Thursday, January 24, 2008

State of Flux

I can't help but love this song in the state that i am in. everything is so up in the air i cant even see it and i just got done ending a relationship that wound up feeling like it was a lot more sinsere than it was innitally supposed to be. I am not one to mind being single what i do mind is letting go somebody who is actually date-worthy.
So, the idea for the video was cute but the execution was a little too power rangers for me, so just listen to the song insted.


Anonymous said...

We were hoping for some romance
All we found was more despair
We must talk about our problems
We are in a state of flux

Derrick said...

decent song.

I actually thought Cloverfield was decent, but then again, I love JJ Abrahms. The Host was kind of stupid in my opinion.