Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Hilarious Breaking Story on Yahoo! Homepage Today
Today, I had the pleasure of logging into Yahoo!’s Homepage and seeing a comical “news article” as the main headline. Littered with grammatical errors, erroneous journalism tactics, unabashed opinions and, most of all, hilariously inappropriate innuendo.
Let me start with the author's choice word in the title. Within the bold, size 15 font in the actual title- “gropes” right next the Presidents picture. "Reality Check: President Gropes." That is an extreme word with strong sexual and violent connotations not usually attributed to our nations first black President, so I read on.
But wait! There is more than just synonms for rape, there's also "erogenous zones." Yes, it gets better, following the groping with this sentence: “touching every political erogenous zone he and his advisers can think of...” Hahaha, are you serious! "touching" ha! But there is more...
And then the writer follows that up with “inescapable that his 69-minute speech” …wait, what? Generally, with time measurement and in proper grammar once it reaches past 60 mins you attribute that to 1 hour. I mean no one would say: his 4,140 second speech. It should say 1:06 mins. But 69! So, I guess there is an exception when the number can be added up to equal a popular sex move. (And to be exact it was actually 1:09:44.)

There is more, the writer then took full advantage of the term “bang.” “talk then was of a presidential big bang.” And continues to loosely use bang for the rest of the article. "With the banging..."
And then winds down to his final thought... something about “revealed in real-time a president groping.”
Ha ha ha ha hahahaha. WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THIS. This is the top story! Let me remind you Yahoo! receives 477 million unique monthly visitors. The story is from Politco, a blog. Generally, I don’t mind bloggers having fun, or expressing opinion or breaking their “journalistic integrity” but that’s because Blogs stay in the realm of Blogs, all while The Associated Press and Reuters stay in the realm of information and newsfeeds.
What, the AP, Reuters, International Herald, NY Times, or Washington Post didn’t have a story on the President’s freakin’ State of the Union address! What a piece of crap journalism editing. I am not sure what is wrong with Yahoo!’s New Editorial Team, or if there is one, but I find it irresponsible and reprehensible to professionally report a blog (though fine it its own realm) as a main source for news information. Sure, this story was hilarious as shit, but wildly unprofessional and given as fact for millions of consumers. No integrity.
As for John F. Harris, he ended his piece with “In many ways his tone belittled the speech’s substance.” Your tone, sir, belittle your entire writing capability.
Check it out for yourself-
Let me start with the author's choice word in the title. Within the bold, size 15 font in the actual title- “gropes” right next the Presidents picture. "Reality Check: President Gropes." That is an extreme word with strong sexual and violent connotations not usually attributed to our nations first black President, so I read on.
But wait! There is more than just synonms for rape, there's also "erogenous zones." Yes, it gets better, following the groping with this sentence: “touching every political erogenous zone he and his advisers can think of...” Hahaha, are you serious! "touching" ha! But there is more...
And then the writer follows that up with “inescapable that his 69-minute speech” …wait, what? Generally, with time measurement and in proper grammar once it reaches past 60 mins you attribute that to 1 hour. I mean no one would say: his 4,140 second speech. It should say 1:06 mins. But 69! So, I guess there is an exception when the number can be added up to equal a popular sex move. (And to be exact it was actually 1:09:44.)
There is more, the writer then took full advantage of the term “bang.” “talk then was of a presidential big bang.” And continues to loosely use bang for the rest of the article. "With the banging..."
And then winds down to his final thought... something about “revealed in real-time a president groping.”
Ha ha ha ha hahahaha. WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THIS. This is the top story! Let me remind you Yahoo! receives 477 million unique monthly visitors. The story is from Politco, a blog. Generally, I don’t mind bloggers having fun, or expressing opinion or breaking their “journalistic integrity” but that’s because Blogs stay in the realm of Blogs, all while The Associated Press and Reuters stay in the realm of information and newsfeeds.
What, the AP, Reuters, International Herald, NY Times, or Washington Post didn’t have a story on the President’s freakin’ State of the Union address! What a piece of crap journalism editing. I am not sure what is wrong with Yahoo!’s New Editorial Team, or if there is one, but I find it irresponsible and reprehensible to professionally report a blog (though fine it its own realm) as a main source for news information. Sure, this story was hilarious as shit, but wildly unprofessional and given as fact for millions of consumers. No integrity.
As for John F. Harris, he ended his piece with “In many ways his tone belittled the speech’s substance.” Your tone, sir, belittle your entire writing capability.
Check it out for yourself-
Friday, January 22, 2010
Obama Rank: Promise Kept or Change Achieved?
THIS IS GREAT!!!! Politifact has been counting up Obama’s post-election success and pre-election promises. I have been trying to do the same… but this guy was far more successful- stupid office work, family, social life and boyfriend getting in the way of my obsession of tracking and measuring... things and stuff. Check our this amazing Obamameter from the St. Petersburg Times newspaper:
"PolitiFact has compiled more than 500 promises that Barack Obama made during the campaign and is tracking their progress on our Obameter."The pole contrasts Promises Kept, Compromised, Promises Broken, Stalled, In the Works. There are a few pieces I would like to point out, firstly that it has only been one year since taking the oath and I cant seem to remember any other president that has received such unprecedented attention for only a single year in office, perhaps it is because of my second point. 2- These are some massive issue and yes, that is probably why so many are so impatient and are receiving a lot of attention thus for only one year I can understand where “In the Works” is an important measurement for meter. Thirdly, I take issue with the term “Compromised” as its own singular force. I would like to remind everyone of his initial promise to reach across the aisle and:
“A good compromise, a good piece of legislation, is like a good sentence; or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say, 'Huh. It works. It makes sense.”With all this, allow the numbers still speak for themselves- do the math and add it up, 124 accomplishments, 276 working towards and 16 lost of about 505.
“I think that there's a tradition of us working together to make sure that we are dealing with the threats that are out there and that we are building a consensus here in the United States. That's the kind of approach I intend to take when I'm president of the United States.”
I wish this was on Stumble, or trending topics, or even Digg. But I don’t think people are as excited NOR really want to be informed. From what I have experienced (regardless of the facts) if people like him- he has kept his promises, if people don’t like him- then he just hasn’t. Not much middle ground, not much fact-base, not much anything beyond “well, I feel that he has…..” But that’s why I want people to really look at it.
Get informed and inform others.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Why Fox News is good for Liberals- Part 2
In my previous blog- - I discussed why this biased, poorly researched, (and hugely unprofessional) news channel is detrimental for the Republican movement in this country. In this blog I would like to take a proactive focus on how this channel can be used to help Liberals, and how Democrats can effectively use Fox New's irrationality.
As proposed in the last blog, the news channel has a clear bias and right-friendly reporting, and it has arguably become a mouth of the Republican Party. This is the source where they can get there slogans, endorsements, and facts on which they build their platform. This is practically a selective conservative news feed… which can be controlled.
They are still a news service thus always need new stories and they can be directed to one story or another through ratings, advertiser tactics, clever agenda setting methods and misdirection.
Let’s just say for an upcoming 2016 election, a leader says how “democrats have failed in the agriculture issue” or create a scandal in Dept of Ag. That is setting the agenda. Fox News will jump on it faster than Hillary can jumps in a pantsuit. They will talk to the American people about the importance of our countries agriculture, run specials on Mid west farmers who demand a candidate understanding of agriculture, and promote the issue onto the forefront of viewers minds with repetitive catchy messages and buzz words.
My advice to Dem- Don’t view the News entity as an enemy and keep you distance… bate the mouse trap.
Create the perfect candidate: Before the 2016 post-Obama presidential election, an event surely marred with "liberal foreign policy" and "educated elitism of the world." Find a governor with speaking appeal like Brian Schweitzer, from Montana, opposes gun control, has that "all American leader" quality and has improved the job market in his state. Over the next 6 years promote him to serve as head to many agricultural committees to find employment committees for blue collar workers and have him take a hard stance against gun control. Make him appear to be expert in the field for national topics, not international.
You can take it one step further with a “Bate and Switch.” Find specific critiques Americans have, and create a solid strategy for it while you bait the Republicans to follow another issue. Much like financial woes and gas prices in the last election. Then set the agenda about Democrats inability to handle a completely different issue like airport security (one that isn’t really a make or brake issue to most voters). --Get the conservatives to focus in on this issue for the election year. They will be happy to point out the cracks in the party’s platform, get them to focus on those trivial facts... obsess on this issue... and let Fox News bombard republicans with that issue. Conservatives pick a team of security minded candidates and build their platform on this irrelevant issue. Liberals pick candidates on a more centrist platform with a financial understanding, and promises of gasoline tax breaks. This basic issues more appealing to general Americans concerns and America will respond.
This is similar to what happened in the 2008 elections. People were talking about war and people were talking about the first woman president. So the republicans got a veteran, and (to attempt to appease female voters) hastily included the ill-prepared Mrs. Palin. But soon the Economy went right into the limelight and McCain couldn’t have been more out of touch.
So remember, agenda setting—it’s important...
How does Obama "Stack Up"? ...Or is that even the right question?
This Is SO IMPORTANT. As the anniversary of President Barack Obama's Inauguration arrives, Jeffrey Brown speaks with a panel of experts about how the president has performed thus far in the Oval Office. WATCH this PBS News video, it is slow for the first few seconds but picks up quickly. The in-studio guests have wonderful incite and solid points of view.
Beware of historical analogies when it comes to politics, your best bet is to keep a keen eye and informed mind. But one quote I would like to end on, and it is a very important one in the midst of this extreme-hyper-partisan and individual-totalitarian-voting era:
Beware of historical analogies when it comes to politics, your best bet is to keep a keen eye and informed mind. But one quote I would like to end on, and it is a very important one in the midst of this extreme-hyper-partisan and individual-totalitarian-voting era:
"the question isn't is our government too small or too large, but rather- does our government work?"
What a wonderful moderate quote.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Rise of Fringe Movements
As further proof of the remarkable political changes taking place in the conservative movement, NPR touched on the power of the Tea Party. I mentioned this in the last blog about Fox News and how they helped this party gain mass recognition and more control. I would like to further back up my point with the story named “7 Things At Stake In Massachusetts” and the prevailing attention this party is getting:
“As he put the final touches on his Inauguration Day address, President Obama could scarcely have imagined that one year later, his agenda and his presidency would hang on the outcome of a cliffhanging special election in Massachusetts.
But that is the message this morning from Boston to Washington and in the news media everywhere. To take the coverage at face value, the president will be staying up late tonight to see whether it's worth coming to work tomorrow.
Number 6 on the NPR list-
The momentum of the Tea Party: Dismissed as a fringe phenomenon in the spring of 2009, the anti-tax Tea movement gained great visibility in a series of marches against the stimulus, the health care bill and the Washington of Obama in general. The party claimed at least partial credit for overthrowing Democratic regimes in New Jersey and Virginia in the fall. Frustrated in a special House race in upstate New York, the party has turned with renewed vigor to its crusade in the Commonwealth, pumping money and energy into the late phase of the campaign. And a win in Massachusetts would be the perfect set-up for the Tea movement's planned convention in Nashville in early February. Think there's any chance a newly minted Sen. Brown would be there?”
For more on this great story click here:
As for the MA election… I just can't get myself to say it. I just can’t. Though I don’t think it is 100% that a republican will win, it is important to take into account that there is a major push from out of state support (from Tea partiers, conservative, anti-health care movement… The people in CA know how powerful out of state funding can be). Secondly, Rep. Scott has smoothly transitioned to a more moderate stance, while Coakley, never a strong candidate, has been complacent and lacks some community roots. Thirdly, remember the MA people in this “liberal paradise” just voted out gay marriage… its not as sure fire as one would think for Dems. They have JUST successfully ran this conservative initiative there and can do it again, but this time for the super majority in the house. Oh I really hope my political gut is wrong for once on this.
“As he put the final touches on his Inauguration Day address, President Obama could scarcely have imagined that one year later, his agenda and his presidency would hang on the outcome of a cliffhanging special election in Massachusetts.
But that is the message this morning from Boston to Washington and in the news media everywhere. To take the coverage at face value, the president will be staying up late tonight to see whether it's worth coming to work tomorrow.
Number 6 on the NPR list-
The momentum of the Tea Party: Dismissed as a fringe phenomenon in the spring of 2009, the anti-tax Tea movement gained great visibility in a series of marches against the stimulus, the health care bill and the Washington of Obama in general. The party claimed at least partial credit for overthrowing Democratic regimes in New Jersey and Virginia in the fall. Frustrated in a special House race in upstate New York, the party has turned with renewed vigor to its crusade in the Commonwealth, pumping money and energy into the late phase of the campaign. And a win in Massachusetts would be the perfect set-up for the Tea movement's planned convention in Nashville in early February. Think there's any chance a newly minted Sen. Brown would be there?”
For more on this great story click here:
As for the MA election… I just can't get myself to say it. I just can’t. Though I don’t think it is 100% that a republican will win, it is important to take into account that there is a major push from out of state support (from Tea partiers, conservative, anti-health care movement… The people in CA know how powerful out of state funding can be). Secondly, Rep. Scott has smoothly transitioned to a more moderate stance, while Coakley, never a strong candidate, has been complacent and lacks some community roots. Thirdly, remember the MA people in this “liberal paradise” just voted out gay marriage… its not as sure fire as one would think for Dems. They have JUST successfully ran this conservative initiative there and can do it again, but this time for the super majority in the house. Oh I really hope my political gut is wrong for once on this.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Why is Fox News Good if You're a Liberal? Pt. 1
This is why…
Yes, splinter movements. Republicans can lose there conservative voters to small groups and the party itself begins lose its identity.

These other parties will start to undercut the Republican base attracting more extreme people to these momentous fringe parties. We all saw what Nader did to the Democrats and what Ross Perot did to the Republicans. This news channel can over inflate confidence in these right fringe movements and unintentionally take away from a conservative base. When they begin to highlight many types of right extremes and no left groups, then all these right groups (with different agendas/terms/ideas) begin to take hold. They are all getting air time, all get rallies and are all after the same conservative base. For Dems, its simply a matter of “divide and conquer.” Republican leaders, supporters, libertarians and tea partiers are not friends—they are competitors. Its a single unified Democrat party going against a separated community.
Fox News doesn’t just stand to deteriorate conservative unity, it also has greatly alienated their base party, the Republicans. Fox has done a superb job of making one view look like everyone’s view. The station is geared to a right-wing audience and is equipped with slanted statistics, biased commentary and selective news exposure. If you were to watch Fox News for a week you could easily believe the Republicans should be ruling the world and the only people with the capacity to do so. And its that assumption and false confidence in an audience that isn’t there (adding 100,000+ supports to small rallies) that you begin to lose site of an effect message and strong leaders. In short you wind up with examples of over inflated confidence like this… A Republican "Purity Test" that violates moderates, undecided voters and people in your own pary (
Appealing to moderates and listening to American critiques is how the Democrats easily won the 2008 election. If every message is the best message, how do you find the most effective one? If every leader is the best leader, how do you weed out the weakest? If every conservative movement has 100,000+ supporters at their rallies, which one will garner the most actual support at the voting booth?
Criticism is good and constructive, make sure you listen to it. Republicans are being lied to and are ill prepared. They are navigate through a thick fog of false confidence, skewed numbers, poor leadership and inaccurate support.
Lack of "unpleasant truth" is something that many leaders had, and it is to their detriment.
For Part 2, click here
Yes, splinter movements. Republicans can lose there conservative voters to small groups and the party itself begins lose its identity.

These other parties will start to undercut the Republican base attracting more extreme people to these momentous fringe parties. We all saw what Nader did to the Democrats and what Ross Perot did to the Republicans. This news channel can over inflate confidence in these right fringe movements and unintentionally take away from a conservative base. When they begin to highlight many types of right extremes and no left groups, then all these right groups (with different agendas/terms/ideas) begin to take hold. They are all getting air time, all get rallies and are all after the same conservative base. For Dems, its simply a matter of “divide and conquer.” Republican leaders, supporters, libertarians and tea partiers are not friends—they are competitors. Its a single unified Democrat party going against a separated community.
Fox News doesn’t just stand to deteriorate conservative unity, it also has greatly alienated their base party, the Republicans. Fox has done a superb job of making one view look like everyone’s view. The station is geared to a right-wing audience and is equipped with slanted statistics, biased commentary and selective news exposure. If you were to watch Fox News for a week you could easily believe the Republicans should be ruling the world and the only people with the capacity to do so. And its that assumption and false confidence in an audience that isn’t there (adding 100,000+ supports to small rallies) that you begin to lose site of an effect message and strong leaders. In short you wind up with examples of over inflated confidence like this… A Republican "Purity Test" that violates moderates, undecided voters and people in your own pary (
Appealing to moderates and listening to American critiques is how the Democrats easily won the 2008 election. If every message is the best message, how do you find the most effective one? If every leader is the best leader, how do you weed out the weakest? If every conservative movement has 100,000+ supporters at their rallies, which one will garner the most actual support at the voting booth?
Criticism is good and constructive, make sure you listen to it. Republicans are being lied to and are ill prepared. They are navigate through a thick fog of false confidence, skewed numbers, poor leadership and inaccurate support.
Lack of "unpleasant truth" is something that many leaders had, and it is to their detriment.
Hitler, Stalin, and countless other dictators eventually came to live in fantasy worlds, which were finally shattered only by some reality-based event like a military invasion or revolution. One common aspect of nearly all dictatorships is that their leaders come to believe the "reports" of their own propaganda machines, namely, that the masses are happy, even if in reality they are desperate. Stalin, for example, believed his "Socialist Realism" films that depicted happy peasants singing in the fields, even though actual peasants were resorting to cannibalism trying to survive the man-made famine [caused when fearful underlings misinformation about the lagging productivity of the nations agriculture].Make sure to look at the "Dictators receive little accurate information," under the Dictatorship header, to show how inaccurate information is a killer to your party, here:
For Part 2, click here
Friday, January 15, 2010
This Just In: Pat Robertson... Crazy LONG Before Haiti's Earthquake

Pat Robertson: Haiti Needs Help, Not Stupidity
Pat Robertson... That is not God talking to you, that is Alzheimer's disease.
Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson should be put in chains and forced to work in Haiti
Call Pat Robertson 700 Club (800)759-0700 reply 2 his comments abt Haiti. Costs them $1 4 each 800 call.
There's a special room in hell being prepared for Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh.
Pat Robertson, why is your god so lazy? Surely he could have smited (smoten?) the Haitians earlier than 219 years later
Jon Stewart shows Pat Robertson how to be a better Christian.
Top Robertson Gaffes
VIEW MORE AT:,28804,1953778_1953776,00.html
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