Tuesday, January 29, 2008

tip of the iceberg?

I just read in Holland they are designing floatable villages with buoyant foundations to accommodate the rise of water levels caused by global warming. This reminded me of a question:
Water has 3 states solid, liquid, gas. Solid expands and gas evaporates into the atmosphere. The vast, frozen base of the iceberg is submerged, thus "the tip of the iceberg." So when the icebergs melt from their expansive state into a decreased volume liquid state shouldn't the sea level go down. Furthermore, when the temperature increases shouldn't it cause more evaporation in the tropics waters and thus causing more decreases in ocean levels. All this evaporation is what causes the weather pattern changes (El Nina, and El Nino). So, shouldn't the sea level fall?

This one time my roommate left a cola in the freezer and it blew up.... looked like somebody took a frozen crap in the fridge.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Looking Back: We will not forget Bush

Warning: this is just a stream of conscientiousness, not an edited piece

So the President gave his last State of the Union address. It is as if he must now plea with Democrats begging for 'bipartisanship.' But instead of watching, having seen a speech transcript ahead of time, i watched United93. If you haven't seen this movie yet you really should. It is a major recommendation. *****
This also reminds me of a must see documentary: No End In Sight, it was hugely informative. i watched it twice in one day. *****

But it also got me thinking about where this country has gone and how easily the public and press were distracted, the crisis at home and our international fall from grace. Looking back in the recent months of just Scooter Libby, the president’s inability to speak, Chaney's destruction of tapes, Mr. Gonzales, the CIA's rendition program, the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program, international stock markets and Blackwater. Our slow and steady sinking in a middle east quagmire amidst accusations of Imperialism, the admin.'s failure to stabilize Iraq and failure or to listen to military generals (the 'misunderestimated' number of troops in the surge, VA hospital here and reconstruction), violation of international treaties, and STILL NOT catching Osama BinLaden- but don't worry we got Saddam.
And still failing to fortify any oil ally (even through he just got back last week kissing Saudi ass). Which sparks my memory to the crooks and numerous Halliburton scandals, a company ran by Chaney(lack of fair biding in Iraq, 27.4 million which had grossly overcharged for the meals it supplies to the US military in Iraq, the overcharging of $6.3 million for fuel delivered to bases in Iraq and Kuwait, moving of its headquarters from US to Middle east Dubai, ect.), failure to adequately equip soldiers or fill troop positions and loosing vast allies over seas (France, Germany ect.), torture crimes, international crimes against humanity, United nations. but what about home issues like the 'Patriot Act' (my feelings are best summed up by Ben Franklin "Those who sacrifice freedom for safety deserve neither") and the plummeting economy, housing crisis and debt issues, FEMA and the debacle in regards to the destruction of a major US metropolitan area, New Orleans. There are only a handful of examples of major disasters striking US soil and this admin dropped the ball and continues to do so.
The failure to fill high-ranking positions has always been a sign of a lame duck presidency, like in the State Dept. or Justice's Dept., the firing or US attorneys and the heavy criticism of the No Child Left Behind (or no child left a dime). What about the shame the administration brought upon (not just the U.S., the public, the world arena) but also their own party? From the Republican stronghold and souring approval ratings to seeing the loss from the house and senate and even Bush being bullied by other high ranking R-congressmen to the lowest approval ratings in history. I can only remember a few years back or so I am looking for a complete list of Bush screw ups (there of course was the lying about his military service, avoiding the draft, debate on if actually won initially, Weapons of mass destruction ect. years ago). It's going to be a pet project of mine, watch out Buchanan and Harding.
A world view of Bush has taken the 'monkey likeness' to a new inhuman low in the UK paper The Gaurdian

"I'll let history be the judge" -Mr. Gorge W. Bush

"Go Fuck yourself" -V.P. Dick Chaney

*Remember these are just the general topics (the Reconstruction, tubes found in Iraq for "WMDs" given by faulty sources, toxic FEMA tailors and Halliburton all had numerous examples of scandal and violation the constitution and human rights) there was not enough room to go beyond the general topic.*

Thursday, January 24, 2008

State of Flux

I can't help but love this song in the state that i am in. everything is so up in the air i cant even see it and i just got done ending a relationship that wound up feeling like it was a lot more sinsere than it was innitally supposed to be. I am not one to mind being single what i do mind is letting go somebody who is actually date-worthy.
So, the idea for the video was cute but the execution was a little too power rangers for me, so just listen to the song insted.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Good 'Lesbo' Vibrations

nothing get my Birkenstock's bouncing like a catholic disco beat. . .

Cloverfeild -I's surprised the creature didnt sport a turbin

The movie was fine (doesn't really merit a review... total B movie) but there were a few thoughts. First, the movie begins with a bang fallowed by the Chrysler Building falling, then later in the film the building resurrects itself (3 quarters of the way through) when the team escapes from a 'tower of Pisa'-esq apartment. My second point being: the shameful exploitation of 9/11. Who in the audience didn't get flash backs or post dramatic stress syndrome watching the Chrysler building collapse inward shooting soot through the streets of New York? -Just not done in good taste if you ask me, but i guess who watches a creature feature to see class. Oh JJ.
If you walk into the theater knowing what it is you'll enjoy yourself and leave without too much depression, emotional attachment or thoughts provoked, which is what we all need from time to time (especially Oscar season). See it if your in the mood ******

for a better creature feature get The Host. this i did love. my advice get the subtitles not the voice over (it completely ruins the film). ******

Monday, January 21, 2008

Good Vibes

Because of some jobless insomnia i listen to some good news tunes:
the big club songs out right now are Justice's DANCE and Peter Bjorn, MIA's Paper plane and John Young's Folks.
Looking for a slow down look into Gregory Douglas (more for the lyrics than the voice), Feist (still love 1234) and Fine Frenzy (really big into Almost lover)
And news thats still on the low down, The Faint are back and recording ... excellent.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

HR 1955 -- Thought Crimes

you don't have to be a fan of Rosie by any means but remember her free speech is granted to her by the bill of rights, the same that allows me to post about her and the same that allows you to comment back.

"The use of furtherance of political or social objective"

The voice over brings up great points about the vague definitions of terrorism, the likelihood of abuse against speech and thought and, in a pure form, defends those. We all already know the freedoms of speech and market place of ideas, but i will take it one step further *not to endorse violence, but rather peaceful resolution and protest* the forefathers also did allow in the bill of rights to overthrow our government, violently if needed, and NOT considering it terrorism (remember, they over threw there tyrannically government).

In many ways, the forefathers of this nation also encouraged the people to rise up against the governmental and with verbal/mental/physical dissidence, thus, instilled rights, beyond just dissenting speech. Given for US citizens to use against an overbearing corrupted centralized government, the forefathers permanently allowed the right to: keep and bear arms; the freedom of assembly; there is once again also the fear of overbearing government with: the freedom to petition mean the rights to be free of unreasonable search and seizure; cruel and unusual punishment.

More horrifying beyond physical dissidence there is now measures to stop verbal dissidence... no, not even dissidence -- just fact stating, like our freedom of the press, or education or "force of a logical argument." ok, there are so many things wrong i have to quite and come back. beyond the violation and understanding of almost every right in the Bill of Rights this is just ridiculous. I can argue against the premises, but all the basic logical points, i mean "furtherance of a political objective" -isn't that our government in general, ironically, this thing enforcing the law... oh god head exploding -just watch the video again or i posted more in the comment box

Just some catching up

I am back. and to pick up where i left off here is old media... i called