Friday, May 12, 2006


ok, problems with london... it runs on like nebraska time, shops close at 6, most resturants close btwn 7-9 and pubs close at 10 while most clubs close at 1 or 2, ever thong is doubled in the £ (bad exchange rate) the busses try to run you over and the people i am going with are the worste clubbers out there! i have gone to 1 club in 1 night n I am thru. stupid striaght people (i dont know why so many gay men pretend to be, seriously it sux to be straight the only good thing ya'll have on ur side is the catholic church and even then u cant fuck) yea i want my friends here to GO TO A MUSEUM OR PALACE(i know its crazy here in Eng.) literally tonites entertainment is: drinking £2.00 beer in ur hotel rooms, i am not joking at all. this isnt Idaho, people here arnt fun and i dont know how to meet the locals. But us NE people are just used to doing that and its there comfort zone. i am fucking it all and walking aroud tinght. hope all is cool with you am spending way to much $ and being offer extasy out side of breeder bars. ill talk to you later i miss u guys.


Brooklyn said...

some cool things are, the museums are free and people here dont honk... they politely flash there lights.

BrianJames said...

Hey, but you're still in London. That's really not too shabby.