Yes, splinter movements. Republicans can lose there conservative voters to small groups and the party itself begins lose its identity.

These other parties will start to undercut the Republican base attracting more extreme people to these momentous fringe parties. We all saw what Nader did to the Democrats and what Ross Perot did to the Republicans. This news channel can over inflate confidence in these right fringe movements and unintentionally take away from a conservative base. When they begin to highlight many types of right extremes and no left groups, then all these right groups (with different agendas/terms/ideas) begin to take hold. They are all getting air time, all get rallies and are all after the same conservative base. For Dems, its simply a matter of “divide and conquer.” Republican leaders, supporters, libertarians and tea partiers are not friends—they are competitors. Its a single unified Democrat party going against a separated community.
Fox News doesn’t just stand to deteriorate conservative unity, it also has greatly alienated their base party, the Republicans. Fox has done a superb job of making one view look like everyone’s view. The station is geared to a right-wing audience and is equipped with slanted statistics, biased commentary and selective news exposure. If you were to watch Fox News for a week you could easily believe the Republicans should be ruling the world and the only people with the capacity to do so. And its that assumption and false confidence in an audience that isn’t there (adding 100,000+ supports to small rallies) that you begin to lose site of an effect message and strong leaders. In short you wind up with examples of over inflated confidence like this… A Republican "Purity Test" that violates moderates, undecided voters and people in your own pary (
Appealing to moderates and listening to American critiques is how the Democrats easily won the 2008 election. If every message is the best message, how do you find the most effective one? If every leader is the best leader, how do you weed out the weakest? If every conservative movement has 100,000+ supporters at their rallies, which one will garner the most actual support at the voting booth?
Criticism is good and constructive, make sure you listen to it. Republicans are being lied to and are ill prepared. They are navigate through a thick fog of false confidence, skewed numbers, poor leadership and inaccurate support.
Lack of "unpleasant truth" is something that many leaders had, and it is to their detriment.
Hitler, Stalin, and countless other dictators eventually came to live in fantasy worlds, which were finally shattered only by some reality-based event like a military invasion or revolution. One common aspect of nearly all dictatorships is that their leaders come to believe the "reports" of their own propaganda machines, namely, that the masses are happy, even if in reality they are desperate. Stalin, for example, believed his "Socialist Realism" films that depicted happy peasants singing in the fields, even though actual peasants were resorting to cannibalism trying to survive the man-made famine [caused when fearful underlings misinformation about the lagging productivity of the nations agriculture].Make sure to look at the "Dictators receive little accurate information," under the Dictatorship header, to show how inaccurate information is a killer to your party, here:
For Part 2, click here
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