Friday, October 15, 2010

Top 10+ Activists Caught Being Gay:

Here is a short (and recent) list of anit-gay gay leaders. The ones who vote against gay legal rights, marriage, simple anit-bulling laws for children, and even adoption rights. These are the "wicked witches of the westvillege." ;-)

In the list are:

  • George Rekers
  • Pastor Eddie Long
  • Troy King
  • Richard Curtis
  • Ted Haggard
  • Glenn Murphy Jr.
  • David Dreier
  • Bruce Barclay
  • Roy Ashburn
  • Jim West
  • Larry Craig
  • Ed Schrock
  • Robert Allen
  • Mark Foley

Check it out here:

But it totally miss some of the others like Bush Campaign Manager Ken Mehlman, the handful of Ronald Reagan's gay advisors, Michael Bussee and Gary Cooper who worked in Exodus Gay Elimination (and left each other's wives to run away together), along with fellow former Exodus leaders Jeremy Marks and Darlene Bogle, each outted as gay or lesbian. Also, Focus on the Family's John Paulk, a well-known "ex-gay" public figure and Chairman of Exodus International, was removed by Exodus International Board of Directors due to his constant sex with other men. Washington's Spokane Mayor James West (R) an opponent of gay rights, went to court for accusations of having molested two boys while he was a sheriff's deputy and Boy Scout leader and came under investigation (2005) for offering municipal jobs to men he met in gay online chat rooms, or Republican Jeff Gannon admitted to being a $200/day gay prostitute in 2005. What about the men and women who would eat their own young-- like Dick Cheney who's daughter is gay, or Ronald Regan who's son is gay.

ESPN/CNN writer, LZ Granderson, had a wonderful article on this topic called: Closeted anti-gays are the enemy within.

"The gay and lesbian community has plenty of Uncle Toms trying to blow us up from inside, but what we don't have is our own word or phrase to identify them. Some call them "closet cases," but there is a difference between someone who is unwilling to live openly and honestly, and someone who takes that a step further and hurts those who do [...] People like Rekers, a Baptist minister who was paid to testify against gay adoption and travel the globe preaching that therapy can "cure" gay people, do not deserve the same sympathy given to those who are afraid of losing their jobs. Not when they consciously morph from being victims of homophobia to attack dogs eating their young."

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