Wednesday, June 22, 2005


well, right now P.F. Changs is burning down and the only thing that i can think of is... who will save Mary Lou


BrianJames said...

wha ?!?!?!?!

Derrick said...

Holy Crap! I was thinking the same thing Brian. I love PF Chang's.
P.S. I'm a little tipsy now...

BrianJames said...

oh, i don't really care about pf changs, I was just saying, you know, 'wha?!?!?!?!?'.

Brooklyn said...

yaa for being tipsy, how fun it must be to be drunk in Vail... brian do u kno about mary lou, i must tell you some time, let just say i am not comfortable posting it. it has to do with riding the giant monglian house on the left side (aka ml) late at night... its a classic 'matt memory'