Sunday, October 09, 2005


Haha, Texas Tech beat UNL... the Big Red can sock on the BIG One and it was an awsome game. those who know me know how unlikely it is for me to find watching footall very entertaining.


BrianJames said...
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Derrick said...

Oh my God Brian... my mother and I are always rooting for the underdog. Can we stop being clones of each other?

Brooklyn said...

yea, i am against lincoln so i am deleting you comments

BrianJames said...

oooohhhh, and the first amendment takes a beating. ok, ok, I despise lincoln too. but really the whole midwest, so.....

Brooklyn said...

whatever... i am the press and the 1st amendment means i get to do whatever the hell i want to do!

well, part of freedom of speech is choosing what to say and also what not to say. with press its a freedom to choose, what to publish and what not to bublish. the Media must edit