Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Question (anyone may answer if they have the balls)

What does it take for true change?
Look at someone who has said they have changed. do people really change or is it just a development? Or does change really even exist, are we sadly ucapable of change as humans. Is a person just layered with experience and improved by time and alternate view points or can one actually have life changing experiences? In traumatic near experiences one can say that they had a life changing experiences. but are they just living off that past tramatic experince. i cant help but ask what truly causes change in that person, can there be something so drastic as to "change a human being" or deep down are we still the same, with the same problems that will eventually explode to the surface? One can look at other traumatic experience and see that a person can repress memories called 'hidden memory syndrome' (which has questionable validity) and theories about 'ego' and 'sub conscience.' do we all have moments of regression to our past selves or wants or desires or insecurities that can surface and effect us, if so can there be a way to stop it and actually "change" or is our past always present?

Monday, March 28, 2005


"If change comes easy, then it's vice also holds true that it will be easy to change back again." ~Brooklyn

Saturday, March 26, 2005


Happy Egg Hunting All!
Go rejoice, be happy. This is a holiday day of rebirth, and as such we are call by a progressive enviroment to revive and bloom. It should be the time to become learned and revent from the past, stregthen and revere for the present, and for the future we must painfully create and recreate, because true improvement is never effortless nor pleasurable.
It is the time to always aim toward a higer understanding, see through your motives, and try to attain core truth. Rebirth your mind and soul and your body will fallow. ~do more now that the days are are more long ~fallow this natural process of rejuvination ~use your heart to light thourgh the fog, your brain to guide, your body to move and your soul to lead when cloudy.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


"Some Peole are Born with Tragedy in Their Blood" ~Donnir Darko

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Looking for Anyone Who Knows Anything

How do you add links to your site?


i am still trying to create my blog! if you kno how to post or create a link please tell.

Monday, March 21, 2005

There will be more discussion of me

Oh My God... have i really been given the oppritunity to speak my mind on a publicly seen forum! Well let the begin-- or at least the spelling errors. i am sure all that will continue to read this will undoubtedly develope a loving taste for the bitter unedited truth or sarcasm :-)