Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My Networkk?

so Logo debuts on Friday the 8th, i am not quite sure what to think of it. it sounds interesting, its a step into the public eye and a step towards normalsy, on the other hand it could be a shining failure and if it survives just plain annoying like MTV, VH1 (owned by the same company), or BET (also mintoity centered).i guess ill just have to wait and see, thoug i i must say, with a little glimps of optimism, my interest has been greatly peaked by the line up of thier documenteries.


Derrick said...

Is Omaha slated to recieve this program, or do you have a dish or something? I was under the impression that LOGO was going to only start in major metro areas like NY, LA, SF, etc.

P.S. The poem by EE Cummings is great!

BrianJames said...

An all gay network. hmmmmmmm. Don't really know what to think.