tired With a thousand sweet kisses I'll cover you
When your heart has expired
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Quote of the Week
eh, i hate insipid spoiled trust fund brats, stop hitting on me. just because you lay down twenty that they didnt earn and a last name that you didnt make, am i supposed to drool? get a better pick up line than "my daddy's name is..." i don't care, anyone who knows me realizes that its going to take a little more than a wade of crash to make conversation. i am bored with money and the lack of personality it brings.
Over the weekend i went to a seedy straight bar on karaoke night as a safe place for me. However, some tall skinny queeny guy comes up stuffs his number in my pocket and talks about his house near by that his father bought him. he invited me over before he even knew my name. i dont know i try and be freindly, but do i really care about another trust fund. i feel bad because i faked a phone call and just left bar. it was rude but i dont think he was understanding that his advances weren't going to get him any where. should i even allow him to get an offer of friendship or an appology? and yes i know his name is "posted every 5 feet in this city," but its on a dumpster.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Oh Crap!
Friday, November 18, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Monday, November 07, 2005
Jet and Jar
Look into It: Seffrajet and Blue October
the next day after locking myself away in the library to get a head on my work, I got out and went to dinner with John and Adam. ok, filets are way too small, I was about to order two but that would have been impolite. I also had some really good ice cream with chocolate and vanilla liquore (it was good, but even the ice cream was alcohol with these guys). Then went to Jarhead, it was a good movie. Don’t expect one of those over the top hero epics, but a more realistic image of shit which is what made it so good. It was great, I would defiantly suggest it, a little slow in some part but and incredible character development, it is so gradual and realistic the you don’t even notice the man's change until you look back at the film. However, I have my suspicions that the movie was just propaganda for Jake's ass. Loved the field fuck scene, seriously see it. I would give it *****
Sunday, November 06, 2005
First Halloween Pic!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
a weeks rest
Friday, November 04, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Happy Halloween
Monday, October 31, 2005
I saw saw

Anyways, i was not very impressed by the movie, it wasn't that scary, twisted or creative like the last one. there was no intensity and the gore wasn't even as good there was like only one sick scene in the beginning... GOD EYE THINGS CREEP ME OUT, but mostly people just kinda fainted and died, worthless. the acting sucked too but that was a given. next time a horror movie decides to put 7 beautiful people in a house together for Halloween there better be blood!
rating: *****
Quote of the week, after the final destination preview: "those who made it out of the ice-cream truck in time survived!"
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Out of League

so, on friday i went out again, but this time as an army guy. i just went to a little party (when i showed up i doubled the amount of people there, jk but it was still small). i hung out there for a little and did not do much. After that i left and picked a friend of mine to go to the Midnight showing of Nightmare Before Christmas. it was fun, i hadnt seen the whole movie until that night. i met up with a few people and we made comments or sang along. also, i got very excited because for the first time... i saw the previews for 'Rent' on the big screen, i can not wait. all in all it was a good relaxing evening that allowed me to get to sleep at 2:00, awesome.
the next day i woke up called about the roaches in my apart (no one came down), called customer support to figure out why my internet doesnt work (couldnt get through it was a fax number) and returned a call to a women i accidentally rear ended and broke a tail light in the morning (found out the estimate was $800). after that i went to go pillage at my parents house. it was cool because my grandparents are in town baby sitting for my parents while they're in Spain. so i got food and had a little extra money in my pocket. later, i left and ended up at a party with all my nerdy UNO friends, all dressed as pirates, Dorthy, Zelda and shit.
i also had some hypnotic and it was sooo good. soon i left and went to the big S.A.E. frat house Halloween party and hang with my slutty UNO friends. it was fun i got to see old grade school people drunk whoring themselves out. it was a pretty good time, i hung with a lot of people from my old drama class and got a little drunk. i was also introduced to a guy, one of those your gay... he's gay, they're perfect together. yea not so much.
Friday, October 28, 2005
The Drama Transfer
for Halloween i have been goin as a cub scout ;-) what has everyone else gone as?
well i have been hanging out with JC's friends lately and apparently it pisses him off. he must find it some sort of betrayal, so when they all came up Wednesday, LOL, i got invited to the Q. i was even offered a ride. LOL, me showing up with all of JC's dear pals to the club that he is at would be too funny and i do need to depend fate. i couldn't help but think about me further tightening my social choke hold. In fact as others found out about it they made plans to go and see it all unfold. But i also saw the fear in the eyes of some of his most closest friends, you know the look that screams Gay Drama! So i bowed out gracefully because i didn't want them to have to experience JC's pissy wrath. GOD DAMN DRAMA!
Instead my friends here in Omaha, seeing my plan of doom, decided to keep me here. So we went the Roxbury instead and i had a total blast. This club is of the ghetto/rap variety, so i loved it. We all got in constume and i was the only guy of six girls, so i had my hands full. Basically my duty was that if a guy was grinding on them or hitting on them i just go over put my arm around them and dance (so the guys just walk away). There were also a bunch of buff guys dressed as Chip and Dales dancer so it was hard to keep my hands in check. i also met up with some people from the dorm and made plans to hang out with them afterwards.

i left those crazy, horny bitches and wound up at the dorms with Sharon, Fernando (or as Kristin calls him Francisco/Frachesco/Fresca) and some more people. we went dorm hopping and Fernando took his pants off to go hug the straight but in his defense it was part of his costume (by the way, what it with gay Mexicans and gogo dancing anyway). i was envious of his track runner legs tho, by the end of the night after wandering around campus at 4 am wrapped in quilts (i have to get the security feed of that) we ended up at Fernando's dorm where we went into his room and turned off the lights and where he presented the wrapper and began to tare it open. i took it from him to look at it and saw that it was not a condom wrapper but individually wrapped tylonol PM. Moment over. Made fun of his game for the rest of the night, as if we would have done anything any way, pshh, please. well i finally woke up next to someone and made it to class on time but we'll see what drama come from me sleeping with Fernando. good grief.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
no idea what i am doin
had a huge weekend, lots to say but dont really feel like it. thanks to josh, ben, mike and callie (and sam kinda) for helping me move into my new apartment, i have given my invitation to come over when you please. as for callie i will probably just give u a key to the place so you can come over when you want because you were superwoman, mi casa su casa chica. as for those who "couldn't help" i am sure you might see my new digs eventually, maybe. if i can talk to you and get around to asking you to come over sometime down the road (i dont plan on being there very often for some reasons). Once again THANK YOU its you'all who make my life easier (even if you only had to carry a house plant)
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
new record
Saturday, October 15, 2005
oh god what have i done
Friday, October 14, 2005
This week's sum up
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
thanks to me, i have being keeping up international ads for my major and here is an interesting one. it fundraises for children of war. the 'smurf ad' is being ran in Belgium and starts with into music to the smurfs as the camera fallows through the woods to the smurf's village (with the usual singing and dancing)thne the camera shoots up to plains flying over that drop s. screaming and crying fallows while reshowing the building in the previos scene burning. soon the screaming dies out and all that is left is the echoing cries of baby smurf while a blue hand lies in the rubble and smurfett lying near by. i thought it would be funny but it was acutally hard to see icons of inoccencent childhood burned and left for . i wonder if it will be well recieved or not?
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
Are You A Bitch
"-you believe in the survival of the fittest.
-okay, maybe you shouldnt have spread the word around school that the Fraternity President has sex with goats, but whatever.
-during your annual preformace review, your manager frequently uses words like aggressive, one-track, and merciless.
-in an effer to be a better friend, you tell your gall pal that her new guy- you know, the one she's madly in love with- is, well, ugly.
-your last boyfriend broke up with you complaining of metal abuse. when you see him at a bar, he hide and sheilds his face, the wimp! (okay mine run)
-you call the shots in your social crew because they mess everything up, which you tell them- regularly. "
-p 184
Thursday, October 06, 2005
me in the midst of riots, broadway, and graffiti
so, i was able to lie and leave work yesterday so that i could run up to Lincoln for a step competition with renee. a step is a dance normally associated with black fraternities and sororities in which they will cerograph stomps, grind and yell chants. there really cool to watch. i was able to get on campus parking for UNL and broke in to the coliseum for the show (i am not going to spend $3.00!). it was a total blast except for that one 'source awards moment' when a frat said "we dont need no alfas, no gammas, no kappas..." and almost started a bit of a riot but other than that i had soo much fun. not to mention i was able to get a groove on with 'gold digger.' and later on, one of the fraternities made outfit out of cheap canvas which would accidentally slowly rip and deteriorate in all the right places (its the classiest way to describe it). by the end everyone was just cheering for them to take it off... and i must say it was nice.
after that i went to a coffee house with skankslut to fill out paperwork for an apartment i probably wont get.
later around 11:00 pm renee had to go back to her work, at the Leid Preforming Center, to get a book she had left. she had access into the main entrance and then we proceeded to brake into the Theater and behind the Scene for a new Broadway show. we made acted secret agents (with awsome posses) as we ran around the costume rooms and massive back stage unlocked corridors. we ran into a janitor but renee knew him so everything was cool. we didnt want to get her fired or get me killed by falling sand bags or open trapped doors so we decided to leave and went back to her dorm, and what dorm building did she live in... Cather the same one as JC (I will publish what i want, who i want, when i want because it my blog). i was nervous at first and we went to the room quickly and i was going to make sure to avoid him. but i needed, NEEDED to tempt fate, its what i do. so we went up to the 12th floor (once again my blog!) to show renee his room. i quickly slipped into the stairs but i think he saw me and then met again in her room. i couldnt just leave it at that we had to do something rambunctious . so as me and renee discussed 3 other people on the floor began talking to us- and thus began the plot. one would call him down to help with a sewing problem while the other 2 and me would run up the stairs. when we got to the 12th floor entrance we would unpack... the tape, napkins, catch-up and tampons. back to the secret agent mode, while one would make the bloody tampons the other two posted them on the door and around his door knob. i of course put the finishing touches of smearing the red napkin down the front of the door and leaving the trash there. it was way too much fun, in hindsight i think he'll probably take offence to it but, oh well. the way i deal with situations is to either yell or make a joke out of it, i dont care any more so i joke and fuck around. i figure it was the better of the two. think of it as a bloody tampon-like olive branch of peace. all in all the night quenched my thirst for brake-ins and i purely enjoyed my self with total satisfaction, not to mention having enough eye candy for weeks.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
my life in fast foward...
As for the love life well that’s both a long and short story. Guys meet me or approach me and I run in a tragic fury to never loose my sanity again. With in the being of the school year I have been approached by at least 3 guys, all of whom are attractive some what well minded (well two of them are normal) but I just can’t get my self to care or like them back. I know they are nice and pretty but I just don’t like them or the idea of dating.
I have also been searching for apartments which have been driving me insane. I can not take it. All relaters are asinine! There is a reason they have resorted to apartment sales, its just a sad group of life failures that are a few seconds away from realizing it and about brake. It really is only luck that they have survived this long and been able to make a mild profit or that they are to afraid to kill themselves due to further failure of that too. One didn’t even know where his own building was! Well I have stories of each don’t really know if ill expand on any of them, unless u feel it necessary to know the full story then by all means I will spill my guts.
Oh and absolutely thrilling news I might go to London over the summer for class internships on international relations, wahoo! But that is a big if, I won’t know until the semester end, I had done everything that I could its up to fate, or God, or Buddha or whatever.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
The Last Day of Summer
side note: the name of the opening was Rilo Kiley, good band.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I went to try out for the real wolrd...
At the casting is was amazingly uncrowded, thank god for the Nebraska mentality (it aint worth it if I have to get up or expand my comfort space). It was a total blast, for the application we had fill out things like “what is your most embarrassing moment?” which is hilarious to find stuff like that out each other. Eventually, we ended up talking to the sitting next to us (or rather we stole her seat) and then began to talk with a group of people in front of us that had just all recently met too (one of those: this is cool, it seems like I have known you guys forever). Every one there was really funny, good looking, active and honest but also mellow. The best way to describe it was we didn’t make conversations or small talk but had conversations. It created a great atmosphere, I just wanted to take all those people and put them in a party with me or something. Needless to say no one got a call back but it was so fun just meeting strange and different people who were unique and wanted to show the world all while putting your self in an awkward situation. We had to tell things about ourselves to a formal group of 12, and for the first time VD publicly admitted he was gy. After that I chilled a the dorms with Vince’s friends and met more people who were cool. Then about four hours later and a foosball tournament, plates of spaghetti and funny stories traded back and forth me and VD went for the road trip back and sang along to the theme song “Scotty doesn’t know” while we discussed maturity levels and how this is the best day since the summer has ended.
Tomorrow I can’t wait its road trip #2 with me and brian to Kansas City! For the Cold Play concert I hope every one is as excited as me.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Saturday, September 10, 2005
what i use my mastercard for...
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Found this sad line:
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Busy day: movie to watch, song to listen to, and a fact to know
Well, it was an interesting day I was able to sleep in until 11:00 and woke up with the sun. I went and exercised then relaxed and ate some thia food. After that I watched a deep philosophical movie called What the Bleep do We Know (quick shout out, awesome movie) and sipped a glass of Hennessy Coniac, what else would you have to drink that would accompany such a movie with deep issues about the human body and its emotional spirit. After that I lounged and ate a hamburger and watched Family Guy. Through out the day I received condolences on my recent grievances which were much appreciated. Having people around right now is always good. Just someone to relate or even get things off my chest are always a relief and keep me mentally sane, not to mention it keeps me occupied, which is good, as to not allow my mind to wander into dark corners. Thank you. An interesting side effect of all this is that I have been given songs to listen too, here are some: Mariah Carey shake it off, Fatty Koo its over, Christina Agualra stronger and my favorite Cher this is a song for the lonely (this one was obviously Bryans). But the song I would suggest is Jem finally woke up, it shows my more positive attitude that I am maintaining from when I opened my eyes today.
Another interesting fact that I have learned is from the movie. Did you know it was documented that when Columbus slowly sailed his 3 missive vessels towards the Caribbean islands the indigenous people never noticed the substantial ships approaching to dock. It wasn’t until the wise shaman notice waves or ripples from the sea and traced them out ward. Only then after being told by the shaman did the people actually see the ominously large armada. Its amazing really, the power of denial is easily the strongest binding force we have.
“Matt I didn’t know things between us had gotten so bad” I had no reply to that statement because I too hadn’t realized how bad and how obvious things were, I had seen them but it took them being said by him for me to truly realize what was going on. I still can’t except he was a lair, deceiver, and would do all of this to me.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Previously, he gotten drunk went to the Q. I called him the next day and asked how his night was and he replied “I got home so late I only got 4 hrs of sleep.” Then a little paranoid I asked what time he woke up, he said “around 7” meaning that he got home around 3, but bars here close at 1a.m. So he was forced to tell me that he met with this guy (Herby) whose pick up line was “I can make you a turkey sandwich at my place” (seriously, this is what I was passed up for.) I backed down and didn’t get in the way but he said liked me and they just had a really boring conversation, … for three hours, drunk, after meeting at a gy bar. “oh matt you must think I am the worst person ever. Sorry.”
Fallowing that day I drove up to Lincoln to see him, but only to get the reply “well, do what you want I am going to a party.” Angry, I stayed and called him in an hour told him I was coming over stood for two minutes and left. Then sent a text “have fun with hurby” he immediately called back, and I said “I wont get in your way”, he replied “It’s not like that at all, Matt I really like you. I would hate to know what you think of me. I am soo sorry” I sat there outside the dorm comforted him. At this time I would no longer do any perusing (as I told my friend Jordan “I don’t want to get in the way or be a burden”).
Later, with the encouragement of brian, I would go to a club with him and for the entire night deal with people saying “remember that time we got drunk, made out, and almost did me”. After discussing it Jordon encouraged me and said it shouldnt matter he likes you more than any one else, and “its sad cause JC likes you more than you like him” (which wasn’t the case look at all I have done and time wasted- its only I just decided to back off) but I still asked and questioned about him not sure if JC was deeply retarded. Which brings us to this weekend, I had three days open and free, that last big weekend before my job would start, and I was going to spend it missing my tournomant and friends birthday to help him reach his hospitalized sister. But, plans fell through and it is still decided that I would spend the weekend with him, “matt your company would be much appreciated right now.” I would sit at home on Friday waiting come up late because he wanted to see a movie. When I do come of course we go drinking (he couldnt do anything else). The night ended and we walk back, he touches me and rubs my back and I don’t mind, we jump up on a large rock in front of the capital building and I stare at the sky talking to him. We continue our walk and I make jokes about his other boys and he replies “its not like that” and that he likes me; but in a few minutes he says: right now its soo tough choosing between you and hurby because I live 30 mins away and it would never work out because it would be too much work for him for me to drive (!?). then, he’ll continue to compare me to hurb and how I come up short. Ill find out that everything that I have done with JC he has done to Hurby. It was soo tough for him, oh what problems he must have choosing between TWO guys and he’ll give a fake sob (he had no tears but I did). JC knowingly put himself in this position and now must take the consequences, but I was an bystander and now I’m hurt. There were two guys and I was one, do you know how awful that is to feel, how low you become, how unextraordinary and unworthy. I feel nothing but shock and depression. He talks and says he has been trying to tell me this for awhile. I have given him chance after chance and all he did was pout and lie. It didn’t have to be this was, he was given chances, even before we went out to the bars I made jokes about his attractions to mascots and he smiled put me in his bed and said “its not like that.”
After the talk we go back to his room and he asks me to stay (IN THE VERY BED THAT THE OTHER GUY HAS BEEN SPLEEPING IN), teary eyed but still strong I try to get a hold of some UNL friends but no one picks up, its too late late. I grab my stuff and walk out , he drunkenly says “Matt do you feel sorry for me” then rolls over. I walk to the elevator alone passing up the guys sitting in the hallway again, I can only image what they were thinking “here is another guy coming out of JC’s room.” I only feel shame and taken advantage of. I go home, wasting $40 in gas, missing my tournament in Lincoln and leaving my plans to hang with friends. I cry so hard I pull over and puke. I call the one person up, Omar, and he nicely talks to me on the way home. I wake up LIVID, boiling red, with hatred of being mislead. Then JC calls my final words are: “Do you know that EVERY conversation you say sorry! There is no forgiveness left. You treated my like sh*t, left me alone, you lied and you said ‘there was nothing between you two’ and that ‘you must think I am the worst person’ well I finally do. My weekend is a bust. I CAME UP TO HELP YOU! I have no money, feeling hurt. But at least I have my dignity b/c I always knew to never f*ck a loser. I can only hope you can be screwed over by a friend too, you lazy drunk self centered f*cked-up sl ut. Sorry, I have finally come to my senses and I will never see you again. Goodbye” Normally I would wish him to go to hell, but instead I’ll wish him something much worse, that someday he will meet someone just like him and then be treated like the lowest form of crap.
yea, herbie in on the right, my friend dan in the middle, and lil' red on the left. its sad, my brothers have beat up this mascot on more than one occasion. look down for his pick.
the leason learned
I wouldn't know how to be this way now, and never back down
So I wanna say thank you 'Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
It makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter
yes, this is my lesson learned.
Book of Morrissey
Can you see it in your heart ? ... ah ...
And when you try to break my spirit
It won't work because there's nothing left to break
-- Speedway,
Morrissey, Vauxhall and I, 1994
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Strage dreams make you think
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Book of Morrissey
When I said by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed
-- Bigmouth Strikes Again,
The Smiths, The Queen Is , 1986
Feild trip
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Look Into It
Popular Poetry
The Tell Tale Heart
TRUE! --nervous --very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses --not destroyed --not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily --how calmly I can tell you the whole story.
It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture --a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees --very gradually --I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.
Now this is the point. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded --with what caution --with what foresight --with what dissimulation I went to work! I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him. And every night, about midnight, I turned the latch of his door and opened it --oh so gently! And then, when I had made an opening sufficient for my head, I put in a dark lantern, all closed, closed, that no light shone out, and then I thrust in my head. Oh, you would have laughed to see how cunningly I thrust it in! I moved it slowly --very, very slowly, so that I might not disturb the old man's sleep. It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed. Ha! would a madman have been so wise as this, And then, when my head was well in the room, I undid the lantern cautiously-oh, so cautiously --cautiously (for the hinges creaked) --I undid it just so much that a single thin ray fell upon the vulture eye. And this I did for seven long nights --every night just at midnight --but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye. And every morning, when the day broke, I went boldly into the chamber, and spoke courageously to him, calling him by name in a hearty tone, and inquiring how he has passed the night. So you see he would have been a very profound old man, indeed, to suspect that every night, just at twelve, I looked in upon him while he slept... (cont.)
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Look Into It
thank you Chadwick
Friday, August 19, 2005
Book of Morrissey
No hope, no harm, just another false alarm
-- Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me,
The Smiths, Strangeways Here We Come, 1987
Thursday, August 18, 2005
My Party

Well, I made it and with a few stories under my belt now… like when an ambulance rolled me out of a Walgreen’s at 2:00 am in Iowa.
lets start from the beginning shall we. With everything going down like it has been, I had plenty of reason to drink. Most of my 21 and over friends had canceled (what nice friends) maybe it was for the best I got to hang out with all my good friends all at once. It was a different experience, my college friends met my high school friends and my high school friends got to meet my grade school friends. It was a fun experience I was worried that not everyone would get along or every ones social anxiety would kick in at once. But they all intermingled together nicely. So we went restaurant hopping in the down town, Old Chicago, Michaels, Ms Pub and I downed whatever drink I could. Later my two sisters (and a husband) and one friend took me up to the bar and I said my last good byes to my underaged friends. At the bar I was given a few to many shots and made stupid comments, “I am not drunkted”. And another friend showed up. The bar closed and I was left puking in an alley. At this point in time I am drunk but still responsive and functioning, just stupid. I had set up a ride to a friends house before hand and she would come and take care of me. But I think sam kinda forgot or fell asleep. My sisters wanted me to come home with them but I was not going to let m
my parents see me in this condition and I would receive better attention at sams (maybe).
so my friend was going to drive me to sams, maybe not the best idea but I didn’t really know what was going on. This is when it starts to become a blur, some time along the way my friends decided to go to Iowa instead of taking me to bed. (NOT GOOD I am puking and tired). I guess she takes me to a walgreens and lets me puke there. So she is being a little tipsy and dramatic and calls 911. then, I really have no idea what is going on because I remember them coming and putting me on a stretcher and apparently I thought they were cops. I get to the hospital and the do test with my "its my birthday, do u wanna me?" button and my blood alcohol level is still good and am still aware. So eventually my dad comes to get me and I walk back out to the car i dont know who i am going to pay for the ablulance tho. So, they did not need to pump my stomach or anything and I was happy cause I could FINALLY sleep (I tried that on the street and rest room). so we get home I throw up and go down stairs to the basement to sleep on my back, with no one else on the floor, and I just got done puking. I wasn’t checked up on until later that morning, which scared me a little bit. and o start off the dinner the next night my tells stories of things he did in the waiting room waiting for his hollow son who got drunk for some reason and then I got a long talk from my mother. So my birthday was embarrassing to say the least and not for any of the good normal reasons. I guess I felt disappointed in everyone’s judgment, I tried my hardest to be responsible, set everything up because this would be the one day I just let go. good thing i was still reponsible and remebered most of it, i would have hated to think where i'd be if i passed out or somthing.

Shout out: thanks to, Tony, Jimmy, Gooch, Mandy, Callie, Zach, Carry, Dan, Amy, Sara, Dave and Brian (you bought me a three wise men). ps all my pictures were deleted except for this one.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
last minute concert saves lives

i have more pics if you want to see them.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Book of Morrissey
But in my heart it was so real
-- I Know It’s Over,
The Smiths, The Queen Is , 1986
Sunday, August 14, 2005
So... i found a new sport to play
answer: Its a sport call 'Turkish Wrestleing' where the men oil up, grab or thrust each other and try to pull off of stick their hands down their rival's pants. and might i remind that Turkey is renouned for being the worst place for gy men. but i must say i am a fan now.
Book of Morrissey
And heaven knows I'm miserable now
-- Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now,
The Smiths, Louder Than s, 1987
Ramble Ramble ramble
no one dare exclaim why you can see why
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Book of Morrissey
And I do believe that the more you give your trust
And the more you give your love
The more you're bound to lose
-- Found Found Found,
Morrissey, Kill Uncle, 1991
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Quote of the Week
~Words from my favorite bench
Recently, i have noticed that the benches in Omaha have been changing, they have gone from advertisement to art. I noticed this one day when i was down town sad and alone looking around and my eye wondered to bench taht was gray and alone with this quote on it. It peaked my interest and i began looking around and found that these have started popping up around Omaha. It has slowly become something to do when we are bored now, go bench marking. If ever in Omaha keep your eyes out for them, no one has ever seemed to notice. Bench Marks Photos.
The Official 'West O' Rap
Finally, a song that all those g-thug wannabe J Crew wearing preppy poser punks with sideways golf visors to blast out their $2,500 speakers in the little red foreign cars that daddy bought and not look asinine. I am sick of living here it is driving me insane, but now instead of hearing kings of crunk out of mini vans/coopers/sport cars/anything maybe they can listen to this and sympathize (and is equally annoying). This is so the west o rap...
I’m drinkin’ a soy latte, I get a double shoté
It goes right through my body and you know I’m
I drive my mini Cooper and I’m feeling super-duper
Yo’, they tell I’m a trooper and you know I’m
I do yoga and Pilates and the room is full of hotties
So I’m checkin’ out the bodies and you know I’m
I’m diggin’ on the isotopes, this metaphysics s*** is
And if all this can give me hope you know I’m
I got a lawyer and a manager, an agent and a chef
Three nannies, an assistant and a driver and a jet
A trainer and a butler and a bodyguard or five
A gardener and a stylist, do you think I’m satisfied
I’d like to express my extreme point of view
I’m not a Christian and I’m not a Jew
I’m just livin’ out the American dream
And I just realized that nothin’ is what it seems
Sunday, August 07, 2005
A song to explain
"And last night I had something so good
These days get so long and I have nothing to do
I’ve been hanging around this town on a corner
I’ve been bummin’ around this old town for way too long
I’ve been hanging around this town on a corner
I’ve been bummin’ around this old town for way too long
We spent all day getting sober
Just hiding from the daylight
And watching tv
It just look a lot better in the blue light
Well you know I gotta get out
But I’m stuck so tight
Weighed by the chains that keep me
I’ve been hanging around this town on a corner
I’ve been bummin’ around this old town for way too long..."
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Book of Morrissey
You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go, and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home, and you cry
And you want to die
-- How Soon Is Now?,
The Smiths, Meat Is , 1985
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Popular Poetry
Ode to a Loved One
By Sappho
BLEST as the immortal gods is she,
The youth who fondly sits by thee,
And hears and sees thee, all the while,
Softly speaks and sweetly smile.
'Twas this deprived my soul of rest,
And raised such tumults in my breast;
For, while I gazed, in transport tossed,
My breath was gone, my voice was lost;
My bosom glowed; the subtle flame
Ran quick through all my vital frame;
O'er my dim eyes a darkness hung;
My ears with hollow murmurs rung;
In dewy damps my limbs were chilled;
My blood with gentle horrors thrilled:
My feeble pulse forgot to play;
I fainted, sunk, and died away.