Sunday, September 04, 2005

Busy day: movie to watch, song to listen to, and a fact to know

A word to the wise, I so lament the fact of being told “we were such a cute couple.” It tends not to help the situation.
Well, it was an interesting day I was able to sleep in until 11:00 and woke up with the sun. I went and exercised then relaxed and ate some thia food. After that I watched a deep philosophical movie called What the Bleep do We Know (quick shout out, awesome movie) and sipped a glass of Hennessy Coniac, what else would you have to drink that would accompany such a movie with deep issues about the human body and its emotional spirit. After that I lounged and ate a hamburger and watched Family Guy. Through out the day I received condolences on my recent grievances which were much appreciated. Having people around right now is always good. Just someone to relate or even get things off my chest are always a relief and keep me mentally sane, not to mention it keeps me occupied, which is good, as to not allow my mind to wander into dark corners. Thank you. An interesting side effect of all this is that I have been given songs to listen too, here are some: Mariah Carey shake it off, Fatty Koo its over, Christina Agualra stronger and my favorite Cher this is a song for the lonely (this one was obviously Bryans). But the song I would suggest is Jem finally woke up, it shows my more positive attitude that I am maintaining from when I opened my eyes today.
Another interesting fact that I have learned is from the movie. Did you know it was documented that when Columbus slowly sailed his 3 missive vessels towards the Caribbean islands the indigenous people never noticed the substantial ships approaching to dock. It wasn’t until the wise shaman notice waves or ripples from the sea and traced them out ward. Only then after being told by the shaman did the people actually see the ominously large armada. Its amazing really, the power of denial is easily the strongest binding force we have.
“Matt I didn’t know things between us had gotten so bad” I had no reply to that statement because I too hadn’t realized how bad and how obvious things were, I had seen them but it took them being said by him for me to truly realize what was going on. I still can’t except he was a lair, deceiver, and would do all of this to me.


Derrick said...

A great flick. And, yes that fact was amazing to me. Furthermore, I love the idea that we aren't really anything but space. I mean, when they broke apart our molecules and atoms and nuclei (sp?), we find that we are just a bunch of space. Crazy huh?

Brooklyn said...

oh yea, even more so when they revealed that we never touch anything.. makes you rethink pain even. loved the movie.

Brooklyn said...

ps i luv ur "theres no crying in baseball coment"

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