Tuesday, June 07, 2005

'The interseting propostion' revealed

yes titles are titles, and not much more. No, i dont believe in defining people and classifying them into a limited group but i do believe in talking about the person that i am with the freedom to not be forced to use cruel, odd terms. i personally have my reservations about the Kinsey scale (quite honestly find it false, but that is a whole other development). I would not comfortably classify or restrict, rather i want to merely inform. I want to allow for an understanding; a mere word that I can use instead of gay or queer. i have personally arrested any further language of bigots. a name that I have chosen is Spartan, though ridiculous sounding at first it fills in a lacking void. it should be no different than stating that one is a Unitarian (it is a word that helps illistate some belifes) or that you like coldplay (it shows taste, but not everything that you enjoy) a spartanite just shows, for me, what i like, similar to the other two, and does not need the restriction.
What this term means to me is the appreciation of the male body and mind. this, to me, does not show sex or limits appreciation of females, as the rest of the terms. but rather a position held that the male body is beautiful and can be appreciated. this should not mean that you are gay, bi or straight. this is more of a line of thought rather than a label. it is a strong phrase that one can use by those who are tired of gay. If you have ever written on a similar topic like this, reread and look at everything. look at the terms that you are using given by a sexually scared society. look at how many times you have to write gay or queer or homo because there is nothing else. Aren't you tired of using the word gay? do you know what these terms really mean. if you look at the writings there are words needed. ones that are not scared but strong. i only wanted a term that i can be proud of, a better word not a labels, not something named by a bigot or outside society. i want to write beautifully with out remorse of my vocabulary.
I am a little envious, lesbian is a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning. it is something with history and has a rich feminine culture. there is no lexis parallel to lesbian though the men are equal with the women in struggle and expression. i would merely want something that shows i am male and i am not afraid of the male body. i want a strong word so that i may write and fight and most importantly to inform. now this is not a catch all clarification, this could be over simplified and used as a title, but even if that dooms day scenario would come true and people would to use this new term as lingo- it still has strength. which would you rather use as a bigot 'queer', 'fag' or shout to you the name of warriors?
I want to be able to talk about myself, i want to be able to talk about what i like, how did queer become my best option? i dont want a lable, i want a revolution. i want to write and speak and i want people to know me, talk to me and to express themselves without the repress of deficient terminology, this is just freedom from convention, in my mind. the ability to have another person view me the way i want to be viewed. you may come up with what ever words you wish really, just see how easy it is to write positively without ignorant slang (like gay meaning happy or queer meaning out of place). to relinquish using those words shouldnt mean you need relinquish writing about whom you love or iconically admire, there needs to be a declaration, an idea. A 'Spartanite' is just my comfort quote, my line of thought or expression, so label this label however you please. come up with your own ideal, the groundwork has been set and the vocabulary is missing.
i want to talk about something that i can not, i am something that does not exist, i dont need a title, i need a conversation, i want a revolution of words.


BrianJames said...

hmmmm...ok. (unitarians don't really have any beliefs, at least the modern UU, but nevermind...) lots of things to process here. apparently you don't like the word gay. i suppose i don't either, but its what there is, and I just don't think that spartan is ever gonna catch on. now, i don't use any other word for gay - fag or queer or whatever. They are hateful words, yes. But, I guess that it's been my expereince that gay doesn't really have any negative connotations. What does the word Spartan tell you that gay doesn't. Or is it that you just want a special word like 'lesbian', our partners in the struggle, although I don't think that gay men and lesbians are on an equal footing at all. I'd much rather be a lesbian than a gay man. Better yet, I'd like to be straight. I love women. They're truly fucking awesome, but I am getting away from the point. Am I tired of using the word 'gay'? No more so thatn I am of using the word, boy, girl, male, female, Christian, infidel, black, white, etc....It is what there is. Is it that you are trying to get something a little more politically correct, or trying to placate yourself and make yourself feel better? Am I missing a key point here? Is it that lesbian conveys something more intimate, a love of female-oscity (I can make shit up), rather than gay, which is looked upon as merely sexual in nature. That sound like the old fundie arguments about gay is all about action and not about attraction or feeling. In other words if I were a woman and said I was a lesbian, that implies something more beautiful, as in I love women and their bodeis, and minds and everything about them. Whereas, if I said i was a woman and said I was mrely gay that would conjour up images of me going down on some chick or pulling out my strap on. I don't have a problem saying that I'm gay. I have not/do not/will not/ don't like/ using any other words like I'm queer, or I'm a fag or whatnot. Any group that is in the minority has words that are assigned to them usually by people that don't belong to that particular minority group. But, is it the fault of small minded people or of the group themselves that certain words become common place? Sorry for the randomness of this post, but I am first trying to understand whre it is you are coming from exactly.

Brooklyn said...

1)no this will never catch on (unless in a dooms day sort of way). this is my way of saying whom i like with out the conotation of gay. i dislike the term 'gay' it is only my term as a replacement for gay. infact i hope it does catch on so i may still use and not have to worry bout the cultural implications like fag.
2)no it is not a male lesbian, rather it is just my term confronting males- only alike to the fact that lesbian is female.
(i will confront female-oscity later)
most groups have been assinged names, that dosent mean that all that are in the group are goin to buy into it.
i am sorry brian for the confusion, this is actually a three folded idea, developed for 3 people (acutally four but whatever)
the first matter of lesbian is really sal, hi. this is and on going conversation between me and her, about the pride in the term lesbian. the second person whom it is for will never really read this. i debate on how best to say this. a teaspoon of sugar helps the medicine go down. this is for an ex, who i was able to call "spart" as a nick name. much like i came up with the term 'barely there bi' for laura, she was actaully able to admit being actracted to females(which i dont think people realize how huge it was, her being almost homophobic) later she was able to confide in me almost soley on female and was able to admit her being 'very bi'. that is a big deal for her, and gave a lot of mental ease. like laura i was able to allow him to say that he found men attractive, its rather heart breaking that you have to sweeten up the truth but it helped with his self realization plainly put. he didnt have to say queer he just said spart and he didnt have to do that with nervousness. he took a liking to the worrior i guess, it allowed him to understand a little more and was able to see a strong form of 'gay' rather than the form of gay written in rainbow across a skinny white boy ass.sorry you must understand it is semantics, but this word has an awsome history. it is there is they dont want to be called gay, and i cant blame them. but what can i say." it is just my comfort quote, my line of thought or expression" it is mine to be used by others, helps you get through the tough shit. it isnt to admit that your gay that is the tough thing, it is to admit to the deffintion of that, that you are a male that likes other males. this is just a nice frase
thirdly and probaly most impotantly it was gared towards you a little. it recently occured to me that i had not used the term spart around you, like i have around other people. the first post had been written a long time before i had a blog and was used by me. that was used as an explination for what had come about through long conversations with 'gay guys' who didnt want to be queens. the reason i am just now letting you know is it has slowly taken over my vocabulary, i enjoy that word more for reasons listed in the past than the term gay. i like what it has to say. now i dont need help admiting i am gay, but i do like its history and it allows me to be more free. i guess i came to the conclusion i dont have to use the terms set for me (like fem-ocity) maybe i am just buying into my own mental dielct. it was partly to let u know the meaning and reference. cause you will see more of it, but hopefully only from me :)

BrianJames said...

OK :)