Thursday, May 26, 2005

Afghanistan and Sexuality

It is just an interesting idea of a spartan society in Afghanistan, contry synonymous with strong religious restrictions and strict societal views. This kind of view throws one's world understanding in a loop. we are not over them... but rather at the same cross roads now. It also make one wonder how truly civilized our own culture is, more so, how socially advanced we think we are as opposed to what we actually are. It appears peculiar to me that other cultures that have just recently obtained freedom after a restrictive regime rule are approximately in the same personal/cultural faction and line of thought as we are, which have slowly 'developed' over years of triumph. Considering we have decades of person right expressions and cultural movements ahead of them that we still have not advanced as far was we should and development was an misapprehension of mere baby steps. These sexuality ideals might be basic and continuous in any culture including ours, (which is still at an infant state). Yet ours, however, we have only obtained the illusion of advancement (because we are, in many cases, on the same steps for freedom as these 'underdeveloped war torn' countries) rather than true invention and movement.

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