Thursday, December 01, 2005


So, upon return i was striken with the worste case of food poisoning i have ever experienced. i was puking on ht hour every hour. i feel sorry for my roomate. on top of that i missed even more school and my PR group is trying to kick me out! you dont show up for 1 week and it all goes to hell with out me. it was also a messy situation as adam found out about John taking me and to him, although the funny thing was he wasnt really that mad at me because "well, i know for a fact you never had sex with him." but yes it was a welcome back to omaha with violent throwing up and reltionship rage issues that i would only expect here. at least i am well enought to type.
Advice of the Day: when constantly vomiting one must be sure to not become dehydrated, the easiest liquid to hold daown: apple juice. it also make the throwing up better because it taste the same going up as going down.


Derrick said...

yum... apple juice.

yeah, that was a gross story.

BrianJames said...

i'm sorry. hope you're feeling better. i promise we'll talk and hang out as soon as things die down and my precarious mental health stabalizes. things are a little too much now.